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MLOps คืออะไร ? ทําไมคนถึงวาดี Kamolphan Liwprasert (Fon)

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about:me FON Kamolphan Liwprasert Senior Machine Learning Engineer @Sertis Master in Computer Science student @GeorgiaTech Road to Data Engineer instructor @DataTH

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MLOps คืออะไร ?

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ML Machine Learning Operations Ops

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Slide 5 text นิยาม AI System แบบงาย ๆ AI System = * Software Engineering DevOps Data Engineering Data Science ML/AI Research ML Engineering Code + Model + DATA

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MLOps แตกตางจาก DevOps อยางไร? DevOps MLOps

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3 Levels of ML Software 1. Data ▸ Data Engineering Pipelines ▸ Data Quality is a key 🔑 2. Model ▸ Machine Learning Pipelines ▸ Train, Evaluate, Test 󰙤 3. Code ▸ Model Serving & Predictions ▸ Deployment strategies & Infra 🐳☁

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MLOps Continuous Training Continuous Monitoring CI/CD Concept drift Logging Canary Deployment A/B Testing Data-Centric AI vs Model-Centric AI Monitoring Healthcheck Testing Data Version Control Experiment Tracking Data Lineage Lifecycle Automation Data Quality Data Labeling Data Augmentation Train & Evaluate Model Versioning Model Serving & Deployment Optimization Error Reporting

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ทําไม ตองมี MLOps ? ? ? ?

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ทําไมคนเพิ่งมาพูดถึง MLOps

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Slide 11 text Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems Elements for ML systems

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Rule of Machine Learning Martin Zinkevich

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To make great products: do machine learning like the great engineer you are, not like the great machine learning expert you aren’t. Martin Zinkevich

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1 2 3 4 Benefit of MLOps Automate process ชวยลด Technical Debt ในระยะยาว ได Pipeline ที่ดี ทําให data scientist ทํางานรวมกันไดงาย ชวยลดความเสี่ยง และขอผิด พลาด human error ปรับปรุง และ Maintain ได งาย สามารถ scale ได

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เริ่มตนกับ MLOps ยังไงดี?

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Tools DVC (Data Version Control)

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Cloud Platforms Azure Machine Learning Amazon SageMaker Google Cloud AI Platform

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Concerns ● แตละ tool มี usecase ที่เหมาะสมของเครื่องมือแตละอยาง ⚒ ● Pricing $$$$ บาง tool มีคาใชจายคอนขางสูง 💸 ● Over-engineering : Perfect is the enemy of good

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เริ่มตนกับ MLOps - Beginner edition Empathize เรียนรูจาก pain Git VersionControl Docker Kubernetes CI/CD Programming!

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References & Resources ● MLOps ● Introducing MLOps, Mark Treveil and team (O’Reilly Media). ● Rules of Machine Learning, Martin Zinkevich ● Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems ● What Is MLOps?, Nvidia ● A Chat with Andrew on MLOps: From Model-centric to Data-centric AI, Andrew Ng ● Let’s talk about MLOps, Christian Barra ● MLOps: Continuous delivery and automation pipelines in machine learning, Google Cloud -pipelines-in-machine-learning ● Awesome-mlops, visenger (on GitHub) ● CML, powered by DVC

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Q & A 💬

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Thank you 😃 Feedback is a gift 🎁 Sertis is hiring 󰠁 Road to Data Engineer course 🎓 *ลด 5% ถึงเที่ยงคืนวันที่ 28 มี.ค.นี้