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Strengthening Capabilities 1 to Mitigate Threats from External API Integration

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2 Hello world Meet whatever application

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3 Hello world There’s an API for that, too.

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4 Introduction API Rise = f(micro-services, cloud, lambda, mobile, SaaS) Risk = x * API Rise + y

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5 Hello world Hey, I’m Xavier Bruhiere Head of Data Engineering at Lazada Logistics 4 50 120 8000 pax Companies I wrote API for

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6 Introduction Mitigate 80% of the threats in 20% of the effort -- Vilfredo Pareto, maybe

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7 1. Emerging threats 2. Monitoring API Activities 3. Analysing API transactions AGENDA

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01 Emerging threats 8

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9 Threats Poor implementation API side 1. Broken Object level authorization 2. Broken User authentication 3. Excessive data exposure 4. Lack of resources and rate limiting 5. … OWASP Security top 10

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10 Threats Data leakage API side • Repurpose • Data breach • Access leakage • Inference • Misunderstanding

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11 Threats Negligence Client side Trust

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12 Threats Performance Business side Reliance/Lock-in Out of your control bottleneck Graceful downgrade

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13 If something can go wrong It will -- Murphy’s law Threats

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14 MVP strategy Threats

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02 Monitoring API activities in real-time 15

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16 Real-time alerting 1. What is business-as-usual # Status code # Signature # Rate limit # Volumes # API envelope # Response format # Latency # Headers # IP

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17 Real-time alerting 2. An architecture Exporter Prometheus Airflow API Grafana Alertmanager

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18 On-duty recipe Real-time alerting About 50% culture / 50% technical Visibility: store everything, have context Trust: filter the noise Layers: have sound channels and fair escalation Iterate: blameless post-mortems

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03 Analysing API transactions and implementing smart alerts 19

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20 Analysis More monitoring Rampant attack Gradual degradation Silent violation System glitches Single action with large impact

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21 Analysis Let’s build it!

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22 Requirements Development Storage Normalize Platform Offline storage For expensive analysis Relevant properties Known schema In-house/vendor? Analysis Users Scanning Exploration Debugging

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23 Real-time alerting An architecture Exporter Airflow API Prometheus

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24 Real-time alerting An architecture Exporter Airflow API Prometheus

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25 Smart Alerting Development Analysis Smart detection Anomalies detection algorithm Pattern detection, like bots or failures Database of known threats Critical data failure Smart notification First doubt: log Consistent issue: notify Known breach: wake up # Be transparent and cautious

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26 Keep up With threats Monitor Take action Wrapping Up

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27 Thanks Deal with it

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