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Elastic 2.0 Everything you need to know Christoph Wurm – Solutions Architect @ Elastic Nov 26, 2015 Twitter: @elastic

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Slide 2 text 1 Agenda 1. Elastic and Elastic Stack 2. Elastic 2.0 3. Use Cases from the field 4. Stuff 5. Q&A

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Slide 3 text 2 Community 40,000 Community members 35,000 Commits

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Slide 4 text 3 Downloads Mar’15 Oct’12 Apr’13 Apr’14 Oct’13 20. Millions of Downloads 10. 40+ Million Downloads Cumulative across Elastic products to date Jun’15 40. Sept’14

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Slide 5 text Elastic proprietary and confidential. Please do not share or forward. 4 Elastic stack Logstash Collect, parse and enrich data Elasticsearch Store, search, analyze Kibana Visualize and explore data Hadoop Ecosystem Hadoop connector Beats Tap into your wire data Shield Security Watcher Scheduler Marvel - Monitoring Found Scale in the cloud

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elasticsearch 2.0

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Slide 7 text 6 elasticsearch 2.0 • Networking • multicast removed (available as plugin) • will only bind to localhost by default, both ipv4 and ipv6 • new unicast node discovery § will contact hosts listed in (should contain all master nodes) § using first 5 ports in transport.tcp.port (default 9300-9400)

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Slide 8 text 7 elasticsearch 2.0 • New feature: Pipeline aggregations • “Aggregations on the results of other aggregations” • Derivatives • Moving average • Holt Winters (prediction / anomaly detection) • Stats: Min/Max/avg • Custom

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Slide 9 text 8 elasticsearch 2.0 • Moving average

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Slide 10 text 9 elasticsearch 2.0 • Linear trends

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Slide 11 text 10 elasticsearch 2.0 • Cyclic trends (Holt-Winters)

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Slide 12 text 11 elasticsearch 2.0 • New Features • Pipeline Aggregations • Query DSL/Doc Improvement • Index Compression – 10-30% • Performance & resilience • Lucene 5.2 • Update Cluster State with diffs • Doc_values by default • Sync-flush (1.6+) • Better handling for node-leave/rejoin (1.7+) • Durability-by-default • Async shard allocation (1.6+) • Breaking Backward Compatibility • Facets, Rivers – removed • Zen discovery improvements – FULL CLUSTER RESTART • Type mappings are now strict • Index segments created before ES .90.0 must be upgraded • Migration Assistant • Units are required in settings

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kibana 4.2

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Slide 14 text Elastic proprietary and confidential. Please do not share or forward. Dark theme Customizable maps Apps kibana 4.2: customizability

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Slide 15 text Elastic proprietary and confidential. Please do not share or forward. Dark theme Offline/customizable maps Apps kibana 4.2: custom maps

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Slide 16 text Elastic proprietary and confidential. Please do not share or forward. Dark theme Offline/customizable maps Apps kibana 4.2: apps

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Slide 17 text 16 kibana migration • Kibana 4 to Kibana 4.2 • Support for Elasticsearch 2.x • Not backward-compatible with Elasticsearch 1.x • Dashboards are automatically migrated • Kibana 3 EOL is Nov 2015

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logstash 2.0

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Slide 19 text 18 logstash • logstash 2.0 • compatible with Elasticsearch 2.0 • HTTP as default transport protocol • Better shutdown process § all input plugins need to be adapted

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beats 1.0

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Slide 21 text 20 beats 1.0

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Slide 22 text 21 demo

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use cases

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Slide 24 text Elastic proprietary and confidential. Please do not share or forward. 23 Elasticsearch @ Stagemonitor

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Slide 25 text Elastic proprietary and confidential. Please do not share or forward. 24 Mapping { "template": "stagemonitor-metrics-*”, "settings": { "index": { "refresh_interval": "5s” } }, "mappings": { "_default_": { "dynamic_templates": [ { "strings": { "match": "*”, "match_mapping_type": "string”, "mapping": { "type": "string", "doc_values": true, "index": "not_analyzed" } } } ], "_all": { "enabled": false }, "_source": { "enabled": false },

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Slide 26 text Elastic proprietary and confidential. Please do not share or forward. 25 Mapping (cont.) "properties": { "@timestamp": { "type": "date", "doc_values": true }, "count": { "type": "integer", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "m1_rate": { "type": "float", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "m5_rate": { "type": "float", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "m15_rate": { "type": "float", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "max": { "type": "integer", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "mean": { "type": "integer", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "mean_rate": { "type": "float", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "median": { "type": "float", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "min": { "type": "float", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "p25": { "type": "float", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "p75": { "type": "float", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "p95": { "type": "float", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "p98": { "type": "float", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "p99": { "type": "float", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "p999": { "type": "float", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "std": { "type": "float", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "value": { "type": "float", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "value_boolean": { "type": "boolean", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" }, "value_string": { "type": "string", "doc_values": true, "index": "no" } }

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Slide 27 text Elastic proprietary and confidential. Please do not share or forward. 26 Force merge $ curator optimize --delay 2 --max_num_segments 1 indices --older- than 1 --time-unit days --timestring %Y.%m.%d --prefix stagemonitor- metrics- • Force merge – optimize for long-term storage by merging Lucene segments on disk – happens automatically on writes – run manually after 24-48 hours – CPU intensive operation, run during off-peak hours Post Optimize: 2.2 GB => ~510 MB

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Slide 28 text Elastic proprietary and confidential. Please do not share or forward. 27 Elasticsearch @ MozDef SIEM with-the-elk-stack?q=mozilla Defender’s version of Metasploit and others Used in production at Mozilla, processes over 300M events per day Geolocate attackers Alerts Handle incidents in real time, collaborate with other administrators Integrates with other systems, e.g. to ban IP address ranges

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Slide 29 text Elastic proprietary and confidential. Please do not share or forward. 28 Dashboard

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Slide 30 text Elastic proprietary and confidential. Please do not share or forward. 29 Incident Handling

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Slide 31 text Elastic proprietary and confidential. Please do not share or forward. 30 Winter is Coming!

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Slide 32 text Elastic proprietary and confidential. Please do not share or forward. 31 MozDef Architecture

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Slide 34 text 33 Training schedule Operations, Hands-On Workshop AMSTERDAM, Netherlands December 1-4, 2015 Development, Operations MADRID, Spain January 19-21, 2016 Development, Operations, Kibana BERLIN, Germany January 25-28, 2016 Development, Operations, Hands- On Workshop COPENHAGEN, Denmark January 26-29, 2016 PARIS, France February 2016 LONDON, United Kingdom February 2016 AMSTERDAM, Netherlands February 2016 LONDON, United Kingdom February 2016

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Slide 35 text 34 Elastic{ON} 2016 $995 Early Bird Price until next Wednesday, Dec 2 (afterwards $1495)

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Slide 36 text 35 demo timelion

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