Slide 13
Slide 13 text
피드백의 기술
Start by stating the purpose of the feedback session
“I want to have a discussion about…” ; “I wanted to share some thoughts on…” ; “I wanted us to together evaluate…”
Give feedback on strengths
State the facts: “I have observed that…” ; “The report that you prepared was…” ; “The initiative that you
undertook...”; “You did a great job at…” +Illustrate why it was good
State what effect it had, e.g., you felt inspired, motivated, clients were happy, stakeholders were appreciative:
“It made me feel…” ; “This resulted in…”: “The feedback we got on this was…”
Reinforce the positive behavior: “I recommend you to continue doing… / do more of this… / build on this
strength...” ; “Could you coach me/the team on…”
Give feedback on development areas
State the facts: “On the other hand, there are a few areas that I feel you could consider working on. I have
observed that…” ; “During the meeting I noticed that…” ; “However, while working together I observed that”
State what effect it had, e.g., you felt intimidated, confused, clients were unhappy, stakeholders were
dissatisfied: “It made me feel…” ; “This resulted in…”: “The feedback we got on this was…”
Make a recommendation going forward: “My recommendation to you is…” ; “In order to address this I suggest
you…” ; “You might find it helpful to try doing…” ; “In future you might want to avoid...”
Pause; Listener to acknowledge and ask any clarifying questions if any
Thank the person (applies to both)