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By Thijs Feryn

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3 statements

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Slow websites suck

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Web performance is an essential part of the user experience

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Down Slowdown ~ downtime

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Performance != Scalability

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Performance: speed

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Scalability: constant speed with increasing load

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Hi, I’m Thijs

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I’m @ThijsFeryn on Twitter

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I’m an Evangelist At

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I’m a at board member

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What’s the problem?

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The context

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✓Tremendously popular ✓Even the big boys use it ✓Not the best code ✓It does the job ✓Powered by the LAMP stack The context: Wordpress

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Identify slowest parts

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Optimize database

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✓More RAM ✓Faster disks ✓More database servers ✓Master-slave replication ✓Read/write splitting (HyperDB) ✓Query/Object caching (Redis) Optimize database

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Optimize runtime

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✓More RAM ✓Faster disks ✓More/faster CPUs ✓More servers ✓OPCache ✓PHP-FPM ✓Recent PHP version ✓HHVM or PHP 7? ✓Nginx or Apache? Optimize runtime

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Optimize code

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After a while you hit the limits

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Optimize database Optimize runtime A void A void

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Don’t recompute if the data hasn’t changed

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3 x 2 = ?

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✓WP Supercache ✓W3 Total Cache ✓Wordfence Cache ✓WP Rocket Wordpress caching?

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✓WP Supercache ✓W3 Total Cache ✓Wordfence Cache ✓WP Rocket Wordpress caching? Forget about those* *sometimes

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Normally User Server

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With Varnish User Varnish Server

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No content

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Stores HTTP output in memory

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Respects cache-control headers

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For page caching

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Could be thousands of times faster

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There are rules

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✓Only GET & HEAD ✓No authorization headers ✓No cookies ✓No set-cookies ✓Valid cache-control/expires headers When does Varnish cache? Some rules …

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Dealing with state

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Varnish Configuration Language

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✓ Remove all cookies & set-cookies from static assets ✓ Remove all tracking cookies ✓ Don't cache if wordpress_ or comment_ cookies are present ✓ Or just remove all non-Wordpress cookies ✓ Don't cache wp-login or wp-admin pages ✓ Don't cache preview pages ✓ Normalize URL ✓ Anonimize HTTP output ✓ Provide PURGE logic Required VCL changes

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vcl 4.0; import std; backend default { .host = ""; .port = "8080"; .max_connections = 300; .first_byte_timeout = 100s; .connect_timeout = 10s; .between_bytes_timeout = 5s; } acl purge { ""; "localhost"; ""; "::1"; } sub purge_regex { ban("obj.http.X-Req-URL ~ " + req.url + " && obj.http.X-Req-Host == " +; } sub purge_exact { ban("obj.http.X-Req-URL == " + req.url + " && obj.http.X-Req-Host == " +; } sub purge_page { set req.url = regsub(req.url, "\?.*$", ""); ban("obj.http.X-Req-URL-Base == " + req.url + " && obj.http.X-Req-Host == " +; }

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Make Varnish aware of Wordpress

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Slide 48 text ThijsFeryn/ aabd6d7ed425fb6614279e836d 9848c5 Download VCL here

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Control Time To Live

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sub vcl_backend_response { set beresp.ttl = 3h; } Control Time To Live

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Header set Cache-Control "public, max-age=3600" Header set Cache-Control "public, s-maxage=2592000" Control Time To Live Apache .htaccess

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add_header Cache-Control “public, s-maxage=3600;” Control Time To Live Nginx vhost config

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Slide 54 text plugins/varnish-http-purge/ Plugin that hooks into the CMS Invalidates cache

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Performing the purge curl -XPURGE "" Wordpress does this internally Uses VCL logic at the Varnish end

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URLs to purge / /category/uncategorised/ /author/admin/ /hello-world/ /feed/atom/ /feed/rdf/ /feed/rss/ /feed /comments/feed/ /hello-world/feed/ Example

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sub vcl_deliver { if (obj.hits > 0) { set resp.http.X-Cache = "HIT"; } else { set resp.http.X-Cache = "MISS"; } } Debugging

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Varnishlog Varnishtop Varnishncsa Monitor Varnish behaviour

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What about SSL/TLS?

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Varnish does not support SSL/TLS

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You have to terminate SSL/TLS yourself

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Varnish 4.1 supports PROXY protocol

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✓HAProxy ✓Hitch ✓Stud ✓Nginx SSL offloader

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Offload SSL User Varnish Server SSL offloader

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User SSL offloading & load balancing Varnishes Servers Load balancer + SSL offloader HAProxy loadbalancers

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Make Wordpress protocol aware define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https'){ $_SERVER['HTTPS']='on'; } Header set by SSL offloader

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What about

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✓Object caching ✓Session storage ✓Stanalone ✓Replicated ✓Clustered Redis

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Consistent state When loadbalancer switches to another server

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Cheers, hope this helps!

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Don’t recompute if the data hasn’t changed

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No content