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HTTP2 is web performance candy Clay Smith, New Relic @smithclay Forward 4 Web Technology Summit - February 10, 2016

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This talk covers Introduction to the HTTP/2 protocol for web people How HTTP/2 changes web performance best practices Practical HTTP/2 debugging

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Slide 4 text Hypertext Transfer Protocol (often abbreviated to HTTP) is a communications protocol. It is used to send and receive webpages and files on the internet.

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HTTP 1.1 is nearly 20 years old It's the main application protocol of the information superhighway

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HTTP 1.1 User-Agent: You telnet 80 GET / HTTP/1.1

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CyberTrend #1: We keep writing more JavaScript 10/2010 1/2016

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CyberTrend #2: More bytes over the wire 10/2010 1/2016

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We're in the "Website Obesity Crisis" CC SA A

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HTTP 1.1 is still partying like it's 1997 "It's king of the web" - Not from Titanic

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SPDY became HTTP2 Ratified by the IETF in May 2015 ~62% global browser support

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HTTP2,explained with candy CC SA A

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Communication over a single TCP connection (sans TLS)

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HTTP/2 has many streams Request Message A stream is bi-directional with one or more messages, an ID, and priority Response Message

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Messages are composed of frames, the "fundamental unit" of HTTP/2 FRAME (DATA) Frames have different types and are blended. They are reassembled into messages using the stream ID. FRAME (DATA) FRAME (DATA)

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What changes in web perf best practices CC0

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Aside: Latency and physics Source Destination Great Circle Distance Speed in Fiber (mm 50µm) SFO London 5,375 mi 42 ms SFO Tokyo 5,124 mi 40 ms SFO Auckland 6,516 mi 51 ms SFO Capetown 10,124 mi 79 ms HTTP can't travel faster than the speed of light.

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TCP Multiplexing is a big deal Multiple messages can share the same TCP connection without blocking each other or creating additional connections.

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Goodbye old web performance hacks • Domain sharding • CSS Concatenation • JavaScript Concatenation • Inlining assets (including Base64 encoding)

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Unbundle and cache the little files

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Beware Compression performance may be impacted with hundreds of small files. js-packaging-http2.htm

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Header Compression • Headers are compressed in HTTP/ 2. • Uses the HPACK algorithm (part of the HTTP/2 standard) • Reduced overall request size

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Important: HTTPS is required

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Determine HTTP2 support using TLS $ openssl s_client -servername - connect -nextprotoneg '' CONNECTED(00000003) Protocols advertised by server: h2, spdy/3.1, http/1.1 TLS extension called Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) that determine what application protocol to use. Must use OpenSSL > 1.0.2.

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Free certificate advice Personal Business Might want to get an extended validation (EV) certificate? Check out CC CC

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Not discussed • Streams: very cool (server-side push) • Request prioritization • Exotic HTTP/2 binary frame types (PING, RESET) • Further reading:

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Practical debugging with Wireshark 2 CC

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Capture secret keys from Firefox or Chrome $ export SSLKEYLOGFILE=~/Desktop/tls_fun.log $ open -a Google\ Chrome https:// Good tutorial on this: traffic-with-wireshark-the-easy-way/ Step 1

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Point Wireshark to the log file Step 2

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Filter traffic on port 443 Step 3

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Debug all the frames Step 4

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Simpler option + blog/2015/11/28/ chrome-http2-log- parser View frames directly in Chrome

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What about old clients? Build for HTTP/2 browsers? Wait for broader support? Two versions of the site? Difficult questions when implementing HTTP/2.

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How do I eat this candy Backends must be updated (if possible)

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I want to eat this candy faster CDNs can talk HTTP/2 to browsers that support it. Origin CDN Browser HTTP 1.1 HTTP/2

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Adoption Trends Usage by site traffic Total usage HTTP/2 isn't as popular as... ETag compression Source:

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CC People just want the web to be fast and work HTTP/2 will likely help when correctly implemented.

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HTTP2 is sweet (and thanks Slides posted in ~30 seconds on @smithclay + #forwardjs Blog post: