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All about linking libraries How to solve import/link errors

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How do you use libraries or frameworks in Swift project?

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Dragging to Embedded Binaries

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Import frameworks without modules (Some ObjC vendored frameworks)

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Dynamic vs Static w/ Bundle vs wo/Bundle Static Library (*.a) Static Framework (*.framework) Dynamic Framework (*.framework) Dynamic Library (*.dylib)

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with Bundle without Bundle Static Linking Dynamic Linking Dynamic vs Static w/ Bundle vs wo/Bundle Static Library Static Framework Dynamic Library Dynamic Framework

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Anatomy of linking libraries or frameworks

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How to make available external frameworks/libraries in Swift • Import the framework/library from your app or framework • Link the framework/library to your app or framework

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How Swift import frameworks/libraries

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What need to import libraries into Swift?

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Frameworks can contain modules

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Some frameworks don't have modules

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Any Library doesn't have modules Static Library (*.a) Dynamic Library (*.dylib)

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Anatomy: importing libraries or frameworks

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How to import frameworks • Does the framework has modules? Yes: => Set parent directory of the framework to Framework Search Paths

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Set parent directory of the framework to Framework Search Paths

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How to import frameworks • Does the framework has modules? No: • Do you try to import the framework to your app? Yes: => a) Create module map. b) Create bridging header. No: => Create module map.

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a) Bridging Header

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a) Bridging Header

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a.) Bridging Header

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b) Module Map

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b) Module Map

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b) Module Map module Marketo { umbrella header "../../Frameworks/Marketo.framework/Headers/Marketo.h" export * module * { export * } }

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b.) Module Map

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Import libraries

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How to import libraries • a) Create bridging header. • b) Create module map.

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Import libraries

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a) Bridging Header

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b) Module Map module WebPDecoder { header "include/decode.h" header "include/types.h" }

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Anatomy: linking libraries or frameworks

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How to link frameworks • Is the framework dynamic framework? Yes: => Copy the framework into the app bundle => Set parent directory of the framework to Framework Search Paths => Set -framework to Other Linker Flags No: => Set parent directory of the framework to Framework Search Paths => Set -framework to Other Linker Flags e.g.) -framework KeychainAccess

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Link dynamic frameworks

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Copy frameworks into app bundles

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Link frameworks

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How to link libraries • Is the library dynamic library? Yes: => Set parent directory of the framework to Library Search Paths => Copy the library into the app bundle No: => Set parent directory of the framework to Library Search Paths => Set -l to Other Linker Flags e.g.) -lwebpdecoder

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Link libraries

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You might see... => Correct module map => Make sure Header Search Paths is correct

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Recap • The processes of making external libraries available in the Swift project. => Import and Linking • Errors on importing => Module maps, Framework/Library Search Paths, Import Paths • Errors on linking => Module maps, Framework/Library Search Paths, Static or Dynamic • Errors on runtime => "Copy Files" Build phase

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Resources • • • •