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Building an Application Platform of the Future OpenShift Commons Gathering KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America Chicago, November 6, 2023 Shailesh Shenoy Assistant Dean for Einstein Information Technology [email protected]

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Albert Einstein College of Medicine • Research Intensive Medical School in The Bronx, New York > Our mission is to prepare a diverse body of students to become knowledgeable, compassionate physicians and innovative scientific investigators, and to create new knowledge • ~1,900 Faculty & ~1,100 Students • 225 Postdoctoral Fellows • >9,000 Alumni • Research Funding Primarily from the National Institutes of Health > >$200M, ~250 labs

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Vision for Technology in Academic Biomedical Research • Innovate for the future of research • Focus on education and groundbreaking academic research • Balancing academic openness and cybersecurity • Reducing administrative overhead • Lower costs without compromising quality • Requires: modern, flexible, and responsive solutions | 2

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Challenge: Keeping Pace with Innovation | 3 See: • Traditional IT systems are challenged in a high-paced research environment • We never know when a researcher’s moment of inspiration will happen • Need rapid and scalable solutions … a responsive platform

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Why Modernize? • Alignment with Einstein IT strategy for meeting the needs of researchers • Composable technology: tailored services at the pace of innovation • Overall benefit of moving to containerization: Scalability, Speed, and Cost-Effectiveness > Resource efficiency > Portability across environments > Microservices architecture > Higher development productivity > Simpler configuration management > Dense deployment capabilities > Better for cloud computing • Turnkey container solution built with Red Hat OpenShift and IBM Fusion HCI | 4

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Adhering to Standards and Compliance • NIH mandate to improve research data management & sharing • Need to demonstrate reproducibility of studies, including the computational methods • Adhering to principles of FAIR > Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability of data objects • Containers are built to address the need for sharing computational methods | 5

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Democratizing IT and Data Services • Simplify the infrastructure to make advanced IT resources accessible to all researchers and their workflows • Traditional scheduled batch job HPC for certain research have limitations • Shifting to a more adaptable and less complex infrastructure | 6

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Improving IT and Data Services • Today’s Containerization was yesterday’s ‘Open Source’ > Post docs can download research applications in a container > No longer need to download/find dependencies/compile and hope for the best > Research can focus on their Research • If you are running an HPC, you are either providing Container support, or your users are running “Docker Under their Desk” – and avoiding all IT benefits and controls | 7

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Data Provenance • Scale/QRadar allows a full audit trail of the researcher’s HPC work • It documents when/where their pipelines are run and on what data • This will establish data provenance • A Containerized applications and the Researcher’s data for a project can now be archived, and the organization can meet grant requirements for data retention and sharing | 8

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Why Data Resiliency is Important to Life Sciences Our product is intellectual property A data breach would additionally cost: • Lost opportunities: • publications • training • competitiveness for grant funding • Institutional Reputation • Potential Exfiltration of Protected Information | 9

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Einstein’s Compute & Storage High Availability Solution Red Hat OpenShift with IBM Fusion HCI | 10 Data Center 1 High Speed Low Latency WAN Red Hat OpenShift Two Site HA Stretch Cluster Applications and Data always available IBM Fusion HCI Red Hat OpenShift IBM Fusion HCI Application Failover Data Failover Data Center 2

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Einstein’s Single Namespace, High Value Tiering Solution Red Hat OpenShift with IBM Fusion HCI | 11 Data Center 1 High Speed Low Latency WAN Red Hat OpenShift IBM Fusion HCI Red Hat OpenShift IBM Fusion HCI Data Center 2 Cross-site Archive with Global Namespace

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Einstein’s Backup & Disaster Recovery Solution Red Hat OpenShift with IBM Fusion HCI | 12 Data Center 1 High Speed Low Latency WAN Red Hat OpenShift IBM Fusion HCI Data Center 2 Red Hat OpenShift IBM Fusion HCI Data Center 3 Long Distance WAN Red Hat OpenShift

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A Platform for Continuous Improvement • Replacing enterprise virtualization to improve operations and lower cost • Automation with integration with our ITSM system • Achieving deeper integration with cybersecurity infrastructure automation | 13

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Acknowledgements • Thank you > OpenShift Commons Gathering > Linux Foundation > RedHat > IBM > Success comes from strong partnerships with world-class service | 14