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C# Cookware Manuel Pais CukeUp! London 3rd Apr 2014

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Agenda Prelude An Ancient World Forget Physical Laws Layered World Parallel Worlds

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Test .NET Code with Specflow

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Test .NET Code with Specflow Drive a Windows App Using White

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Test .NET Code with Specflow Drive a Windows App Using White Test Windows GUIs with AutoIt

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An Ancient World

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Not for everyone

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For some many of us this is more accurate…

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Our context

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Do desktop applications still make sense?

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IF you have to integrate with low-level SDKs And…

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IF client app requires low latency IF you have to integrate with low-level SDKs And…

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AND your stress tests look like this…

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Forget Physical Laws

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Test automation with physical devices ?!

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Not great to maintain…

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char[] start_scan() char[] capture() char[] scan_finger()

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Plain Old Interfaces

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byte[] start_scan();

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byte[] start_scan();

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Decoupled Development x. Device Integration y. Application Biometric Logic

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Decoupled Development x. Device Integration y. Application Biometric Logic

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Decoupled Development x. Device Integration y. Application Biometric Logic

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byte[] start_scan();

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byte[] start_scan();

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byte[] start_scan();

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byte[] start_scan();

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Requires: Categorized Test Data Supports: Randomization

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Requires: Categorized Test Data Supports: Randomization

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byte[] start_scan();

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Virtual Fingerprint Scanner

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Given a complete Visa application When I capture 4 valid fingerprints Then application is sent for approval Virtual Fingerprint Scanner

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Given a complete Visa application When I capture 4 valid fingerprints Then application is sent for approval Virtual Fingerprint Scanner

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Given a complete Visa application When I capture 4 valid fingerprints Then application is sent for approval Virtual Fingerprint Scanner

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Given a complete Visa application When I capture 4 valid fingerprints Then application is sent for approval Virtual Fingerprint Scanner

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Given a complete Visa application When I capture 4 valid fingerprints Then application is sent for approval Virtual Fingerprint Scanner

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Given a traveler leaving the country When 1 finger is missing Then emigration supervisor is called Virtual Fingerprint Scanner

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Forget Physical Laws Problem Automate testing of applications using physical devices Ingredients • Common interface for similar devices • Virtual device implementation for that interface • Categorized test data repository • Test data sampler

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Layered World

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Reusable core modules but Many customizations and Specific client requirements ?

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Reusable core modules but Many customizations and Specific client requirements ?

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Reusable core modules but Many customizations and Specific customer requirements ?

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Plain Old Layers

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Low level UI automation across all apps

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Low level UI automation across all apps

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Low level UI automation across all apps Module “object” automation

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Low level UI automation across all apps Module “object” automation

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Low level UI automation across all apps Module “object” automation Application logic automation

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Low level UI automation across all apps Module “object” automation Application logic automation

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Low level UI automation across all apps Module “object” automation Application logic automation

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Application Driver DSL

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Given a traveler entering the country When I capture all biometric data And no alarms are raised Then travel is allowed Application Driver DSL

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Given a traveler entering the country When I capture all biometric data And no alarms are raised Then travel is allowed Application Driver DSL

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Given a traveler entering the country When I capture all biometric data And no alarms are raised Then travel is allowed Application Driver DSL

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Layered World Problem Automate testing of reusable client modules with project customizations and specific requirements Ingredients • Specflow (Cucumber family) • White (GUI automation) • Layered test code: pure UI + module + application DSL

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Parallel Worlds

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Multiple public-facing interfaces GUI vs API

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Multiple public-facing interfaces GUI vs API

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Multiple execution alternatives GUI objects vs Keyboard shortcuts

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Multiple execution alternatives GUI objects vs Keyboard shortcuts

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Plain old Dependency Injection

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FingerprintsUI FingerprintsShortcuts … IFingerprints

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FingerprintsShortcuts IFingerprints Given a complete Visa application When I capture 4 valid fingerprints Then application is sent for approval FingerprintsUI

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FingerprintsShortcuts IFingerprints Given a complete Visa application When I capture 4 valid fingerprints Then application is sent for approval FingerprintsUI Fingerprint.IFingerprints = Fingerprint.FingerprintsUI

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FingerprintsShortcuts IFingerprints Given a complete Visa application When I capture 4 valid fingerprints Then application is sent for approval FingerprintsUI Fingerprint.IFingerprints = Fingerprint.FingerprintsUI

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FingerprintsShortcuts IFingerprints Given a complete Visa application When I capture 4 valid fingerprints Then application is sent for approval FingerprintsUI Fingerprint.IFingerprints = Fingerprint.FingerprintsShortcuts

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FingerprintsShortcuts IFingerprints Given a complete Visa application When I capture 4 valid fingerprints Then application is sent for approval FingerprintsUI Fingerprint.IFingerprints = Fingerprint.FingerprintsShortcuts

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Parallel Worlds Problem Automate testing of multiple interfaces/executions for same scenario Ingredients • A single test interface for the exposed functionality • Two or more implementations of that interface • (Basic) dependency injection mechanism

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Image credits Ancient world map: Fingerprint scanners: Signature pads: Document readers: Cameras: A4 scanner: Workstation: Web technologies: Building blocks: computing/#.Uzf2RfmSySo Unfinished building: UK border control: Veridoc: Biometric enrolment: ic/tA8g2BhKmD9/Phil+Woolas Border control queue: official-complains-hour-delay-Heathrow.html Recipe template:

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Thanks! Francisco Cerrudo Francisco Garcia Javier Perez José Cruz

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Thank you!

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Q & A