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Continuous Delivery for Data Pipelines

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Spring XD Spring Cloud Stream Spring Cloud Task Spring Cloud Skipper Spring Flo Spring Cloud Data Flow Sabby Anandan | @sabbyanandan

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Role of Data Integration Data Pipeline Concepts CI/CD & Data Pipelines Orchestrate All-the-Things 3

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Dev/Testing Deep-dive CI/CD Workshop Tools Selection This talk is not a .. 4

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You have data from disparate systems 6

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You have data of different types 7

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You have data of varying speed, size & shape 8

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You have data that evolves 9

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“simple things should be simple, complex things should be possible” (alan kay) 10

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a toolkit for building data integration, real-time streaming, and batch data processing pipelines 11 Spring Cloud Data Flow

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Data Integration Source Processor Sink file ftp gemfire gemfire-cq http jdbc jms load-generato loggregator mail mongodb mqtt rabbit s3 sftp syslog tcp tcp-client time trigger triggertask twitterstream aggregator bridge filter groovy-filter groovy-transform header-enricher httpclient pmml python-http python-jython scriptable-transform splitter tasklaunchrequest- transform tcp-client tensorflow transform twitter-sentiment aggregate-counter cassandra counter field-value-counter file ftp gemfire gpfdist hdfs hdfs-dataset jdbc log mongodb mqtt pgcopy rabbit redis-pubsub router s3 sftp task-launcher-cloudfoundry task-launcher-local task-launcher-yarn tcp throughput websocket Streaming Apps Task composed-task-runner jdbchdfs-local spark-client spark-cluster spark-yarn timestamp timestamp-batch Batch/Task Apps 12

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A DSL inspired by unix’s pipes and filter syntaxes “source | processor | … | processor | sink” “source | processor > :commonDestination” 13

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DEMO 111-22-3333 444-55-6666 777-88-9999 . . . Add prefix to each Payload 15 The Security Number = 111-22-3333 The Security Number = 444-55-6666 The Security Number = 777-88-9999 . . .

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OK, what’s different about it? Abstractions! 16

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Cloud Runtime Abstraction Flexible cloud- runtime implementations Apps run standalone or in any cloud runtime .. exactly the same 17

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Message Binder Abstraction Flexible messaging- middleware implementations Same code; same tests; runs exactly the same on different message brokers Google PubSub Active MQ IBM MQ Solace Amazon SQS Amazon Kinesis Rabbit MQ Apache Kafka Kafka Streams 18

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19 Latency Data Corruption False Predictions Recovery and Resiliency Wild Side of Data Processing

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It is all about Customer Experience! vs. 20

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“The DSL doesn’t provide granular control over application lifecycle” “Rely on runtime- platform’s blue- green deployment support for rolling- upgrades” “Manually tweak and re-deploy application properties by- hand” “Changing deployment properties means, a new stream/task altogether” FEEDBACK 21

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22 How do we Continuously Deliver?

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23 Spring Cloud Skipper

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24 Inspiration

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25 111-22-3333 444-55-6666 777-88-9999 . . . Mask each Payload The Security Number = xxx-xx—3333 The Security Number = xxx-xx-6666 The Security Number = xxx-xx-9999 . . . 25 DEMO Don’t Disturb Don’t Disturb Fix This!

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SCDF Shell Skipper Server REST SCDF Server REST Changes Detected Kubernetes / Cloud Foundry source sink source process process sink source process process sink Binders Stream App Deploy Delta 26 Diff Record Single Source of Truth

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Build Test Package IT Test Unit Test Candidate Stage Deploy to PROD E2E Test Deploy to PROD automatic automatic manual automatic automatic automatic Continuous Delivery Continuous Deployment 27 automatic automatic automatic automatic automatic

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V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 All and every action is versioned … Single Source of Truth 28

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Granular app-lifecycle controls … History Diff Upgrade Rollback ` 29

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Pluggable Deployment Pipeline Strategies ChatOps Continuous Integration Tools 30

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Resources: Spring Cloud Data Flow: Spring Cloud Skipper: Concourse: Demo: Keep Your Customers Happy!

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Resources: Bike to Work Day in San Francisco Unsafe bike lane disclaimer Aerial Of Dubai Highway Roads 4k