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Facial Expressions ESL Lesson Plan

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Thank you for downloading your free Off2Class lesson plan! This teacher-led lesson plan is designed using the communicative approach - perfect for teaching students online or in any screen-enabled classroom. To access the Teacher Notes and Answer Key, or to assign homework, click here to set up your free Off2class account. Don’t forget to join the discussion on Facebook to get access to other great tools for online ESL instruction.

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Facial expressions How important are facial expressions for successful communication? What kind of meaning can we convey using different facial expressions?

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Facial expression mistakes… Are there any facial expressions that people use all the time, involuntarily?

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Different facial expressions to raise an eyebrow to roll your eyes to blink to blush to bat your lashes to frown to wink to squint to gaze

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How do we use facial expressions? What do these different types of facial expressions usually show? Are these actions involuntary?

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Smiling Do people only smile when they are happy or amused? What else can a person’s smile tell you?

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When you’re smiling… to smirk to grin to pout to press your lips together to grit your teeth to bite your lip to snarl to smile

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Which facial expressions show fear? Which show that a person is angry? creased forehead flared nostrils clenched jaw gaping mouth dilated pupils widened eyes a faint smile wrinkled nose

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Reading facial expressions Are those readings always accurate? How good are you at reading different facial expressions?

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Sign language Do you know anyone who uses sign language? How do facial expressions help people who use sign language convey meaning?

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Genders Are men or women better at using facial expressions? Why? Are there any differences between the genders in using facial expressions?

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Discuss this quote ‘Few realize how loud their expressions really are. Be kind with what you wordlessly say. ’ Richelle E. Goodrich How can your facial expressions help or harm you? Can you control what you express?

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Discuss this quote ‘People blush when one of their core truths is revealed.’ Do all people blush when they are ashamed or feeling shy? Keith Ablow, Murder Suicide What about you? Are there any other popular misconceptions?

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More to talk about! What about babies? Do children show their emotions using facial expressions? How much do you know about the range of disorders on the autism spectrum? Can some animals do it as well? Have you ever heard of the study of micro expressions and their use in law enforcement?