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The best talk title in the world! Name Surname COMPANY NAME META’s Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns Samantha Noble BIDDABLE MOMENTS samjanenoble @samanthanoble @SamJaneNoble

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Meta launched Advantage+ shopping campaigns in BETA in August 2022” S A M A N T H A N O B L E

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This product is still in BETA so may not be available to you just yet

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The Google Data Studio Timeline This change is helping them to evolve and essentially increase revenue

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How many of you are using it?

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What are they?

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Meta’s Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns, often abbreviated and called A+SC or ASC

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They use machine learning to dynamically serve your ads to the audiences most likely to convert

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Whilst allocating budget to different audience buckets in the most efficient way

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Why should we use META A+SC?

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They offer a complete approach including retargeting and prospecting in one

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The AI behind ASC helps you to uncover new audiences that you have not yet tried

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Campaigns are super easy to setup and manage

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Gives you the ability of importing high converting ads from other campaigns

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Evolving constantly with new features and functionality being added on a regular basis

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The Google Data Studio Timeline Boots Christmas Campaign Case Study 10% Decrease CPA 7% Increase ROAS Boots wanted to find the most efficient way of advertising its range of Christmas gifts on Facebook.

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The Google Data Studio Timeline Carlow Awareness Campaign 1.7x More Orders 4.3% Decrease CPA Cartlow wanted to raise awareness of its online service and boost online sales as effectively as possible.

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The Google Data Studio Timeline Smol Increasing Sales Campaign 51% Lower CPA 2x More Orders Smol wanted to increase sales and reach out to new customers on Meta apps

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Best Practices

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Keep your audience lists up to date Add Engaged Audiences - People who have interacted but not purchased Existing Customers - People who have purchased your products

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Optimise towards different events, not just purchase

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The Google Data Studio Timeline Test different performance goals Note: Make sure you set a realistic minimum ROAS that you know can be achieved.

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The Google Data Studio Timeline Track everything using browser events AND the Conversions API

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The Google Data Studio Timeline Make use of Audience Controls to limit your reach

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The Google Data Studio Timeline Manage Placements at account level Note: Placements will be excluded for the whole account not just A+SC

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The Google Data Studio Timeline Ad a budget cap for existing customers if you want to focus more on new

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Test lots of different ad variations Note: Meta ASC lets you test up to 150 ad creatives. Use various static images, videos, carousel and catalog ads in a single campaign. Decide on how many to add based on budget and estimated traffic volume.

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Try adding unique Frames to your carousel ads to make the product standout

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Try adding Price Overlays in different shapes, colours and positions

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Try adding Price Overlays in different shapes, colours and positions

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Keep an eye on any other existing ads from other campaigns to import

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The Google Data Studio Timeline Review performance for New and Existing customers

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Start testing META A+SC today

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SamJaneNoble Thank you for listening. # B R I G H T O N S E O CON TA CT DETA ILS 0 2 0 8 1 2 3 0 2 9 0 i n f o @ b i d d a b l e m o m e n t s . c o m

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SamJaneNoble View the slides here: # B R I G H T O N S E O