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Monday, April 15, 13

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“In con guration-driven development, developers make all modi cations primarily in XML les.” Monday, April 15, 13

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Monday, April 15, 13

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fire bird Monday, April 15, 13

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Monday, April 15, 13

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exibility support arbitrary combinations of components interactivity support arbitrary interactions between components speed individual apps shouldn’t contain anything they don’t need 3 key problems to solve Monday, April 15, 13

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Limin & her dog Monday, April 15, 13

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Monday, April 15, 13

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Monday, April 15, 13

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bootstrapper {""foo"":"{"…"}"} ui request handler customer ui request initialize components init "top model" w/component data init submodels request data init "top view" w/component data init subviews delegate events initialize "outlets" request batcher components initialized render components model data loaded $BV.ui('rr',  'show_reviews',  {  /*  ...  */  }); Monday, April 15, 13

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Monday, April 15, 13

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"reviewContentList1"  :  {    "features"  :  {        "self"  :  ["headToHead",  "contentFilter",  "contentItemColl        "contentItem"  :  ["has:stars",  "has:secondaryRatings",  "ha        "pagination"  :  ["ugcCount"],        "secondaryContentList"  :  ["secondaryContentItemCollection        "secondaryContentItem"  :  ["avatar",  "feedback"],        "contentFilter"  :  ["has:filterButton"]    },    //  ... }, Monday, April 15, 13

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"reviewContentList1"  :  {    "features"  :  {        "self"  :  ["headToHead",  "contentFilter",  "contentItemColl        "contentItem"  :  ["has:stars",  "has:secondaryRatings",  "ha        "pagination"  :  ["ugcCount"],        "secondaryContentList"  :  ["secondaryContentItemCollection        "secondaryContentItem"  :  ["avatar",  "feedback"],        "contentFilter"  :  ["has:filterButton"]    },    //  ... }, Monday, April 15, 13

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"contentItem"  :  [    "has:stars",      "has:secondaryRatings",      "has:tags",      "feedback",      "secondaryContentList",      "has:secondaryContentBtn" ], Monday, April 15, 13

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       {{>  responseFrom  .}}        {{#ifHasFeature  "stars"}}            {{>  contentStars  }}        {{/ifHasFeature}}        {{>  contentMeta  }}    
       {{>  contentTitle  }}    
{{{mountView  "secondaryContentList"  .}}}
Monday, April 15, 13

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Monday, April 15, 13

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"contentSearch1"  :  {    //  ...    "outlets"  :  {        "showreviews"  :  [{              "component"  :  "reviewContentList1",              "event"  :  "scrolltocontent"          }],        "showquestions"  :  [{              "component"  :"questionContentList1",              "event"  :  "scrolltocontent"          }]    } }, Monday, April 15, 13

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_(outlets).each(function  (targets,  key)  {    _(targets).each(function  (target)  {        model.on(key,  createEventHandler(target));    }); }); function  createEventHandler  (target)  {    return  function  ()  {        var  targetComponent  =  components.find(target.component);        if  (!targetComponent)  {  return;  }        var  scope  =  targetComponent.getScope(targetComponent.contentType);        var  args  =  [                    scope  +  ':'  +  target.event                ].concat(  []  );        ENV.trigger.apply(ENV,  args);        return;    }; } Monday, April 15, 13

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//  events  on  a  contentItem  view events  :  {    'click  .bv-­‐rating-­‐stars-­‐container'  :  'clickStars',    'click  .bv-­‐content-­‐secondary-­‐btn'  :  'showSecondarySubmission',    'click  .bv-­‐media-­‐item':  'showMedia',    'click  .bv-­‐secondary-­‐content-­‐link'  :  'preventDefault',    'click  .bv-­‐content-­‐item-­‐close'  :  'closeQuestion',    'click  .bv-­‐fullprofile-­‐popup-­‐target'  :  'launchProfile',    "click  .bv-­‐show-­‐more-­‐link"  :  "showFullContent" }, Monday, April 15, 13

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_(  (methodName,  signature)  {    var  match  =  signature.match(eventSplitter);    var  eventName  =  match[1]  +  '.delegated'  +;    var  selector    =  match[2];    var  method  =  subview[methodName];    this.$el.delegate(          selector,  eventName,  makeResponder(signature,  method)      ); },  this); Monday, April 15, 13

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" init submodels request data init subviews delegate events s" request batcher components initialized render components model data loaded " init submodels request data init subviews delegate events s" request batcher components initialized render components model data loaded Monday, April 15, 13

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Monday, April 15, 13

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what’s great self-serve app creation preview any customer’s app economies of scale writing new features is more fun than implementation, amirite? Monday, April 15, 13

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huge initial investment, ramp-up time it helps to have a legacy app no one-size- ts-all framework automated tests become imperative document all the things what’s challenging Monday, April 15, 13

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is there a future where we can generalize this DSL? how does this work for apps with more dynamic data? what’s next Monday, April 15, 13

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@rmurphey  •­‐driven-­‐apps/ Monday, April 15, 13