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Architecting operational real- time analytics apps with PostgreSQL & Hyperscale (Citus) Deepthi Anantharam Shashikant Shakya Parikshit Savjani Postgres Team at Microsoft @AzureDBPostgres @citusdata

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Session learning objective Architect a database for operational real-time analytics with Hyperscale (Citus) from schema <> data model <> rollups <> PowerBI

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How many of you are familiar with Citus extension on Postgres?

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How many of them have operational real-time analytics workloads?

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What we mean by operational real-time analytics End-users (lots of them) can run reports & complex analytics queries on-the-fly, on “fresh” (real-time) data

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Examples of operational real-time analytics Network telemetry Clickstream analysis IOT

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5 requirements that real-time analytics applications all have • Large amounts of data • Sub-second response times • Large number of concurrent users • Ingests new data within seconds / minutes • Supports advanced analytics

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Why Postgres for real-time analytics? 6 reasons • Both real-time ingest & complex analytics in same database • Data types, operators, functions • Pre-aggregations: INSERT … SELECT, unlogged tables, temp tables • Extensions: pg_partman, pg_cron, hll, topn • Connectivity with rest of data pipeline • Scale to very large data volumes (100s of TBs) with Hyperscale (Citus)

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Why Postgres for real-time analytics? 6 reasons • Both real-time ingest & complex analytics in same database • Data types, operators, functions • Pre-aggregations: INSERT … SELECT, unlogged tables, temp tables • Extensions: pg_partman, pg_cron, hll, topn • Connectivity with rest of data pipeline • Scale to very large data volumes (100s of TBs) with Hyperscale (Citus)

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Why Postgres for real-time analytics? 6 reasons • Both real-time ingest & complex analytics in same database • Data types, operators, functions • Pre-aggregations: INSERT … SELECT, unlogged tables, temp tables • Extensions: pg_partman, pg_cron, hll, topn • Connectivity with rest of data pipeline • Scale to very large data volumes (100s of TBs) with Hyperscale (Citus)

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Why Postgres for real-time analytics? 6 reasons • Both real-time ingest & complex analytics in same database • Data types, operators, functions • Pre-aggregations: INSERT … SELECT, unlogged tables, temp tables • Extensions: pg_partman, pg_cron, hll, topn • Connectivity with rest of data pipeline • Scale to very large data volumes (100s of TBs) with Hyperscale (Citus)

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Why Postgres for real-time analytics? 6 reasons • Both real-time ingest & complex analytics in same database • Data types, operators, functions • Pre-aggregations: INSERT … SELECT, unlogged tables, temp tables • Extensions: pg_partman, pg_cron, hll, topn • Connectivity with rest of data pipeline • Scale to very large data volumes (100s of TBs) with Hyperscale (Citus)

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Why Postgres for real-time analytics? 6 reasons • Both real-time ingest & complex analytics in same database • Data types, operators, functions • Pre-aggregations: INSERT … SELECT, unlogged tables, temp tables • Extensions: pg_partman, pg_cron, hll, topn • Connectivity with rest of data pipeline • Scale to very large data volumes (100s of TBs) with Hyperscale (Citus)

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2 deployment options for Azure Database for PostgreSQL: Single server & Hyperscale (Citus)

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Scaling out your Postgres database horizontally Each node has PostgreSQL with Citus installed. Each shard [ ] is 1 PostgreSQL table. Gives your app more compute, memory, disk. Easy to add nodes for growth or performance. Coordinator node

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Distributed PostgreSQL scales better APPLICATION SELECT FROM GROUP BY company_id, avg(spend) AS avg_campaign_spend compaigns company_id; METADATA COORDINATOR NODE WORKER NODES W1 W2 W3 … Wn SELECT company_id sum(spend), count(spend) … FROM campaigns_2009 … SELECT company_id sum(spend), count(spend) … FROM campaigns_2001 … SELECT company_id sum(spend), count(spend) … FROM campaigns_2017 … DISTRIBUTED AGGREGATE

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Microsoft Windows team relies on Citus and Postgres (on Azure) for mission-critical shiproom decisions

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“We can support 100s of concurrent users & more than 6M queries every day. With Citus, response times for 75% of queries are less than 200 ms. And response times for 95% of queries are less than 3 seconds.”

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100s of concurrent users 6M queries every day 75% of queries < 200 ms. 95% of queries < 3 sec

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“Distributed PostgreSQL with Citus is a game changer” petabyte-scale-analytics-by-scaling-out-postgres-on/ba-p/969685

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~10x faster vs. Elasticsearch Powerful indexing: semi-structured data Focus on app by offloading management w/PaaS 300 GB+ data Majority of queries < 2 sec

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PostgreSQL tips for real-time analytics applications • Azure Database for PostgreSQL as your fully- managed database • COPY to load large amounts of raw data • Indexes to find new events during queries & pre- aggregations • Rollup tables built from raw event data • Incremental aggregation if you can have late data • Partitioning with pg_partman to expire old data • Automate pipeline with pg_cron • HLL, TopN to incrementally approximate complex queries • Hyperscale (Citus) to scale out

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It’s time for the Technical, Hands-on Lab

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Scenario: Cloud services provider Helping businesses monitor HTTP traffic Every time client receives HTTP request, your service receives a log record Ingest records & create HTTP analytics dashboard to give your clients insights Fast queries for results in real-time Analyze multiple sites at once OR a analyze single site at a time

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Let’s get started! Architecting operational real-time analytics apps with PostgreSQL & Hyperscale (Citus) Activation Code: ACTIVATE5349

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Session takeaways 1. Use Azure Database for PostgreSQL with Hyperscale (Citus) to scale out the database horizontally—to deliver fast performance to real- time analytics applications 2. Use COPY to load large amounts of raw data 3. Use Indexes to find new events during queries & pre-aggregations 4. Use Rollup tables built from raw event data 5. Use Incremental aggregation if you can have late data 6. Use Partitioning with pg_partman to expire old data 7. Automate the data pipeline with pg_cron 8. Use HLL, TopN to incrementally approximate complex queries

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Session resources ž Azure Postgres service page: ž Azure Postgres / TechCommunity blog: ž Citus technical newsletter: ž Citus open source repo: ž Follow us @AzureDBPostgres: ž Follow @citusdata:

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CITUSDATA.COM/NEWSLETTER Do you get the Citus Newsletter?

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A good newsletter is like a good GIN index. Sign up for the Citus Newsletter

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@talktosavjani • @citusdata • @AzureDBPostgres [email protected] ध"यवाद | Thank U