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Symfony, the PHP framework for Open-Source & Enterprise Friday March 20th 2015 – Cluj – Romania

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Hugo HAMON Head of training at SensioLabs Book author Speaker at Conferences Symfony contributor @hhamon

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What is Symfony?

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Framework Philosophy Community Professional Toolkit

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Symfony2 is a set of reusable, standalone, decoupled, and cohesive PHP components that solve common web development problems.

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Dependency Injection BrowserKit ClassLoader Config Console CssSelector Debug DomCrawler EventDispatcher ExpressionLanguage Filesystem Finder Form HttpFoundation HttpKernel Locale Intl Icu OptionsResolver Process PropertyAccess Routing Security Serializer Stopwatch Templating Translation Validator Yaml

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Symfony is also an HTTP full-stack web framework made of bundles and third party libraries.

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app/ is the application folder src/ is the libraries folder web/ is the general public folder contains the configuration, templates and generated files contains the PHP code of your application contains front controllers and web assets (images, Javascripts, stylesheets, ...) . ├─ app/ │ ├─ AppCache.php │ ├─ AppKernel.php │ ├─ cache/ │ ├─ config/ │ ├─ console │ ├─ logs/ │ ├─ autoload.php │ ├─ check.php │ ├─ phpunit.xml.dist │ └─ Resources/ │ └─ views/ │ └─ admin/ ├─ src/ │ └─ AppBundle/ ├─ vendor/ └─ web/ ├─ config.php ├─ app.php └─ app_dev.php vendor/ hosts third party code contains libraries and resources installed with Composer utility tool.

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A « Bundle » is a directory containing a set of files that implement a single feature and can be shared with the Community.

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src/AppBundle/ ├── AppBundle.php ├── Controller/ │ └── BlogController.php ├── DataFixtures/ │ └── ORM/ │ └── LoadBlogPostData.php ├── Entity/ │ ├── BlogPost.php │ ├── Comment.php │ └── Repository/ │ └── BlogPostRepository.php └── Form/ └── BlogPostType.php

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Symfony is an HTTP framework that converts a Request object into a Response object.

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# web/app.php use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; $kernel = new AppKernel('prod', false); $kernel->loadClassCache(); $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); $response = $kernel->handle($request); $response->send(); $kernel->terminate($request, $response);

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# web/app.php use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; $kernel = new AppKernel('prod', false); $kernel->loadClassCache(); $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); $response = $kernel->handle($request); $response->send(); $kernel->terminate($request, $response);

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Symfony also takes inspiration on leading professional Open- Source projects from other communities.

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What makes Symfony popular?

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+5,000,000 Installs with Composer

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+1,250 code contributors

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Official Documentation

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+900 documentation contributors

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+2 500 Community Bundles

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Promoting PHP Standards

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Modern Development Features

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Easy Runtime Debugging

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Symfony for Open-Source projects

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Symfony for Start-Ups

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RAD & Prototyping

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§ Code Generators § Admin Generators § ORM Layers § Automation § Annotations

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Simple & Versatile

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Success Stories

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Symfony for Enterprise

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Maturity & Stability

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Highly Configurable imports: - { resource: parameters.yml } - { resource: security.yml } - { resource: services.yml } framework: #esi: ~ #translator: { fallbacks: ["%locale%"] } secret: "%secret%" router: resource: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing.yml" strict_requirements: ~ form: ~ csrf_protection: ~ validation: { enable_annotations: true } # ...

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End of 2015 Symfony 3.0 Clear Roadmap

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Symfony major versions are backward compatible to ensure smooth upgrades when new versions are published.

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Cloud Deployment

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Professional Services & Support

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Success Stories

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Over 100 millions hits per day!

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Symfony is made for everyone!

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Questions? h"p://