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women & computing Thursday, April 11, 13

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Jessica Lynn Suttles @jlsuttles Thursday, April 11, 13

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I want to tell you a little about myself and how I became a software engineer Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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I loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer so I made a fan website Thursday, April 11, 13

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In college I was determined to major in Fine Arts but I took a Computer Science class to fulfill my Quantitative Reasoning Requirement™ and I really liked it, so I majored in both. Thursday, April 11, 13

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I studied a lot of C++ and Scheme, but I didn’t make things outside of class. Then the summer before my senior year I landed a development internship. Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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women & computing Thursday, April 11, 13

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tl;dr women made programming what it is today despite many inequities Thursday, April 11, 13

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1800s Thursday, April 11, 13

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1801 Jacquard Loom Thursday, April 11, 13

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the Jacquard Loom simplifies the process of manufacturing textiles with complex patterns Thursday, April 11, 13

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it is controlled by a chain of cards, or punched cards laced together into a continuous sequence, but it did no computation Thursday, April 11, 13

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1801 Jacquard Loom Thursday, April 11, 13

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1837 Analytical Engine Thursday, April 11, 13

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the Analytical Engine was designed by Charles Babbage as the first general computer Thursday, April 11, 13

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it was controlled by punch cards, it was Turing Complete, and it included integrated memory Thursday, April 11, 13

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Ada Lovelace was the daughter of Lord Byron and a genius mathematician Thursday, April 11, 13

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Ada Lovelace described an algorithm for the Analytical Engine to compute Bernoulli numbers Thursday, April 11, 13

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Recursive Definition Explicit Definition Generating Function Thursday, April 11, 13

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the Analytical Engine was not completed in Ada’s lifetime, and she never got to run her algorithm Thursday, April 11, 13

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1920s Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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first-wave feminist fought for voting rights and property rights Thursday, April 11, 13

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1930s Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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the World War II draft depleted the male labor force Thursday, April 11, 13

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1942 Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service Thursday, April 11, 13

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Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service means women were only accepted because of the labor force shortage Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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computer historically means “one who computes” Thursday, April 11, 13

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during World War II many computers were women and these women went on to program computers Thursday, April 11, 13

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the world's first professional computer programmers were the women programmers of the ENIAC Thursday, April 11, 13

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` Thursday, April 11, 13

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Admiral Grace Murray Hopper Thursday, April 11, 13

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Grace Hopper had graduate degrees in math and physics and was a professor at Vassar Thursday, April 11, 13

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she took a leave of absence to participate in the war effort Thursday, April 11, 13

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she joined the Navy Reserves and started out as a Lieutenant after graduating first in her class Thursday, April 11, 13

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after the war Hopper permanently resigned from teaching at Vassar Thursday, April 11, 13

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she was denied entry to the Navy Thursday, April 11, 13

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She served on the Mark I computer programming staff and focused on improving efficiency relentlessly Thursday, April 11, 13

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Grace Hopper wrote the first compiler Thursday, April 11, 13

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Grace Hopper wrote the first compiler Thursday, April 11, 13

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"I had a running compiler and nobody would touch it. They told me computers could only do arithmetic." Thursday, April 11, 13

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Grace Hopper did a lot more for programming than coin the term bug Thursday, April 11, 13

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Grace Hopper is the Mother of COBOL Thursday, April 11, 13

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COBOL is one of the first high-level languages Thursday, April 11, 13

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COBOL is one of the first high-level languages Thursday, April 11, 13

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before high-level languages everyone wrote in assembly language Thursday, April 11, 13

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org xor ax, ax mov ds, ax mov si, msg boot_loop:lodsb or al, al jz go_flag mov ah, 0x0E int 0x10 jmp boot_loop go_flag: jmp go_flag msg db 'Hello, world', 13, 10, 0 times 510-($-$$) db 0 db 0x55 db 0xAA Thursday, April 11, 13

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MAIN-LOGIC SECTION. DISPLAY "Hello, world" STOP RUN. Thursday, April 11, 13

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puts “Hello, World” Thursday, April 11, 13

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1950s Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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1960s Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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The space race, like World War II, lead to a man power shortage Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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1970s Thursday, April 11, 13

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50th anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment, the culmination of the first-wave feminist movement Thursday, April 11, 13

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second-wave feminist fought for reproductive rights and equality in the workplace Thursday, April 11, 13

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1973 Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade and constitutionalized right to abortion Thursday, April 11, 13

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1972 Equal Rights Amendment passed in both houses of congress Thursday, April 11, 13

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the feminist movement increased women’s interest in having a professional career Thursday, April 11, 13

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the feminist movement increased interest in having careers in traditionally male-dominated fields Thursday, April 11, 13

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large numbers of women were entering Science Technology Engineering Mathematics fields Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Adele Goldberg Thursday, April 11, 13

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Adele Goldberg was a researcher at Xerox PARC where she participated in the design & development Smalltalk-80 Thursday, April 11, 13

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Smalltalk is an object- oriented, dynamically typed, reflective language Thursday, April 11, 13

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Ruby has a lot of Smalltalk-like features Thursday, April 11, 13

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Ruby is a language designed in the following steps: * take a simple lisp language (like one prior to CL). * remove macros, s-expression. * add simple object system (much simpler than CLOS). * add blocks, inspired by higher order functions. * add methods found in Smalltalk. * add functionality found in Perl (in OO way). So, Ruby was a Lisp originally, in theory. Let's call it MatzLisp from now on. ;-) matz. Thursday, April 11, 13

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Goldberg’s team developed concepts that became the basis for GUIs Thursday, April 11, 13

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GUIs replaced earlier command line based systems Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Apple eventually used many of these ideas as the basis for their Macintosh desktop Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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personal computers were still really expensive Thursday, April 11, 13

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the golden age of the video arcade game Thursday, April 11, 13

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1980s Thursday, April 11, 13

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a lot of ground gained by the second-wave feminist movement in the 60s and 70s was lost Thursday, April 11, 13

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1972 Equal Rights Amendment failed to receive the requisite number of ratifications Thursday, April 11, 13

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in an effort to disassociate marital status from name and title women started using Ms instead of Miss or Mrs and women started to keep their maiden names Thursday, April 11, 13

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personal computers experienced explosive growth and the Commodore 64 became the best selling computer Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Elizabeth Feinler Thursday, April 11, 13

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From 1972 until 1989 Elizabeth Feinler was directory of the Network Information Systems Center at the Stanford Research Institute Thursday, April 11, 13

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Her group operated the Network Information Center for the ARPANET as it evolved into the Defense Data Network and the Internet Thursday, April 11, 13

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In 1982, an Internet protocol was defined by her group to access the online directory of people, called Whois Thursday, April 11, 13

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her group became the overall naming authority of the Internet, developing and managing the name registries of the top-level domains: .mil, .gov, .edu, .org, .com Thursday, April 11, 13

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Adele Goldberg Thursday, April 11, 13

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1984-1986 Adele Goldberg served as president of the Association for Computing Machinery, the world's largest educational and scientific computing society Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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in the beginning computer science programs arouse out of diverse departments but as computer science matured it found a home in engineering departments (see bottom line of graph) Thursday, April 11, 13

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video games become more engrained in every day life Thursday, April 11, 13

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video games also become gendered Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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there is a reoccurring trend of male protagonist rescuing damsels in distress Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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video games are often children’s first and most frequent interaction with computers and a lot of first computer programs are games, or attempts at games Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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an image of the stereotypical nerd appears in popular culture Thursday, April 11, 13

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1990s Thursday, April 11, 13

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a third-wave of feminism rises ProTip™: feminism waves are not about popularity, they are driven by philosophically different ideas Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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1992 was the Year of the Woman because a record number of women are elected to high office in the US Thursday, April 11, 13

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Hillary Rodham Clinton Madeline Albright Janet Reno Ruth Bader Ginsburg Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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second-wave feminism correlated with an increase in the number of women in computing, but this doesn’t happen with third-wave feminism Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Jane Margolis is a social scientist studying gender and education Allan Fisher is the founding dean of the undergraduate program in computer science Thursday, April 11, 13

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they began a study at Carnegie Mellon University to understand the gender imbalance and interviewed 100 computer science students of both genders over a period of 5 years Thursday, April 11, 13

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they made some changes to admission standards Thursday, April 11, 13

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kept high GRE scores Thursday, April 11, 13

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added emphasis on leadership qualities Thursday, April 11, 13

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dropped requirement for prior programming experience Thursday, April 11, 13

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added some catch-up courses to level out background differences Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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2000s Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Fran Allen Thursday, April 11, 13

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Fran Allen, already the first woman IBM Fellow, was the first woman in 40 years to win Turing Award from ACM, which is considered the Nobel Prize of computing, for her work in high performance computing Thursday, April 11, 13

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Barbara Liskov Single responsibility Open/closed Liskov substitution Interface segregation Dependency inversion Thursday, April 11, 13

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Barbara Liskov was awarded the Turning Award from the ACM for her work in the design of programming languages Thursday, April 11, 13

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the nows Thursday, April 11, 13

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as technology becomes more ingrained & common place in our daily lives software engineers are playing a larger role in shaping our future Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thursday, April 11, 13

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Thank you for your time. @jlsuttles Thursday, April 11, 13