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@brodock Gabriel Mazetto

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Why your company should have a Developer’s Toolkit and how to build one

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This talk is programming language agnostic

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I will focus more on the Why and less on the How…
 But you will learn enough to be able to do it yourself at the end, trust me.

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Let’s start talking about why you should do it…

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All that time invested (wasted) solving programming challenges online were finally rewarded!

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Now you are in and you are part of the team!

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But instead of something simple and straightforward…

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Yes, your new company uses Cloud and SaaS for everything…

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Let’s switch roles a little bit… You are now wearing the Tech-Lead Hat

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Have you ever thought of how much it cost to onboard a new developer?

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Salary WorkDaysInAMonth * DaysOnboarding Salary 21 * 10

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Let’s look at some Salary data on Glassdoor…

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Salary 21 * 10 6500 21 * 10 = 3905,23

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So let’s talk about how to do it…

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Here are a few principles to guide you…

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 1. minimal effort to get started

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 2. good enough defaults

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 3. expose the internals and make it easy to hack

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 4. automate/scriptize as much as possible

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 5. be as flexible as possible

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It hides complexity, but it doesn’t remove it

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Packaging new software is not easy…

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You are always running in “production mode” 
 by default

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# create your own postgresql data per application mkdir postgres initdb --locale=C -E utf-8 postgres/data # run postgresql postgresql -D /path/to/your/postgres/data \ -k /path/to/your/postgres -h

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# create your own redis server per application mkdir redis cd redis && wget redis.conf # run redis server redis-server /path/to/redis/redis.conf

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How to package and distribute?

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# Simple Procfile redis: redis-server redis/redis.conf postgresql: postgresql -D pg/data -k pg -h # Execute with `foreman start`

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Here are some other useful tools you can use

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Rules and Dependencies

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 all: install configure install: echo "Use any shell command here." echo "Syntax require we ident with TABs" apt-get install git -y configure: git-config --global "Gabriel Mazetto" git-config --global "[email protected]"

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Custom variables

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# Local variables git_name: 'Gabriel Mazetto' git_email: '[email protected]' 
 # Exported variables RAILS_ENV: 'test'
 all: install configure install: @echo "Use any shell command here." @echo "Syntax require we ident with TABs" apt-get install git -y configure: git-config --global "${git_name}" git-config --global "${git_email}"

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Interfearence Steps

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 all: .git-config .git-config: @echo "this will be executed only once, or whenever you remove the file" git-config --global "Gabriel Mazetto" git-config --global "[email protected]" clean: rm .git-config

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 all: .git-config .git-config: @echo "this will be executed only once, or whenever you remove the file" git-config --global "Gabriel Mazetto" git-config --global "[email protected]" # make sure clean is not matched to an existing file on disk .PHONY: clean clean: rm .git-config

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Some other uses for a Makefile…

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desc 'Install all dependencies' task :install do puts "Use any shell command here." puts "Syntax require we ident with TABs" system "apt-get install git -y" end desc 'Configure everything' task :configure do system 'git-config --global "Gabriel Mazetto" system 'git-config --global "[email protected]"' end task :default => [:install, :configure]

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file '.git-config' do system 'git-config --global "Gabriel Mazetto"' end directory 'gitlab' do system 'git clone .' end task :clone_to, [:path] do system "git clone #{@path}" end

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How we do at

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GitLab depends on multiple applications with specific configurations

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 Omnibus setup,
 Kubernetes Helm Chart

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GitLab Development Kit

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# Read the Getting Started here: # # install GDK rubygem gem install gitlab-development-kit # initialize a new contained environment gdk init gitlab # will clone and setup everything cd gitlab && gdk install # to execute GitLab on your local machine gdk run # to regenerate configuration files gdk reconfigure # to update all dependent repositories gdk update

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