Slide 33
Slide 33 text
Variant: “Who could have
known this wouldn’t work?”
• self-archiving in institutional repositories, MOOCs, AI in
radiology (Geoffrey Hinton), cryptocurrency, NFTs, DAOs…
• Usually someone knew it wasn’t going to work, and
explained pretty clearly why not.
• self-archiving: the major boosters were Cliff Lynch, Raym Crow, and
Stevan Harnad; the one who knew was me, actually
• (Salo 2009, “Innkeeper at the Roach Motel.” See also an angrier-and-
wiser Salo 2013, “How to Scuttle a Scholarly Communication Initative.”)
• Not coincidentally, the hypesters tend to be cis white men,
and those who know it won’t work… aren’t.
• Self-archiving did have one white female booster: Alma Swan. The
rest were cis white men.