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Márton Braun @zsmb13 Developer Relations Engineer Google Composing an API with Kotlin

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Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI.

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What is Jetpack Compose? @Composable fun Greeting(name: String) { Text(text = "Hello $name!") }

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What is Jetpack Compose? @Composable fun Greeting(name: String) { Text(text = "Hello $name!") } Hello Android!

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What is Jetpack Compose? @Composable fun Greeting(name: String) { Text(text = "Hello $name!") } Hello Compose!

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class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { DevDayDemoTheme { Surface( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), color = MaterialTheme.colors.background, ) { Greeting(name = "Android") } } } } } What is Jetpack Compose?

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class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { DevDayDemoTheme { Surface( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), color = MaterialTheme.colors.background, ) { Greeting(name = "Android") } } } } } What is Jetpack Compose?

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What is Jetpack Compose?

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● What is Jetpack Compose? Declarative

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● ● What is Jetpack Compose? Declarative Built with Kotlin

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● ● ● What is Jetpack Compose? Declarative Built with Kotlin Open source

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// ... Extension functions class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { } } } DevDayDemoTheme { Surface( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), color = MaterialTheme.colors.background, ) { Greeting(name = "Android") } }

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DevDayDemoTheme { Surface( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), color = MaterialTheme.colors.background, ) { Greeting(name = "Android") } } class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { } } } public fun ComponentActivity.setContent( parent: CompositionContext? = null, content: @Composable () -> Unit ) Extension functions // ...

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public fun CoroutineScope.launch( context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit ) public fun ComponentActivity.setContent( parent: CompositionContext? = null, content: @Composable () -> Unit ) Extension functions

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Box( modifier = Modifier .size(216.dp) .background( brush = Brush.radialGradient( colors = listOf(Color.Black, Color.White) ) ) .padding(bottom = 12.dp) ) Extension functions

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Box( modifier = Modifier .size(216.dp) .background( brush = Brush.radialGradient( colors = listOf(Color.Black, Color.White) ) ) .padding(bottom = 12.dp) ) Extension functions @Composable fun Greeting( name: String, modifier: Modifier = ... )

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Box( modifier = .size(216.dp) .background( brush = Brush.radialGradient( colors = listOf(Color.Black, Color.White) ) ) .padding(bottom = 12.dp) ) Modifier. Extension functions

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Modifier. Extension functions

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@Stable interface Modifier { infix fun then(other: Modifier): Modifier = if (other === Modifier) this else CombinedModifier(this, other) companion object : Modifier { override infix fun then(other: Modifier): Modifier = other } } Extension functions

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@Stable interface Modifier { infix fun then(other: Modifier): Modifier = if (other === Modifier) this else CombinedModifier(this, other) companion object : Modifier { override infix fun then(other: Modifier): Modifier = other } } Extension functions

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@Stable interface Modifier { infix fun then(other: Modifier): Modifier = if (other === Modifier) this else CombinedModifier(this, other) companion object : Modifier { override infix fun then(other: Modifier): Modifier = other } } Modifier. Extension functions

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@Stable interface Modifier { infix fun then(other: Modifier): Modifier = if (other === Modifier) this else CombinedModifier(this, other) companion object : Modifier { override infix fun then(other: Modifier): Modifier = other } } Extension functions @Composable fun Greeting( name: String, modifier: Modifier = Modifier )

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Modifier. Extension functions

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package fun Modifier.background(color: Color, shape: Shape = RectangleShape) Extension functions

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package fun Modifier.background(color: Color, shape: Shape = RectangleShape) package fun Modifier.scrollable(state: ScrollableState, orientation: Orientation) fun Modifier.draggable(state: DraggableState, orientation: Orientation) Extension functions

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package fun Modifier.background(color: Color, shape: Shape = RectangleShape) package fun Modifier.scrollable(state: ScrollableState, orientation: Orientation) fun Modifier.draggable(state: DraggableState, orientation: Orientation) package fun Modifier.padding(all: Dp) fun Modifier.size(width: Dp, height: Dp) Extension functions

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package fun Modifier.background(color: Color, shape: Shape = RectangleShape) package fun Modifier.scrollable(state: ScrollableState, orientation: Orientation) fun Modifier.draggable(state: DraggableState, orientation: Orientation) package fun Modifier.padding(all: Dp) fun Modifier.size(width: Dp, height: Dp) package androidx.compose.ui.draw fun Modifier.clip(shape: Shape) fun Modifier.rotate(degrees: Float) fun Modifier.scale(scaleX: Float, scaleY: Float) Extension functions

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package fun Modifier.background(color: Color, shape: Shape = RectangleShape) package fun Modifier.scrollable(state: ScrollableState, orientation: Orientation) fun Modifier.draggable(state: DraggableState, orientation: Orientation) package fun Modifier.padding(all: Dp) fun Modifier.size(width: Dp, height: Dp) package androidx.compose.ui.draw fun fun Modifier.rotate(degrees: Float) fun Modifier.scale(scaleX: Float, scaleY: Float) Extension functions Modifier.clip(shape: Shape)

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Naming conventions Modifier.clip(shape: Shape)

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Modifier.clip(CircleShape) Naming conventions

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Modifier.clip(CircleShape) val CircleShape = RoundedCornerShape(50) Naming conventions

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Modifier.clip(CircleShape) val circleShape = RoundedCornerShape(50) Naming conventions

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Modifier.clip(CircleShape) val CIRCLE_SHAPE = RoundedCornerShape(50) Naming conventions

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Modifier.clip(CircleShape) val CircleShape = RoundedCornerShape(50) Naming conventions

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Modifier.clip(CircleShape) val CircleShape = RoundedCornerShape(50) class RoundedCornerShape( topStart: CornerSize, topEnd: CornerSize, bottomEnd: CornerSize, bottomStart: CornerSize ) Naming conventions

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Modifier.clip(CircleShape) val CircleShape = RoundedCornerShape(50) fun RoundedCornerShape(percent: Int) = ... Naming conventions

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Modifier.clip(CircleShape) val CircleShape = RoundedCornerShape(50) fun RoundedCornerShape(percent: Int) = ... Naming conventions

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Modifier.clip(CircleShape) val CircleShape = RoundedCornerShape(50) fun RoundedCornerShape(percent: Int) = ... fun RoundedCornerShape(size: Float) = ... fun RoundedCornerShape(size: Dp) = ... Naming conventions

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fun RoundedCornerShape( topStart: Dp = 0.dp, topEnd: Dp = 0.dp, bottomEnd: Dp = 0.dp, bottomStart: Dp = 0.dp ) = RoundedCornerShape( topStart = CornerSize(topStart), topEnd = CornerSize(topEnd), bottomEnd = CornerSize(bottomEnd), bottomStart = CornerSize(bottomStart) ) Naming conventions

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fun RoundedCornerShape( topStart: Dp = 0.dp, topEnd: Dp = 0.dp, bottomEnd: Dp = 0.dp, bottomStart: Dp = 0.dp ) = RoundedCornerShape( topStart = CornerSize(topStart), topEnd = CornerSize(topEnd), bottomEnd = CornerSize(bottomEnd), bottomStart = CornerSize(bottomStart) ) Hello world Naming conventions

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fun RoundedCornerShape( topStart: Dp = 0.dp, topEnd: Dp = 0.dp, bottomEnd: Dp = 0.dp, bottomStart: Dp = 0.dp ) = RoundedCornerShape( topStart = CornerSize(topStart), topEnd = CornerSize(topEnd), bottomEnd = CornerSize(bottomEnd), bottomStart = CornerSize(bottomStart) ) RoundedCornerShape(topStart = 16.dp, topEnd = 16.dp, bottomEnd = 16.dp) Hello world Naming conventions

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fun RoundedCornerShape( topStart: Dp = 0.dp, topEnd: Dp = 0.dp, bottomEnd: Dp = 0.dp, bottomStart: Dp = 0.dp ) = RoundedCornerShape( topStart = CornerSize(topStart), topEnd = CornerSize(topEnd), bottomEnd = CornerSize(bottomEnd), bottomStart = CornerSize(bottomStart) ) RoundedCornerShape(topStart = 16.dp, topEnd = 16.dp, bottomEnd = 16.dp) Hello world RoundedCornerShape(16.dp).copy(bottomStart = CornerSize(0.dp)) Naming conventions

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Column(modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize()) { JetNewsLogo(Modifier .padding(16.dp) .align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally) ) Divider() DrawerButton( icon = Icons.Filled.Home, label = stringResource(id = R.string.home_title), isSelected = currentRoute == JetnewsDestinations.HOME_ROUTE, action = { navigateToHome(); closeDrawer() } ) DrawerButton( icon = Icons.Filled.ListAlt, label = stringResource(id = R.string.interests_title), isSelected = currentRoute == JetnewsDestinations.INTERESTS_ROUTE, action = { navigateToInterests(); closeDrawer() } ) } Naming conventions

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Column(modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize()) { JetNewsLogo(Modifier .padding(16.dp) .align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally) ) Divider() DrawerButton( icon = Icons.Filled.Home, label = stringResource(id = R.string.home_title), isSelected = currentRoute == JetnewsDestinations.HOME_ROUTE, action = { navigateToHome(); closeDrawer() } ) DrawerButton( icon = Icons.Filled.ListAlt, label = stringResource(id = R.string.interests_title), isSelected = currentRoute == JetnewsDestinations.INTERESTS_ROUTE, action = { navigateToInterests(); closeDrawer() } ) } Naming conventions

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Scopes Column(modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize()) { JetNewsLogo(Modifier .padding(16.dp) .align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally) ) Divider() DrawerButton( icon = Icons.Filled.Home, label = stringResource(id = R.string.home_title), isSelected = currentRoute == JetnewsDestinations.HOME_ROUTE, action = { navigateToHome(); closeDrawer() } ) DrawerButton( icon = Icons.Filled.ListAlt, label = stringResource(id = R.string.interests_title), isSelected = currentRoute == JetnewsDestinations.INTERESTS_ROUTE, action = { navigateToInterests(); closeDrawer() } ) }

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Column(modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize()) { JetNewsLogo(Modifier .padding(16.dp) .align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally) ) Divider() DrawerButton( icon = Icons.Filled.Home, label = stringResource(id = R.string.home_title), isSelected = currentRoute == JetnewsDestinations.HOME_ROUTE, action = { navigateToHome(); closeDrawer() } ) DrawerButton( icon = Icons.Filled.ListAlt, label = stringResource(id = R.string.interests_title), isSelected = currentRoute == JetnewsDestinations.INTERESTS_ROUTE, action = { navigateToInterests(); closeDrawer() } ) } this: ColumnScope Scopes

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@LayoutScopeMarker @Immutable interface ColumnScope { @Stable fun Modifier.align(alignment: Alignment.Horizontal): Modifier } Scopes

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@LayoutScopeMarker @Immutable interface ColumnScope { @Stable fun Modifier.align(alignment: Alignment.Horizontal): Modifier } @DslMarker annotation class LayoutScopeMarker Scopes

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Column(modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize()) { JetNewsLogo( Modifier .padding(16.dp) .align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally) ) } Scopes this: ColumnScope

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Column(modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize()) { Button(onClick = { /* ... */ }) { JetNewsLogo( Modifier .padding(16.dp) .align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally) ) } } Scopes this: ColumnScope

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val sizeInPx = 16.dp.toPx() Scopes

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Scopes val sizeInPx = 16.dp.toPx()

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val sizeInPx = with(LocalDensity.current) { } this: Density Scopes 16.dp.toPx()

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val sizeInPx = with(LocalDensity.current) { 16.dp.toPx() } this: Density @Immutable @Stable val density: Float @Stable Scopes interface Density { } fun Dp.toPx(): Float = value * density object CustomGridCells : GridCells { override fun Density.calculateCrossAxisCellSizes( availableSize: Int,

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object CustomGridCells : GridCells { override fun Density.calculateCrossAxisCellSizes( availableSize: Int, spacing: Int ): List { val sideCellSize = 60.dp.roundToPx() return listOf( sideCellSize, availableSize - 2 * sideCellSize, sideCellSize, ) } } Scopes fun Dp.toPx(): Float = value * density interface Density { }

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Not a real Compose API context(Density) object CustomGridCells : GridCells { context(Density) override fun calculateCrossAxisCellSizes( availableSize: Int, spacing: Int ): List { val sideCellSize = 60.dp.roundToPx() return listOf( sideCellSize, availableSize - 2 * sideCellSize, sideCellSize, ) } } Scopes – with context receivers? fun Dp.toPx(): Float = value * density

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Inline classes

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Inline classes @JvmInline value class Dp(val value: Float) { inline operator fun plus(other: Dp) inline operator fun minus(other: Dp) inline operator fun div(other: Float): Dp inline operator fun div(other: Int): Dp inline operator fun div(other: Dp): Float } inline val Int.dp: Dp get() = Dp(value = this.toFloat()) inline operator fun Int.times(other: Dp) = Dp(this * other.value)

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val availableWidth: Dp = 200.dp val itemWidth: Dp = 30.dp val itemCount: Int = (availableWidth / itemWidth).toInt() val remaining: Dp = (availableWidth - itemCount * itemWidth) val separatorWidth: Dp = remaining / (itemCount - 1) Inline classes

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float availableWidth = Dp.constructor-impl((float) 200); float itemWidth = Dp.constructor-impl((float) 30); int itemCount = (int)(availableWidth / itemWidth); float other$iv = Dp.constructor-impl((float) itemCount * itemWidth); float remaining = Dp.constructor-impl(availableWidth - other$iv); float separatorWidth = Dp.constructor-impl(remaining / (float) (itemCount - 1)); val availableWidth: Dp = 200.dp val itemWidth: Dp = 30.dp val itemCount: Int = (availableWidth / itemWidth).toInt() val remaining: Dp = (availableWidth - itemCount * itemWidth) val separatorWidth: Dp = remaining / (itemCount - 1) Inline classes

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float availableWidth = Dp.constructor-impl((float) 200); float itemWidth = Dp.constructor-impl((float) 30); int itemCount = (int)(availableWidth / itemWidth); float other$iv = Dp.constructor-impl((float) itemCount * itemWidth); float remaining = Dp.constructor-impl(availableWidth - other$iv); float separatorWidth = Dp.constructor-impl(remaining / (float) (itemCount - 1)); val availableWidth: Dp = 200.dp val itemWidth: Dp = 30.dp val itemCount: Int = (availableWidth / itemWidth).toInt() val remaining: Dp = (availableWidth - itemCount * itemWidth) val separatorWidth: Dp = remaining / (itemCount - 1) Inline classes

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float availableWidth = Dp.constructor-impl((float) 200); float itemWidth = Dp.constructor-impl((float) 30); int itemCount = (int)(availableWidth / itemWidth); float other$iv = Dp.constructor-impl((float) itemCount * itemWidth); float remaining = Dp.constructor-impl(availableWidth - other$iv); float separatorWidth = Dp.constructor-impl(remaining / (float) (itemCount - 1)); public final class Dp { private final float value; public static float constructor_impl(float value) { return value; } } Inline classes

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val listState = rememberLazyListState() val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope() Box { LazyColumn(state = listState) { // ... } AnimatedVisibility(/* ... */) { ScrollToTopButton( onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { listState.animateScrollToItem(index = 0) } } ) } } Coroutines

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val listState = rememberLazyListState() val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope() Box { LazyColumn(state = listState) { // ... } AnimatedVisibility(/* ... */) { ScrollToTopButton( onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { listState.animateScrollToItem(index = 0) } } ) } } Coroutines

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val listState = rememberLazyListState() val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope() Box { LazyColumn(state = listState) { // ... } AnimatedVisibility(/* ... */) { } } Coroutines ScrollToTopButton( onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { listState.animateScrollToItem(index = 0) } } )

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val listState = rememberLazyListState() val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope() Box { LazyColumn(state = listState) { // ... } AnimatedVisibility(/* ... */) { } } Coroutines ScrollToTopButton( onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { listState.animateScrollToItem(index = 0) } } )

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ScrollToTopButton( onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { listState.animateScrollToItem(index = 0) } } ) Coroutines

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ScrollToTopButton( onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { listState.animateScrollToItem(index = 0) snackbarHostState.showSnackbar( message = "Scrolled to the top!", ) } } ) Coroutines

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ScrollToTopButton( onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { listState.animateScrollToItem(index = 0) snackbarHostState.showSnackbar( message = "Scrolled to the top!", actionLabel = "Revert", ) } } ) Coroutines

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ScrollToTopButton( onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { listState.animateScrollToItem(index = 0) val result = snackbarHostState.showSnackbar( message = "Scrolled to the top!", actionLabel = "Revert", ) if (result == SnackbarResult.ActionPerformed) { } } } ) Coroutines

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ScrollToTopButton( onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { listState.animateScrollToItem(index = 0) val result = snackbarHostState.showSnackbar( message = "Scrolled to the top!", actionLabel = "Revert", ) if (result == SnackbarResult.ActionPerformed) { } } } ) Coroutines val firstItemIndex = listState.firstVisibleItemIndex val firstItemOffset = listState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset

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ScrollToTopButton( onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { listState.animateScrollToItem(index = 0) val result = snackbarHostState.showSnackbar( message = "Scrolled to the top!", actionLabel = "Revert", ) if (result == SnackbarResult.ActionPerformed) { listState.animateScrollToItem(firstItemIndex, firstItemOffset) } } } ) Coroutines val firstItemIndex = listState.firstVisibleItemIndex val firstItemOffset = listState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset

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Resources ● Compose API guidelines ● Kotlin for Jetpack Compose ● Understanding Compose (ADS '19) ● Extension oriented design ● Suspending over Views by Chris Banes NEW!

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Thank You! Márton Braun @zsmb13 Composing an API with Kotlin