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3 FINANCIAL FLOWS Domestic public financing Data Source: National Budget International development financing Data Source: OECD Creditor System Private sector financing Coming next 1 2 3 3 WINDOWS Country Window Global Window Private Sector Window 1. Domestic 2. International Development Financing | 3FS

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3FS MEASURES FINANCIAL FLOWS TO FOOD SYSTEMS 5 EXPENDITURE COMPONENTS ullet Agricultural development and value chains Infrastructure for food systems Nutrition and health Social assistance (including emergency food assistance) Climate change and natural resources 1 2 3 4 5 Food systems expenditure components

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3FS MEASURES FINANCIAL FLOWS TO FOOD SYSTEMS THROUGH 5 INTERCONNECTED EXPENDITURES COMPONENTS INFRASTRUCTURE FOR FOOD SYSTEMS NUTRITION & HEALTH SOCIAL ASSISTANCE (INCLUDING EMERGENCY FOOD ASSISTANCE) CLIMATE CHANGE & NATURAL RESOURCES • Rural infrastructure: roads, electricity & communications. • Urban as supportive with coefficient for domestic. • Water & sanitation • Infrastructure for food transportation, processing, commercialization • Clean energy productions (solar, wind) • Clean transportation • Other non-agricultural activities in rural areas • Agricultural R&D & extension • Agricultural inputs & services • Integral Support for small holders. • Agricultural/Livestock production and their value chain • Land & irrigation • Other food production & value chain services • Reduce food losses due to plant or animal disease. • Nutrition education, guides, labeling and regulations • Basic child and maternal nutrition • Food fortification, diversification • Food safety • Non-Communicable disease as supportive. • Social assistance, food security programs & school lunches ( including conditional and unconditional cash transfers, food and in-kind transfers) • Emergency food assistance • Gender, youth, and minorities • Climate change mitigation & adaptation • Environmental research • Forests, water & biodiversity conservation. Reforestation • Landscape preservation • Food and water waste reduction. Waste management AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT & VALUE CHAINS

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Data of the Government of Niger analyzed with support from IFAD and WB

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Data of the Government of Niger analyzed with support from IFAD and WB

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Data of the Government of Niger analyzed with support from IFAD and WB

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$546 M $572 M $771 M $595 M 2018 2019 2020 2021 HOW MUCH ODA DOES THE COUNTRY RECEIVE FOR FOOD SYSTEMS? NIGER ODA to Food Systems (USD deflated base year 2021, in millions,, 2018-2021) Data accredited to OECD +9%

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Data accredited to OECD

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Data accredited to OECD

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3FS Collaborative IFAD World Bank GAIN AGRA SUN OECD Scaling up 30 countries Evidence private sector financing Financing support partner countries 3FS NEXT FOOD SYSTEMS FINANCING TOOL

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