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COMMUNITY DAY MENA DevOps on AWS, Getting Started

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Farouq Mousa AWS Solutions Architect | DevOps Engineer | Genesys Consultant | AWS UG Leader at Palestine @farouqmousa @farouqmousa

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Agenda ▪ AWS CodeDeploy ▪ AWS CodeBuild ▪ AWS CodePipeline

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CodeDeploy AWS Native Continuous Delivery Tools CodeBuild CodePipeline

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DevOps and Continuous Delivery • Automated deployments • Repeatable and safer • Smaller change sizes • Deploy morefrequently • Faster feedback loops • Learn and reactquicker • Deliver more value

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Benefits of CodeDeploy • Automate yourdeployments • Fully managed serverlessservice • Free withinAWS • $0.02 per on-premises instanceupdate • Centralize control • Versatile

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Application The core component CodeDeploy Components Deployment Group A target for your deployment Deployment Roll out anapp revision

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Compute platform EC2/On-premises, AWS Lambda, Amazon ECS A uniquename An identifier that isunique inside its AWS account A CodeDeploy Application

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ECS An ECS cluster + An ECS service + A load balancer + Target Group 1 + Target Group 2 Lambda Lambda function name EC2/On-premises Autoscaling groups EC2 instance tags On-premises hosts Deployment Groups

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Deployment group Targets for the deployment A CodeDeploy Deployment Deployment configuration Such as “One At A Time” Revision An application version Deployment type “In Place” or “Blue-Green”

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ECS AppSpec file Task Definition version Container name Container port Lambda AppSpec file Function name Function alias Version info EC2/On-premises GitHub commit ID or Zip file in S3 Revisions

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version: 0.0 os: linux files: - source: /src destination: /var/www/html hooks: BeforeInstall: - location: scripts/ timeout: 300 runas: root AppSpec File: appspec.yml

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EC2 or on-premisesinstance Installing the CodeDeploy Agent codedeploy-agent EC2 User Data

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#!/bin/bash -xe yum install -y ruby cd /opt curl -O https://aws-codedeploy-us-east- chmod +x ./install ./install auto Install CodeDeploy - Red Hat

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CodeDeploy ELB EC2 Connecting All CodeDeploy Pieces IAM GitHub or S3 Revisions agent IAM

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• Software licensing • CI software upgrades • Underlying host management • Agent configurations • Hand crafted build projects • Queued builds Traditional CI

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Continuous Integration • DevOps and agile processes • Helps prevent merge conflicts • Triggers off code commits • Static code analysis • Compiles code • Runs tests • Packages and publishes artifacts • Catch and fix problems quicker

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Continuous Integration Systems Managed services Master/agent Open Source andfree

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Teamcity Bamboo Jenkins GitLab Travis CircleCI Alternatives to CodeBuild

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Benefits of CodeBuild • Fully managed build service • Elastic scaling • Pay only for build time used • CLI and API driven • Define builds as code • Tightly knit AWS integrations • Extensible

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Sends notifications Runs tests Static code analysis Compiles code Runs builds How Is CodeBuild Used in a CI/CD pipeline? 1 2 3 4 6 Publishes Artifacts 5

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Build project The definition ofyour project Build or Build run An execution of your Build project CodeBuild Components

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Metrics Build triggers Build details Build history Build Project

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Environment Artifacts Project configuration Source Build Spec Logs CodeBuild Project Build Details

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Build details Environment variables Phase details Build logs Build status Builds or Build Runs

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CodeBuild Connecting All the Pieces Git repo orS3 Source Artifact store Projects Builds

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version: 0.2 env: variables: key: “value” parameter-store: key: “value” phases: build: commands: - compile commands - test commands artifacts: files: - target/messageUtil-1.0.jar Build Spec File:buildspec.yml

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Ruby Golang Python Java .NET PHP Testing Tools

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Continuous Delivery Pipelines • A Continuous Delivery tool • Define your entire release process • Ties together disparate systems • Flows Code out to production

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Prerequisites for CodePipeline AW S account IAM credentials

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Prerequisites for CodePipeline Source code Build process D eployment or

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Benefits of CodePipeline • Fully managed pipeline service • Pay only for active pipelines • Tightly tightly AWS integrations • Third party developer tool actions • Extensible via Lambda and custom actions

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Artifacts Bundles of code produced by astage and ingested by another stage Transitions The connections between stages Stages A collection of action groups that contain actions Pipeline Components

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A CodePipeline Stage Action Group Actions Pipeline Stage Action Group Actions runOrder: 1 runOrder: 1 runOrder: 2 runOrder: 2

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Visualizing CodePipeline Transition Source Stage Action Group G itHub action Build Stage Action Group C o deB uild action Deploy Stage Action Group C o deD eploy action Transition Pipeline

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Test Action Approval Action Source Action Build Action Deploy Action Invoke Action Action Types

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CloudWatch Events A configured rule can route CodePipeline event info to one or more targets CodeDeploy Triggers Publish to an S N S topic when deployment events occur for a deployment group Pipeline Execution Monitoring

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Thank You ☺ @farouqmousa @farouqmousa