Project Amber
Rémi Forax
Devoxx FR - April 2017
Project Amber
Rémi Forax
Devoxx FR - April 2017
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Me, myself and I
– 3 kids
Assistant Prof
– University Paris East Marne la Vallée
– OpenJDK, ASM, Pro, etc
Expert for the JCP
– invokedynamic, lambda, module
Project Valhalla
OpenJDK project
Started July 2014
Two new Features
– Value types
– Generics over primitive and value types
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What’s wrong with objects ?
Every objects have an header
– 64 bits (for hotspot) wasted for every objects
Arrays of objects are array of references
– Cache misses :(
Too many references
– Too much allocation → Slow the GC
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Value types
Code like a class, works like an int
value class complex {
private final double re;
private final double im;
No identity
Must be immutable (avoid stack aliasing)
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Generics of value types
class ArrayList implements List {
private E[] elements;
List list= new ArrayList();
Will work with primitive types too !
List list = new ArrayList();
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Value types + Generics
Problems :(
Bytecode is not ready for that !
Specialization of the generic code at runtime ?
By the JIT !
Generics over objects still erased for compatibility
Wildcards / Boxing
List> vs List vs List
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Project Panama
Java does not fear C anymore
– Make the JIT generates the JNI Stub
Need metadata to describe
– C structs layout in memory
– Calling convention
Access C heap safely through interfaces
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Project Panama
The VM is already able to do restricted auto-
vectorisation of loop over arrays of primitives
Add API to access to SIMD/AVX ops
– Need to define 128/256/512 bits int/double ?
Use value types (defined by the JDK)
– Intrinsics for the VM
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Current plan
Java 10
– panama
C without JNI + SIMD/AVX
– stealth valhalla: Value types in the VM
let JRuby, Groovy, Scala, etc play with it first
Java 11
– full valhalla: Value types + Specialized Generics
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so no new language feature
in Java 10 ?
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Amber !
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Project Amber
explore and incubate
smaller, productivity-oriented language features
– Local-Variable Type Inference
– Enhanced Enums
– Lambda Leftovers
– ???
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Local Variable Type Inference
var a = 3;
var list = new ArrayList();
use super type:
var anonymous = new Object() {
int x;
not supported:
var lambda = x -> x + 2;
var ref = String::length;
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Enhanced Enum
Generics in enum
enum ChronoField {
Frankenstenum in my opinion
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Lambda leftovers
‘_’ means unused parameter
Map> map = ...
map.computeIfAbsent(key, _ - > new HashSet<>())
Lambda parameters open a new scope
map.merge(key, value, (old, value) - > old + value);
Better inference
– Fix cases where overloading is obvious for a human
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Pattern Matching
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No content
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Brain Dump mode
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{ or [{
"username": "remi", "user": "remi",
... ...
} }, ...
v1 v2
Extracting a user name from
a JSON document
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If instanceof …
{ or [{
"username": "remi", "user": "remi",
... ...
} }, ...
Object json = ...
if (json instanceof JSObject) {
return ((JSObject)json).getValue("username");
if (json instanceof JSArray) {
return ((JSArray)json).get(0).getValue("user");
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Enhanced Switch
Switch on types
Object json = ...
switch(json) {
case JSObject:
return ((JSObject)json).getValue("username");
case JSArray:
return ((JSArray)json).get(0).getValue("user");
default: ...
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Smart cast / type flow
Fuse instanceof/cast + declare a variable
Object json = ...
return switch(json) {
case JSObject object:
return object.getValue("username");
case JSArray array:
return array.get(0).getValue("user");
default: ...
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Pattern Matching with Expression
“break” is so 1970 !
Object json = ...
return switch(json) {
case JSObject object ->
case JSArray array ->
default: ...
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Default ?
We need a default because ...
Object json = ...
return switch(json) {
case JSObject object ->
case JSArray array ->
default: ...
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Closed Hierarchy
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Algebraic Data Type
Enumerate allowed subtypes
/* closed */ interface Expr {
data Value(int x)
data Add(Expr left, Expr right)
2 + (3 + 5)
new Add(new Value(2), new Add(…, …))
Add(Value(2), Add(Value(3), Value(5)))
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Data Class
data Point(int x, int y);
Provide a way to represent ‘dumb’ data
– Abstraction ‘it’s a data class’
– Less boiler plate
Generate (at runtime ?)
– equals, hashCode, toString, getters ?
– Value types also need that too !
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Destructured Pattern Matching
Data class fields can be extracted
public Expr simplify(Expr expr) {
return switch(expr) {
case Add(e1, e2) ->
case Value(value) ->
Look ‘ma, no default
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Destructured Pattern Matching
Match part of the subtree
public Expr simplify(Expr expr) {
return switch(expr) {
case Add(Value(v1), Value(v2)) ->
case Add(e1, e2) ->
case Value(value) ->
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Destructured Pattern Matching
With the implementations
public Expr simplify(Expr expr) {
return switch(expr) {
case Add(Value(v1), Value(v2)) ->
new Value(v1 + v2))
case Add(e1, e2) ->
case Value value ->
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‘_’ means unused/anything
Use _ in pattern
return switch(expr) {
case Add(Value(_), Value(v2)) ->
case Add(_, _) ->
case Value _ ->
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Destructured Pattern Matching
You can not change a local variable !
public Expr simplify(Expr expr) {
return switch(expr) {
case Add(Value(v1), Value(v2)) ->
new Value(v1 + v2))
case Add(e1, e2) ->
case Value _ ->
Use of local variable (non final)
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Destructured vs Encapsulation
return switch(expr) {
case Add(Value(v1), Value(v2)) -> ...
if (expr instanceof Add) {
Add add = (Add)expr;
Expr left = add.getLeft();
if (left instanceof Value) {
Value v1 = (Value)left;
/* data */ class Add {
private final Expr left;
private final Expr right;
public Expr getLeft() {
return left;
public Expr getRight() {
return right;
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De-constructor ?
return switch(expr) {
case Add(Value(v1), Value(v2)) -> ...
if (expr instanceof Add) {
Add add = (Add)expr;
Expr left, right = add.deconstructor();
if (left instanceof Value) {
Value v1 = (Value)left;
/* data */ class Add {
private final Expr left;
private final Expr right;
public Expr, Expr deconstructor() {
return left, right;
} ...
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Under the hood
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Implementation Troubles
– If instanceof … else
– Sharing
– De-constructor / Scala unapply
– Zero allocation
Pattern matching on types <=> as fast as method calls ?
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If instanceof … else
instanceof == dynamic suite of typechecks
– Instanceof itself creates a series of if … else
Linearly checks all patterns is slooooooow
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Use invokedynamic
The recipe is an array of pairs
Pattern / Action
A text transformed as an automata at runtime
Action: a static method to call if the pattern match
No instanceof
guardWithTest is a typecheck on runtime classes
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And switch with statements ?
If limited to switch on types,
use the double switch trick !
String s;
int index = invokedynamic(expr);
recipe […]
switch(index) {
case 0:
s = "JSObject";
case 1:
s = "JSArray";
s = "other";
return s;
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Some patterns starts with the same pattern
Several classes may match the same pattern
switch(expr) {
case IAdd(IValue(v1), IValue(v2)) -> ...
case IAdd(e1, e2) - > ...
IValue IValue
v1 v2 action1
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At runtime (1/2)
switch(expr) {
case IAdd(IValue(v1), IValue(v2)) -> ...
case IAdd(e1, e2) - > ...
IValue IValue
v1 v2 action1
Add Value
Value Value
Add extract
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At runtime (2/2)
switch(expr) {
case IAdd(IValue(v1), IValue(v2)) -> ...
case IAdd(e1, e2) - > ...
IValue IValue
v1 v2 action1
Value Value
Add extract
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Guard or map ?
switch(expr) {
case IAdd(IValue(v1), IValue(v2)) -> ...
case IAdd(e1, e2) - > …
At Runtime, we construct
Add extract
After N guards, use java.lang.ClassValue instead
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De-constructor / unapply
Scala unapply is slow (Tuple and Optional are objects)
/* data */ class Add {
private final Expr left;
private final Expr right;
public Optional> unapply() {
return Some((left, right));
Extract the values => 2 object creations
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Idea !
Create only one object for the whole pattern
expr == Add(Value(v1), Value(v2)) <=>
var foo = new $Foo$();
(expr as Add).deconstructor(foo::args1, foo::args2);
(foo.args1 as Value).deconstructor(foo:args3);
(foo args2 as Value).deconstructor(foo::args4);
action(args3, args4);
/* runtime */ class $Foo$ {
Expr arg1;
Expr arg2;
int arg3;
int arg4;
args1 args2 args3 args4
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Magic !
Avoid the creation of the $Foo$ object,
with the help of the VM
Reify the stackframe as an object
var frame = StackFrame.alloc(LExpr;LExpr;II)
action.invokeWithStackFrame(frame, 2);
John Rose starts a prototype :)
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Java 10 – Speculative planning
Stealh Valhalla
– Value types in the VM
– A lot of small improvements
– Pattern Matching
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Q & A
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Pizza into Java:
translating theory into practice
Martin Odersky, Philip Wadler