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1 Overview
APDCAM-10G camera is a camera system designed for ultra-high speed digital imaging
applications in the visible wavelength range, where a low spatial resolution is acceptable. The
sensor of the camera is a two-dimensional Avalanche PhotoDiode (APD) array. The detector
is variable upto 128 channels and consist of 1 to 4 4by 8 channels single detector array.The
output from each diode of the detector is amplified by a low-noise amplifier chain and
digitised inside the camera. The resulting digital data flow is organized into a UDP packages
and transmitted to a PC via a digital optical fibre link using 10 Gigabit Ethernet protocol. The
UDP stream is produced by a special 10G Ethernet controller card (Adimtech Communication
and Control card) using built in FPGA. The aim of this report is to characterise the maximum
data flow that can be saved into a PC memory using 10G protocol. UDP protocol does not
contain acknowledgment feedback, so it is not reliable. It is used mainly for audio-, video
streams. The expected data flow from the APD camera is 8.96Gb/sec (128 channels * 5Ms*
14bit). One has to note that the aim of this test is not the test of Ethernet network facilities
(routers, switches) and their effect of the observed bandwidth, but to identify the accessible
data rate between directly connected computers or other 10G devices.
At this stage of the development only on APDCAM-10G is planned to be connected to on
DAQ PC, and other network devices are not installed in the communication line. The physical
layer of the communication is practically a single duplex optical fiber.
2 Test method
As a first approach two PCs were connected directly. The IP addresses were set manually
to the same subnet. Although in the camera UDP packages are used for streaming, in the tests
we often used TCP protocol as it is a reliable protocol. The transfer rate measured with TCP
connection measurements will be lower limit for UDP package transfer rate, as TCP
acknowledgement and resending of lost packages causes traffic overhead compared to UDP
Special notes: Switch off every firewall and packet filter applications!
It is important to install the 10Gb card to a PCI-E slot with at least 8x mode.
3 Test hardware
At this stage of the development of the Adimtech C&C card is still in the development phase
and not available for tests. An alternative solution to perform these tests is to use to two PCs
with 10G Ethernet cards and directly connect them with optical fibers. The details of the test
hardware is shown below:
CPU: Intel Core i5-2400 3.1 GHz