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DevSec: Continuous Compliance Christoph Hartmann @chri_hartmann | [email protected]

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@chri_hartmann $> whoami Christoph Hartmann • 8+ years in industry • Deutsche Telekom and SAP • Co-Founded project • Co-Founder of VulcanoSec • InSpec Creator • need for missing compliance solutions • close collaboration with auditors • Acquired by Chef Software • heading engineering for compliance chris-rock

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Agenda #1 Cyber-Threat Landscape #2 Challenges #3 Compliance-Driven Infrastructure #4 Outlook

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Cyber-Threat Landscape #1

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The tip of the iceberg Heartbleed Shellshock WannaCry Cyber-Threat landscape

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73% Financially motivated 51% Organized Criminal Groups 75% External attacker Verizon Data Breach Report 2017 The tip of the iceberg Cyber-Threat landscape

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State of Security in 2014 • In 60% of cases, attackers can compromise organizations within minutes. • 99.9% of the exploited vulnerabilities were compromised more than a year after the vulnerability was published. • Ten vulnerabilities account for 97% of the exploits observed. Verizon Data Breach Report

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OWASP Top 10

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A5 – Security Misconfiguration Good security requires having a secure configuration defined and deployed for the application, frameworks, application server, web server, database server, platform, etc. Secure settings should be defined, implemented, and maintained, as defaults are often insecure. Additionally, software should be kept up to date. A9 – Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities Components, such as libraries, frameworks, and other software modules, run with the same privileges as the application. If a vulnerable component is exploited, such an attack can facilitate serious data loss or server takeover. Applications and APIs using components with known vulnerabilities may undermine application defenses and enable various attacks and impacts. OWASP Top 10

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Drivers for Compliance Security Reduce risk and protect business Liability Avoid negligence

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Surface check #1: Know your security stance

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Surface check Deep analysis #1: Know your security stance

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• Operating Systems • DBs, AppServers • Apps • On-prem, Cloud, Hybrid, Containers Deep analysis #1: Know your security stance

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Faulty assumptions #1: Know your security stance

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Faulty assumptions #1: Know your security stance

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• Prevent insecure production env. • Report and alert continuously • Provide proof Faulty assumptions #1: Know your security stance

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Regulatory Compliance PCI-DSS Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act HIPAA Dodd-Frank ISO Sarbanes-Oxley HITECH Grundschutz European Central Bank Regulations

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Reporting of compliance activity is extensive EY – A time of evolution for compliance: laying foundations for future success

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Huge scope remains for tapping into the power of technology EY – A time of evolution for compliance: laying foundations for future success

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Challenges #2

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Language Compliance DevOps Security

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Language Compliance DevOps Security

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Compliance-Driven Infrastructure #3

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Tradeoff: Speed vs Risk DevOps teams focus on faster innovation, potentially increasing risk InfoSec teams focus on mitigating risk, potentially reducing speed

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Let’s talk about solutions

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Detect Correct Compliance Continuous

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Works with all DevOps tools e.g.

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InSpec turns infrastructure testing, compliance and security requirements into code

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Documentation SSH supports two different protocol versions. The original version, SSHv1, was subject to a number of security issues. Please use SSHv2 instead to avoid these.

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Scripting tools

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Compliance Language

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Standalone Usage $ inspec exec test.rb $ inspec exec test.rb -i vagrant.key -t ssh://[email protected]:11022 $ inspec exec test.rb -t winrm://[email protected] --password super $ inspec exec test.rb -t docker://3cc8837bb6a8 describe sshd_config do its('Protocol') { should cmp 2 } end

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Supported Operating Systems

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apache apache_conf apt audit_policy auditd_conf auditd_rules bash bond bridge bsd_service command crontab csv dh_params directory docker docker_container docker_image etc_group file gem group groups grub_conf host http iis_site iis_website inetd_conf ini interface iptables json kernel_module kernel_parameter key_rsa launchd_service limits_conf login_defs mount mssql_session mysql mysql_conf mysql_session npm ntp_conf oneget oracledb_session os os_env package packages parse_config parse_config_file passwd pip port postgres postgres_conf postgres_session powershell ppa processes rabbitmq_config registry_key runit_service script security_policy service shadow ssh_config sshd_config ssl sys_info systemd_service sysv_service upstart_service user users vbscript windows_feature windows_registry_key windows_task wmi x509_certificate xinetd_conf yaml yum yumrepo zfs_dataset zfs_pool Built-in resources

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Mapping of Compliance Document to InSpec

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Manage Baselines My CIS L1 (inspec overlay) CIS Lvl1 (xml base profile)

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Manage Baseline Overlays Dev Production Test My CIS L1 (inspec overlay) CIS Lvl1 (xml base profile)

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DevSec Profiles Operating Systems DevSec Linux Baseline DevSec Linux Patch Baseline DevSec Windows Baseline DevSec Windows Patch Baseline DevSec SSH Baseline DevSec SSL/TLS Baseline CIS Distribution Independent Applications DevSec Nginx Baseline DevSec MySQL Baseline DevSec PHP baseline DevSec Apache Baseline DevSec PostgreSQL Baseline Application Runtimes DevSec OpenStack Baseline CIS Docker Benchmark CIS Kubernetes Benchmark

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InSpec Profiles DevSec Windows Patch Baseline DevSec Linux Baseline DevSec Windows Baseline DevSec Linux Patch Baseline

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InSpec Profiles DevSec Windows Patch Baseline DevSec Linux Baseline DevSec Windows Baseline DevSec Linux Patch Baseline

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InSpec Profiles DevSec Windows Patch Baseline DevSec Linux Baseline DevSec Windows Baseline DevSec Linux Patch Baseline

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InSpec Profiles

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Continuous Compliance Compliance DevOps

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Continuous Compliance Scan for Compliance Build & Test Locally Build & Test CI/CD Remediate Verify

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Outlook #4

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chef/inspec-vmware chef/inspec-azure chef/inspec-aws InSpec for Platforms

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describe aws_iam_user(’iam_user') do its('has_mfa_enabled?') { should be false } its('has_console_password?') { should be false } end InSpec for AWS

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describe azure_virtual_machine(name: 'Linux- Internal-VM', resource_group: 'Inspec-Azure') do its('sku') { should eq '16.04.0-LTS' } its('publisher') { should eq 'Canonical' } its('offer') { should eq 'UbuntuServer' } its('size') { should eq 'Standard_DS2_v2' } its('location') { should eq 'westeurope' } its('admin_username') { should eq 'azure' } end InSpec for Azure

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control 'vmware-7.3.3' do impact 0.7 title 'Ensure that the vSwitch Promiscuous Mode policy is set to reject.' describe vmhost_vswitch(datacenter: 'vm001', host: 'localhost.localdomain',vswitch: 'vSwitch0') do its('allowPromiscuous') { should be false } end end InSpec for VmWare

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Further Resources • Hands on tutorials • Extensive documentation • Code examples • • • • •

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@chri_hartmann Christoph Hartmann [email protected]

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Chef vs InSpec