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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR
• Local Analysis Networks are being developed in Burkina Faso, Guinea, Togo, Senegal,
Benin, and Ghana
• In all these countries the host institutions are the Ministries in charge of Agriculture, in
some cases collaborating with others, eg in Senegal ()
• In all these countries, the LANs have helped or are helping to establish eAtlas Platforms
and are supporting BR and regularly JSR (Burkina Faso, Benin, Ghana and Senegal)
• For the 2024 period, LAN progress varies across the countries.
• The LAN is fully operational in Burkina Faso, while in Senegal, agreements are yet to be
fully signed between ISRA BAME, DAPSA and CNDN
Highlights of LANs Efforts in West Africa