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Deputy Country Representative, IWMI & Coordinator, ReSAKSS ESA Pretoria Email: [email protected] Local Analysis Networks & CAADP Implementation in Africa Dr. Greenwell Matchaya

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Outline I. Objectives of this session II. Background III. Selected LAN efforts

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Objectives of this session I. Introduce the for Local Analysis Network (LAN) Concept II. Present Highlights of LAN experiences across Africa III. Solicit feedback on the LAN concept for improvement

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Background I • Implementing CAADP needs evidence • But scientific evidence often lacking or limited • Technical expertise is limited and yet even for that, • There are no systematic and sustainable ways for conveying evidence for policy making • Often international collaborators play a role • A Local analysis network integrated with a country SAKSS can be useful • LAN allows the matching of demand and supply of evidence as pertaining to CAADP implementation

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Background II ➢ The Local Analytical Network is a network of technical agencies or organizations: ❑(Universities, Research Institutions, Financial Institutions, Government Ministries, Private Sector, Civil Society Organizations and Development Partners) ❑that are providing technical analytical support and capacity development for CAADP implementation ➢ The LAN aids in identifying, analyzing and responding to technical and capacity needs and gaps identified in the process of developing, revising and implementing National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP). ❑Works hand in hand with the Ministry of Agriculture and the agriculture sector at large.

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Thus, a LAN is a network of people and institutions that provides timely, credible, and evidence-based knowledge and analysis to support the design, implementation and monitoring agricultural and rural development(ARD) strategies in Africa under the CAADP agenda. The individuals are linked through collaborative research (strategic analysis), capacity strengthening, and dialogue.

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LAN: CREATES AND BROKERS OF KNOWLEDGE Demand Supply Policy Analysis Units etc Statistics Bureaus, Universities, consulting firms etc Ministries Parliament, FBOs, Donors, Directors LAN Oversight Body LAN Secretariat Analysis Network • Credence of LAN in CAADP process • Governance • Channel knowledge and evidence to policy makers • demands •Identify and sensitize knowledge gaps •Synthesize knowledge •Mobilize and coordinate knowledge generation •Facilitate training •… •Express interest and buy into vision •Align knowledge generation activities •Receive funding and training •…

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR • Local Analysis Networks are being developed in Burkina Faso, Guinea, Togo, Senegal, Benin, and Ghana • In all these countries the host institutions are the Ministries in charge of Agriculture, in some cases collaborating with others, eg in Senegal () • In all these countries, the LANs have helped or are helping to establish eAtlas Platforms and are supporting BR and regularly JSR (Burkina Faso, Benin, Ghana and Senegal) • For the 2024 period, LAN progress varies across the countries. • The LAN is fully operational in Burkina Faso, while in Senegal, agreements are yet to be fully signed between ISRA BAME, DAPSA and CNDN Highlights of LANs Efforts in West Africa

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR • Funding contracts have been fully signed with Guinea and Togo ❑And will soon continue operations once they have received funding. • In Benin, full implementation awaits the execution of an agreement between the government and A2063 • The contract to guide operationalization for the LAN in Ghana is under review by the government ❑To build on past networks of stakeholders to generate demand driven topics to support CAADP implementation and ❑ Past network of researchers to conduct research on the topics. ❑Full operationalization will follow soon after the agreements are fully signed. • The activities by the Burkina Faso LAN are listed below

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR o The LAN has been operationalized. It is hosted by the Permanent Secretary of the Coordination of Agricultural Sectoral Policies (SP-CPSA) o The new eAtlas data have been submitted and the platform updated o Working on integration of all indicators related to the BR in the national statistical system Developed and validated the 4 BR processes report o The brief of the fourth biennial report has been validated and disseminated during a press lunch o Developed and validated a report that documents the impact of mutual accountability processes on planning and implementation of agricultural policies, strategies and programmes o Conducted a mapping and estimation of agricultural land potential in Burkina Faso with the technical support of the Department of Data management, digital Products and Technology o The LAN also regularly updates prices of selected food items o The LAN has contributed to development of an integrated strategic planning tool. o The tool is aimed at strengthening the M&E System of the agricultural and food and nutrition security policies, strategies and programs in Burkina Faso. o It will also have a dynamic interactive scorecard to monitor the changes. Burkina Faso

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR In East Africa, LANs are being set up in Kenya, Burundi and Uganda Burundi • In Burundi, the LAN is hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture • Within the 2024 period, the Burundi LAN is engaged in the following activities ❑ Undertaking a study on the impact of CAAD processes on overall sector results ❑ The LAN is also drafting a BR brief ❑ eAtlas data are being collected Highlights of LANs Efforts in Eastern Africa

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Kenya – • The LAN is operationalized and hosted by ministry of Agriculture • Agriculture Policy Analysis Group is the Local Analysis Network in the Agriculture Sector For the 2024 period, the LAN is identifying consultants to work on: a. 4th CAADP Biennial Reviews -BR brief b. Impact of MA and JSR c. E-Atlas d. Regular update of price data

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Uganda – • In past Uganda has set up LAN-like structures with support from ReSAKSS and in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture • Full implementation in the 2024 period awaits further funding support • Previously, Uganda Policy Analysis Network has been the Local Analysis Network for the agriculture Sector • • Offered analytical support in the implementation of the country’s CAADP agenda, eg NAIP appraisal, formulation, BR, JSr etc • Supported and facilitated policy dialogue forums • Updated E-Atlas platform.

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR • In Southern Africa, LAN efforts are being undertaken in: • Zimbabwe, where the hosts are the Ministry of Agriculture in formal collaboration with the Centre for Agriculture and Food Policy (CAFP) • Mozambique, where the host is the Ministry of Agriculture • Malawi, where the formal hosts are the Ministry of Agriculture (Planning Department) and the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR, at the Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development- CARD) • Zambia, where the host institution is an organization called MUSIKA which was picked by the Ministry of Agriculture- Activities will commence in the next weeks • In Botswana, the efforts are being pursued with the ministry of agriculture – the agreement is being signed • The Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Malawi LAN activities are described below Local Analysis Networks in Southern Africa

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR • Zimbabwe’s LAN is fully operational • It is hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture in formal collaboration with the Centre for Agriculture and Food Policy (CAFP) • The contact department is the Dept. of Economics at Ministry of Agriculture • The members of the LAN participate in BR, eAtlas and in CAADP core indicator data collection, review of studies focusing on Zimbabwe. • For the 2024 period, the LAN has completed the following tasks: • Development and validation of the report on the process of the Biennial Review 4 • Fourth Biennial Review Brief • Review of El Nino briefs focusing on Zimbabwe • eAtlas Data provided for mapping • A study on the effect of CAADP processes impacts is on going • Contributed to trainings and reviews of regional BR process through regional meetings held by ReSAKSS, SADC and CCARDESA in August 2024 Zimbabwe

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR • Mozambique – Has a functional LAN & hosted by ministry of Agriculture • Has participated, 4th BRs, • has completed a BR brief for the 4th BR • Has updated the eAtlas with recent data • The LAN is building on the expertise at Edwardo Mondlane University, IIAM, Pedagogical University, Sao Thomas University, and has other affiliates to carry out several studies • A study on CAADP impact is underway • A study on trade barriers is also underway • A study on inputs bottlenecks is underway and so is a • A study on constraints to credit access by smallholder farmers. • The LAN plan to collaborate with local partners of good will to scale up operations. • For example the LAN plan to work with other partners to disseminate and popularize results from studies Mozambique

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR • Malawi LAN is fully operational and is formally hosted by ministry of Agriculture (Planning Department) and the Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) at LUANAR University • The LAN participates and leads key parts of the BR, JSR, eAtlas updates • The LAN has embarked on the following in 2024 • Has drafted a Biennial Reviews Brief for BR 4 • Has updated the eAtlas with recent data • Has embarked on the CAADP impact study • Organized a meeting of stakeholders for the LAN Malawi

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Take Home messages • LANs have taken off in a number of countries- good for CAADP and the future Kampala strategy • They contribute to capacity strengthening for in the area of evidence based decision making • Without deliberately putting in processes a system for knowledge brokerage, evidence based decision making may be disadvantaged • They are however present in only few countries despite that many countries who need them • Funding is key and mobilizing resources domestically, internationally is critical for successful implementation • Also important for stakeholders to understand that the LANs are not in competition with any other functions or institutions as it is a way to organize knowledge

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