#rubykaraoke details
10pm Tonight (after the after party)
K BOX @ Chinatown
$38++ pax
211 New Bridge Road
Lucky Chinatown
Singapore 059432
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Red Dot Ruby Conference in Review
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10 Years of Ruby SG
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There are two hard things in computer
science: cache invalidation, naming
things, and off-by-one errors.
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There are two hard things in computer
science: cache invalidation, naming
things, and off-by-one errors.
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I'll just use this regular expression:
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Ruby has many secrets.
#1: Predefined Variables
#2: ?, => ","
#3: [1,2,3]*? => "1,2,3"
#4: "Hello"[/[A-Z]/] => "H"
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The "fish" in our industry is the ability to
think abstractly and knowing what to do
when the abstraction eventually leaks.
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Probably your API is fast enough
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Google Lies.
People don't leave because of managers
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Unlike documentation, running Ruby
(language) tests is easy. It's only 6 steps!
$ git clone https://github.com/ruby/ruby
$ cd ruby
$ autoconf
$ ./configure --disable-install-doc
$ make -j
$ make check
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If there are no tests, there'd be no slow
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Future authorization systems should be
less dependent on the developer and
give more power to the users
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A change positive architecture provides
and joyful development
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Always Be Simulating
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Currencies are tricky.
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There are two hard things in computer
science: cache invalidation, naming
things, and off-by-one errors.
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IoT makes a lot of sense
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An existing system being used reflects
its real needs.
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Three years on a cold stone will make
the stone warm
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Don't believe in Stars
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Declarative Paradigms can make it
easier to reason about your app
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In theory, theory and practice are the
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Regular Expressions: Now you have two
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My Ruby Story
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Started Learning Ruby
in 2006
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After 10 years,
Why Ruby?
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Other Languages
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Ruby isn't cool anymore
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People Leaving Ruby
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Mature Ecosystem
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"Bro, I wrote a script in Ruby Today.
It felt freeing."
-Yehuda Katz
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Edges of Ruby
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Fast is a feature
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Ruby 3x3
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Ruby 10% Year over Year
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Thanks Ruby Core Team,
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"[Node.js] ran really efficiently in terms of its I/O
utilization, and its memory utilization is really low
You’re not really CPU-bound anymore. You’re
memory bound and I/O bound."
Kiran Prasad
senior director of mobile engineering LinkedIn
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Node.js is great at building efficient web
services with lots of I/O
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Ratpack is a micro-framework for
building modern HTTP applications with
reactive principles in mind.
It is built on the highly performant and
efficient Netty event-driven networking
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What's "reactive" actually mean?
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applying backpressure from a client
non-blocking communication
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non-blocking communication
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By leveraging powerful concurrency
libraries from the JVM,
ratpack is built from the ground up to
support non-blocking IO.
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ratpack hello world
RatpackServer.start do |b|
b.handlers do |chain|
chain.get do |ctx|
ctx.render("Hello World!")
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ratpack streaming
RatpackServer.start do |b|
b.handlers do |chain|
chain.get("stream") do |ctx|
publisher = Streams.periodically(ctx, Duration.ofMillis(1000)) do |i|
i < 10 ? i.to_s : nil
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ratpack IO code
RatpackServer.start do |b|
b.handlers do |chain|
chain.get("io") do |ctx|
Blocking.get do
sleep 0.3
end.then do
ctx.render("Got response from fake db!")
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Faban Benchmarks
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Learn more:
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CPU Bound
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In 5 samples, ActiveSupport#blank? makes up 3.88% of total CPU time
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ActiveSupport's String#blank?
class String
# A string is blank if it's empty or contains whitespaces only:
# ''.blank? # => true
# ' '.blank? # => true
# "\t\n\r".blank? # => true
# ' blah '.blank? # => false
# Unicode whitespace is supported:
# "\u00a0".blank? # => true
def blank?
/\A[[:space:]]*\z/ === self
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CPU Bound -> Native Extensions
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static VALUE
rb_str_blank(VALUE str)
rb_encoding *enc;
char *s, *e;
enc = STR_ENC_GET(str);
s = RSTRING_PTR(str);
if (!s || RSTRING_LEN(str) == 0) return Qtrue;
e = RSTRING_END(str);
while (s < e) {
int n;
unsigned int cc = rb_enc_codepoint_len(s, e, &n, enc);
switch (cc) {
case 9:
case 0xa:
case 0xb:
case 0xc:
case 0xd:
case 0x20:
case 0x85:
case 0xa0:
case 0x1680:
case 0x2000:
case 0x2001:
case 0x2002:
case 0x2003:
case 0x2004:
case 0x2005:
case 0x2006:
case 0x2007:
case 0x2008:
case 0x2009:
case 0x200a:
case 0x2028:
case 0x2029:
case 0x202f:
case 0x205f:
case 0x3000:
/* found */
return Qfalse;
s += n;
return Qtrue;
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Up to 20X faster
5% improvement on macro benchmarks
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Becoming good at writing safe C is hard
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issues even for seasoned maintainers
C Extensions are Hard
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Rust is a systems programming
language that runs blazingly fast,
prevents segfaults, and guarantees
thread safety.
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If you have successfully compiled a Rust
program, it will not segfault at runtime.
mruby is the lightweight implementation of the
Ruby language complying with part of the ISO
standard. mruby can be linked and embedded
within your application.
# hello_world.rb
puts 'Hello World'
$ time ruby hello.rb
Hello World
real 0m0.041s
user 0m0.028s
sys 0m0.008s
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# hello_world.rb
puts 'Hello World'
$ time ruby hello.rb
Hello World
real 0m0.041s
user 0m0.028s
sys 0m0.008s
# mrblib/hello.rb
def __main__(argv)
puts "Hello World"
$ time mruby/build/host/bin/hello
Hello World
real 0m0.003s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.000s
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# hello_world.rb
puts 'Hello World'
$ time ruby hello.rb
Hello World
real 0m0.041s
user 0m0.028s
sys 0m0.008s
# mrblib/hello.rb
def __main__(argv)
puts "Hello World"
$ time mruby/build/host/bin/hello
Hello World
real 0m0.003s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.000s
Hello World Example
$ mruby-cli --setup hello
$ cd hello
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Hello World Example
$ mruby-cli --setup hello
$ cd hello
$ docker-compose run compile
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Hello World Example
$ mruby-cli --setup hello
$ cd hello
$ docker-compose run compile
$ docker-compose run shell
# mruby/build/host/bin/hello
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Hello World Example
$ mruby-cli --setup hello
$ cd hello
$ docker-compose run compile
$ docker-compose run shell
# mruby/build/host/bin/hello
Hello World