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Building InfluxDB, an open source distributed events database Paul Dix @pauldix

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About me… • Organizer NYC Machine Learning (4600+ members) • Author “Service Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails” • Creator of Feedjira, Typhoeus, and others • Columbia 2009* (CS) • YC (W13)

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Series Editor - “Data & Analytics”

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Our YC Company Platform for real-time metrics and monitoring

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How was YC? • Awesome • Time to iterate • Fantastic network

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How we arrived here • Had to build InfluxDB to even get to the product • Crowded space with no clear differentiation for us • Better opportunity as an open source platform

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Platforms should be open source.

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Monitorama and the 6 week pivot

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How was pivoting?

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At first, it sucked.

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And then it was awesome!

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InfluxDB - an events database

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time series, metrics, discrete events, analytics Events Database?

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Time Series

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What do other people do? • DB (Hbase, Cassandra, MySQL, Redis, etc) • Web services • Cron jobs or long running workers for summary tables

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Building anything with an analytics component is like writing a web application in 1998.

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Project Goals • Store metrics AND events • Horizontally scalable • Nothing else to run and manage • Shouldn’t have to write server code for downsampling/summaries

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InfluxDB • Written in Go • LevelDB for storage engine • No dependencies (other than glibc) • Distributed • HTTP API • SQL like query language

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Cool Integrations • StatsD Backend • CollectD Proxy • CLI (ruby or node) • Libraries for many languages • Graphite • OpenTSDB (soon)

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Data [ { "name": "events", "columns": ["type", "email"], "points": [ ["signup", "[email protected]"], ["paid", "[email protected]"] ] } ]

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Data (with timestamp) [ { "name": "cpu", "columns": ["time", "value", "host"], "points": [ [1395168540, 56.7, ""], [1395168540, 43.9, ""] ] } ]

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Storage • Schema-less • Indexed on (series, column, time, sequence number) • Microsecond precision • Doesn’t store null column values • Millions of series

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SQL-ish select * from some_series where time > now() - 1h

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Aggregates select percentile(90, value) from some_series group by time(10m) where time > now() - 1d

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Select from Regex select * from /stats\.cpu\..*/ limit 1

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Where against Regex select value from some_log_series where value =~ /.*ERROR.*/ and time > "2014-03-01" and time < "2014-03-03"

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Continuous queries (fan out) select * from events into events.[user_id]

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Continuous queries (summaries) select count(page_id) from events group by time(1h), page_id into events.[page_id]

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Continuous queries (regex downsampling) select max(value), context from /stats\.*/ group by time(5m) into max.:series_name

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Tooling considerations

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Why Go?

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Quicker and easier than C or C++ Libraries, memory managed, previous experience.

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Existing Raft Implementation (goraft)

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Compiled binary with no dependencies

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Good enough performance*

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Community and language momentum NEW SHINY THINGS!!1

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Why NOT Go?

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GC Mark and sweep. Large heaps if we want to cache.

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GC Lack of control over memory. Even generational is sadness.

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How data is distributed • Shards - contiguous blocks of time • Replication factor (read scalability) • Split - break blocks of time into multiple shards (write scalability)

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Split • Hashing db, series • Series data always lives in the same shard • Match regex and randomly distribute • Writes scalability at the cost of losing data locality

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Now a bit of code… • Shards - contiguous blocks of time • Servers have multiple shards • Query can come into any server and hit multiple shards (local or remote)

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responses := make([]chan *protocol.Response, 0) // shards are arranged by time. // set up response channels to collect results for _, shard := range shards { responseChan := make(chan *protocol.Response) // parallelize it! go shard.Query(querySpec, responseChan) responses = append(responses, responseChan) }

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// loop through in order pulling results. // Since shards are ordered they come back // in the right order. for _, responseChan := range responses { for { // ordered, processed results onto response. response := <-responseChan if *response.Type == endStreamResponse { break } } }

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! ! // shard.go func (s *Shard) Query(q *QuerySpec, c chan *protocol.Response) { req := s.createRequest(q) s.server.Request(req, c) }

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! func (s *Server) Request(r *protocol.Request, c chan *protocol.Response) { // sends request over the wire and returns } ! // single goroutine handles responses from server func (s *Server) handleResponses() { for { r := <-s.responses // returns the chan that was sent with // call to Request c := s.getResponseChannel(r) c <- r } }

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This caused a race condition that took days to debug…

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responses := make([]chan *protocol.Response, 0) // shards are arranged by time. // set up response channels to collect results for _, shard := range shards { responseChan := make(chan *protocol.Response) // parallelize it! go shard.Query(querySpec, responseChan) responses = append(responses, responseChan) }

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Single goroutine to read responses and send to channels

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responses := make([]chan *protocol.Response, 0) // shards are arranged by time. // set up response channels to collect results for _, shard := range shards { responseChan := make(chan *protocol.Response, 10) // parallelize it! go shard.Query(querySpec, responseChan) responses = append(responses, responseChan) }

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How big should the buffer be?

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What if we run out of memory?

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Channels and Goroutines are awesome, but they’re not magic.

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Open Questions…

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Is there a better pattern for distributed queries?

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Is there a way to get around GC? Memcashier and MMap

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Exciting features coming up… • Copy/move shards within the cluster • Custom functions in JS • Binary Protocol and Pubsub

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Our goal is to make it as easy to build an analytics product as it is to write a web application.

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Thank you! Paul Dix @pauldix