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Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Past, present,future? Cloud Native Day Sept 14, 2022 Tim Hockin @thockin

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“That Networking Guy”

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“That Networking Guy” “He Who Takes Too Long to Review”

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“That Networking Guy” “He Who Takes Too Long to Review” “Mister NO”

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“That Networking Guy” “He Who Takes Too Long to Review” “Mister NO” “The person who approved my PR”

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Most of the Kubernetes concept is rooted in the cluster abstraction. • Nodes are in a single cluster • Scheduling is considered per-cluster • Clusters have their own network configs • Service discovery is per-cluster • Volumes and LBs are tied to cluster • Each cluster is its own ID provider • Each cluster does its own authn and authz In the beginning...clusters

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Why so many clusters?

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Location • Latency: Run apps as close to the customer as possible • Jurisdiction: Required to keep user-data in the country • Data gravity: Large amounts of data already exists and would cost too much to move Why so many clusters?

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Reliability • Infrastructure diversity: A provider outage does not kill the whole app • Blast radius: Unplanned problems have bounded impact • Upgrades: Do one part at a time, or even avoid in-place upgrades • Scale: App is too big for one cluster Why so many clusters?

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Isolation • Environment: Dev, test, prod • Performance: Apps should not impact each other • Security: Sensitive data, untrusted code, or very-high-value services • Organization: Different management • Cost: Teams get their own bills Why so many clusters?

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The Past

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• Started before 1.0! • Goal: federate the k8s APIs • Goal: API compatible with k8s • Runs a “control-plane” cluster • Adds a “cluster” API resource • Adds cross-cluster controllers Kubefed aka “Übernetes”

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• A control-plane cluster brings its own problems • Needed API changes vs. k8s • Not all k8s resources make sense to federate • Lack of awareness of infrastructure Problems

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• A kubernetes-style API for listing clusters • Enable building multi-cluster controllers without defining or implementing them ourselves • Human- and machine-friendly • Enable Single-Pane-Of-Glass UX ClusterRegistry

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• Too small and precise: demands kubernetes API machinery • No lifecycle management, just listing • Too abstract: lacking details Problems

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• Evolution from v1: but less “everything all at once” • Only specific types are federated • API leaves room for placement and overrides • Many of v1’s problems persist • Proposed to be archived Kubefed v2 v2

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1) Cluster / fleet / platform admins ● Care about clusters ● Care about governance ● Care about TCO 2) Application operators ● Shouldn’t care about clusters ● Care about functionality ● Care about UX Who are we solving for?

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Specific problems

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Cluster B Cluster A Services: Between clusters

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Cluster C Cluster A Services: Between clusters Cluster B

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Cluster C Cluster A Services: Between clusters Cluster B

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Cluster B Cluster A Ingress

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Cluster B Governance & Policy Cluster A

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Cluster B Single Pane Of Glass Cluster A

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Cluster Migration / Upgrades Cluster A (v1.x)

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Cluster Migration / Upgrades Cluster B (v1.y) Cluster A (v1.x)

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Cluster Migration / Upgrades Cluster B (v1.y) Cluster A (v1.x)

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Cluster Migration / Upgrades Cluster B (v1.y)

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Cluster Migration / Upgrades Cluster B (v1.y)

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Cluster B Lifecycle / CD Cluster A Cluster C

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Tenancy Cluster A ₣€$ Cluster B ₣€$ Cluster C ₣€$

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Workloads Cluster C Cluster A Cluster B

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Can we generalize?

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clusterset Commit member cluster member cluster Source of truth raw payload Target selection Payload specialization per target Payload delivery member cluster Might be a git repository, a k8s API, a kcp instance, or other. Might be label selectors, a list of cluster names, or other. Might be push or pull. Might have policies applied (e.g. rate limits). Might be unilateral or reconciled bi-directionally. Might be templates, helm, kustomize, or other. Cluster registry Might be individual resources or some form of “package”. Target sequencing Might be none or highly orchestrated or something in-between. NB: Arbitrary processing can occur at various stages E.g “package” expansion could be: ● before commit ● at payload specialization ● at payload delivery

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The Present

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Cluster B Cluster A Multi-cluster Services

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apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: my-svc spec: selector: app: my-svc type: ClusterIP clusterIP: ports: - port: 80 protocol:TCP Multi-cluster Services apiVersion: v1 kind: Endpoints metadata: name: my-svc subsets: - addresses: - ip: - ip: - ip: ports: - port: 8000 protocol:TCP

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apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: my-svc spec: selector: app: my-svc type: ClusterIP clusterIP: ports: - port: 80 protocol:TCP Multi-cluster Services apiVersion: kind: EndpointSlice metadata: generateName: my-svc- labels: .../managed-by: .../service-name: my-svc endpoints: - addresses: - - - ports: - port: 8000 protocol: TCP

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Cluster B Cluster A Multi-cluster Services

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apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: my-svc spec: selector: app: my-svc type: ClusterIP clusterIP: ports: - port: 80 protocol:TCP Multi-cluster Services apiVersion: .../v1alpha1 kind: ServiceExport metadata: name: my-svc

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Wait, Clusterset?

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Cluster B Cluster A Multi-cluster Services

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Clusterset Cluster B Cluster A Multi-cluster Services

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Clusterset Cluster B Cluster A Multi-cluster Services

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Wait, Sameness?

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Clusterset Cluster B Cluster A Multi-cluster Services

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Cluster B Cluster A Multi-cluster Ingress

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Clusterset Cluster B Cluster A Multi-cluster Ingress

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Clusterset Cluster B Cluster A Multi-cluster Ingress Gateway

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Cluster API

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The Future

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MC NetworkPolicy ● Conspicuously absent in upstream MC AdminNetworkPolicy ● Capturing tenancy more fully MC Scheduling ● Pick the best cluster for my workload MC Stateful apps ● Move/share disks between clusters ● DR, active-passive, or active-active Future projects (?)

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