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Infrastructure as Code & Monitoring Sharing the same development workflow.

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Sean Porter @PorterTech

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FOCUS ● The Sensu origin story - where it came from ● What makes Sensu different ● IaC development workflows ● Testing & monitoring in an IaC workflow ● Chef & Sensu in practice

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THE SENSU ORIGIN STORY ● I started at Sonian ~ 2010 ○ Chef 0.7 with AWS #YOLO infrastructure ○ Several traditional monitoring tools: Nagios, Ganglia, Collectd, & Graphite

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~ 50 alerts a day Mostly noise.

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THE SENSU ORIGIN STORY Triggered @lusis to write: “Why Monitoring Sucks”

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Wanted MOAR!

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Build it. Automatic (de)registration Config Management friendly Secure connectivity REST API Elastic scalability UNIX

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July 11th, 2011

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What makes Sensu different? What makes it better for CM driven environments?

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JSON CONFIGURATION { "checks": { "mysql_replication": { "command": "check-mysql-replication.rb", "subscribers": ["mysql"], "interval": 30, "playbook": "" } } }

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CHECK EXECUTION METHODS ● Pub/Sub (central orchestration) ○ e.g. execute http check on all API nodes ● Standalone ○ Define checks while provisioning node(s) ○ Scheduled by the local Sensu client

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LOCAL CLIENT SOCKET echo '{ \ "name": "mysql_backup", \ "output": "could not connect to mysql", \ "status": 2, \ "ttl": 90000 }' | nc localhost 3030

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Let’s talk about IaC workflows “The sequence of processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion” - Google.

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BASIC IaC WORKFLOW “It’s all software.”

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BASIC IaC WORKFLOW “It’s all software.”

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BASIC IaC WORKFLOW Use tests. Still need to review tests & code quality.

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BASIC IaC WORKFLOW Shorten the feedback loop.

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Writing IaC tests “A procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use” - Google.

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TESTING TOOLS ● Serverspec ○ RSpec tests for your servers ○ ● Bats ○ Bash Automated Testing System ○ Bash script with special syntax for defining test cases

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SERVERSPEC require 'spec_helper' describe service('httpd'), :if => os[:family] == 'redhat' do it { should be_enabled } it { should be_running } end describe port(80) do it { should be_listening } end

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BATS #!/usr/bin/env bats @test "httpd should be running" { run service httpd status [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "httpd should be listening for connections" { [ "$(netstat -plant | grep httpd)" ] }

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RUNNING TESTS ● Test Kitchen ○ ● Vagrant plugins ○ ● Serverspec SSH ● … choose your own adventure!

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RUNNING TESTS AS SENSU CHECKS ● Use the Sensu Serverspec check plugin ○ gem install sensu-plugins-serverspec check-serverspec.rb \ -d /etc/sensu/serverspec -t '*_spec.rb' ● Run Bats scripts

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Chef & Sensu In practice.

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SENSU CHEF COOKBOOK ● Recipes to install & manage services ● LWRPs for configuring handlers, checks, etc. ● Intended to be used by wrapper cookbook ○ e.g. recipe['monitor::haproxy']

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EXAMPLE CHEF RESOURCES sensu_handler 'default' do # recipe['monitor::_handlers'] type 'pipe' command 'pagerduty.rb' end sensu_check 'redis_process' do # recipe['monitor::redis'] command 'check-procs.rb -p redis-server -w 2 -c 3 -C 1' standalone true interval 30 end

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USING DATA BAGS # recipe['monitor::pubsub'] data_bag('sensu_checks').each do |data_bag_item| check = data_bag_item('sensu_checks', data_bag_item) sensu_check check['id'] do check.each do |key, value| send(key.to_sym, value) if respond_to?(key.to_sym) end end end

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SENSU SERVERSPEC CHECKS # recipe['monitor::serverspec'] sensu_gem 'sensu-plugins-serverspec' sensu_check 'serverspec' do command 'check-serverspec.rb -d /etc/sensu/serverspec -t \*_spec.rb ' standalone true interval 30 end # e.g. CheckServerspec CRITICAL: 12 examples, 2 failures

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Questions? Sean Porter (@PorterTech)