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Blockchain com JavaScript

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Sou Beto Muniz @obetomuniz

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Sou Beto Muniz @obetomuniz

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Sou Beto Muniz @obetomuniz

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import SHA256 from "js-sha256" class Block { constructor(index, data, previousHash) { this.index = index this.timestamp = new Date() = data this.previousHash = previousHash this.hash = this.calcHash() } calcHash() { const sha = SHA256.create() sha.update(`${this.index}${this.timestamp}${}${this.previousHash}`) return sha.hex() } static generator(block = { index: 0, hash: "0" }, data = "genesis") { return new Block(block.index, data, block.hash) } }

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Blockchain “Cadeia de Blocos”

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História do Blockchain

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2008 O conceito é publicado por Satoshi Nakamoto

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2009 Começa a blockchain Bitcoin

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2014 Surge o termo “Blockchain 2.0”

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2015 Surge a blockchain Ethereum Criada por Vitalik Buterin

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2016 +1 bilhão de dólares investidos

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2018 +1600 criptomoedas +500 bilhões de reais de valor de mercado +2000 aplicações descentralizadas na Ethereum |

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2019 ???

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Conceito Blockchain

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É um banco de dados distribuído com uma lista (chain) de registros (blocks) interligados e seguros (linked hashes)

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Linked Hashes?!

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Crypto Hashes.

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E como funciona?

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Hashing Criptografia P2P Network Nodes Assinaturas Digitais Proof of Steak Proof of Authority Turing Completude InterPlanetary File System Consensus Protocols Delegated Proof of Stake Byzantine Fault Tolerance Proof of Work Smart Contracts Sidechains Tokens ÐApps Consortium blockchains

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Mas então como aprender Blockchain?

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A natureza da conceito blockchain não é linear E na prática…

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Composição de conceitos

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Bitcoin blockchain Hashing Criptografia P2P Network Nodes Moeda Digital Proof of Work Imutabilidade

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Ethereum blockchain Smart Contracts Criptografia ÐApps Turing Completude Tokens Proof of Steak Imutabilidade

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Blockchain NÃO é o Bitcoin Bitcoin É um caso de uso do conceito blockchain

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BlockchainS “CadeiaS de Blocos”

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Slide 34 text Justiça Eleitoral

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Slide 36 text Crises Humanitárias

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Slide 37 text Música e Streaming

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Slide 38 text Anti-Corrupção Política

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Slide 39 text Gestão Pública

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Slide 40 text Internet das Coisas

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Transparência de dados Governança Descentralizada Performance Segurança Privacidade* Rastreabilidade de Informação Imutabilidade Escalabilidade Tokenização Aplicabilidade … Open Source Comunidade Baixo Custo

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Como Aplicar?!

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História do JavaScript

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Aplicações Mobile Nativas Browser Aplicações para SmartTVs Banco de Dados Aplicações de Linha de Comando Aplicações Desktop Sistemas Operacionais Blockchain Servidor Games* Progressive Web Apps Internet das Coisas

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Utilizada por grandes empresas Ecossistema vasto Multiparadigma Gerada para um mundo conectado Fácil de iniciar os estudos Mercado abundante e generoso Melhoria contínua Comunidade vibrante e ativa … Auxilia no aprendizado de outras linguagens Linguagem mais popular do mundo

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2019 2020, 2021, …

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JavaScript + Blockchain

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Ethereum “com” JavaScript

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Smart Contracts

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Slide 60 text pragma solidity ^0.4.20; contract HubConToken { mapping (address => uint256) public balanceOf; function HubConToken(uint256 initialSupply) public { balanceOf[msg.sender] = initialSupply; } function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= _value); require(balanceOf[_to] + _value >= balanceOf[_to]); balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value; balanceOf[_to] += _value; return true; } }

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Slide 61 text Vyper Solidity LLL - Lisp* Ethereum bytecode Bamboo eWASM - WebAssembly* Serpent - Python* SolidityX Pyramid Flint Yul Babbage Mutan - C* Idris Lolisa L4 Formality Logikon

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ÐApps Aplicações Descentralizadas

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Centralizadas Ponto de Falha Único

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Distribuídas Micro Services Centralizadas Ponto de Falha Único

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Distribuídas Micro Services Descentralizadas Blockchains Centralizadas Ponto de Falha Único

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web3.js Ethereum JavaScript API

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import web3 from "web3" const ORIGEM = “0xf4e36a1c193e687b459f22d3512dd0cfec289fd3" const DESTINO = "0xcc16e3c00dbbe76603fa833ec20a48f786dfe611" const HubConTokenSmartContract = "0xcc16e3c00dbbe76603fa833ec20a48f786dfe610" const HubConTokenABIObject = { ... } const SmartContract = await new web3.eth.Contract( HubConTokenABIObject, HubConTokenSmartContract ) SmartContract.methods.transfer(DESTINO, 1).send({ from: ORIGEM })

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import web3 from "web3" const ORIGEM = “0xf4e36a1c193e687b459f22d3512dd0cfec289fd3" const DESTINO = "0xcc16e3c00dbbe76603fa833ec20a48f786dfe611" const HubConTokenSmartContract = "0xcc16e3c00dbbe76603fa833ec20a48f786dfe610" const HubConTokenABIObject = { ... } const SmartContract = await new web3.eth.Contract( HubConTokenABIObject, HubConTokenSmartContract ) SmartContract.methods.transfer(DESTINO, 1).send({ from: ORIGEM })

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import web3 from "web3" const ORIGEM = “0xf4e36a1c193e687b459f22d3512dd0cfec289fd3" const DESTINO = "0xcc16e3c00dbbe76603fa833ec20a48f786dfe611" const HubConTokenSmartContract = "0xcc16e3c00dbbe76603fa833ec20a48f786dfe610" const HubConTokenABIObject = { ... } const SmartContract = await new web3.eth.Contract( HubConTokenABIObject, HubConTokenSmartContract ) SmartContract.methods.transfer(DESTINO, 1).send({ from: ORIGEM })

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import web3 from "web3" const ORIGEM = “0xf4e36a1c193e687b459f22d3512dd0cfec289fd3" const DESTINO = "0xcc16e3c00dbbe76603fa833ec20a48f786dfe611" const HubConTokenSmartContract = "0xcc16e3c00dbbe76603fa833ec20a48f786dfe610" const HubConTokenABIObject = { ... } const SmartContract = await new web3.eth.Contract( HubConTokenABIObject, HubConTokenSmartContract ) SmartContract.methods.transfer(DESTINO, 1).send({ from: ORIGEM })

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import web3 from "web3" const ORIGEM = “0xf4e36a1c193e687b459f22d3512dd0cfec289fd3" const DESTINO = "0xcc16e3c00dbbe76603fa833ec20a48f786dfe611" const HubConTokenSmartContract = "0xcc16e3c00dbbe76603fa833ec20a48f786dfe610" const HubConTokenABIObject = { ... } const SmartContract = await new web3.eth.Contract( HubConTokenABIObject, HubConTokenSmartContract ) SmartContract.methods.transfer(DESTINO, 1).send({ from: ORIGEM })

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Ark com JavaScript

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Slide 74 text Ark com JavaScript, PHP, Swift, Go, .NET, Python, Java, …

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ark-js Ark Blockchain Client

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Hyperledger com JavaScript

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import shim from "fabric-shim"; class Chaincode { Init(stub) { return stub .putState("chave", Buffer.from("valor")) .then(() => shim.success(), () => shim.error()); } Invoke(stub) { return stub.getState("chave").then(() => shim.success()); } }; shim.start(new Chaincode());

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import shim from "fabric-shim"; class Chaincode { Init(stub) { return stub .putState("chave", Buffer.from("valor")) .then(() => shim.success(), () => shim.error()); } Invoke(stub) { return stub.getState("chave").then(() => shim.success()); } }; shim.start(new Chaincode());

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Lisk 100% JavaScript

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const lisk = require('lisk-elements').default; const client = lisk.APIClient.createTestnetAPIClient(); const tx = lisk.transaction.transfer({ recipientId: "YOUR LISK ID", passphrase: "YOUR PASSPHRASE HERE", amount: "1", data: "Hello World" }); try { client.transactions.broadcast(tx); } catch(err) { console.log(err.message); } å

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const lisk = require('lisk-elements').default; const client = lisk.APIClient.createTestnetAPIClient(); client.dapps.get({ name: 'LiskKitties' }) .then(res => { console.log(; })

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Obrigado! @obetomuniz