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Brian Graves @briangraves

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The Web

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Text Documents credit

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Text Documents credit

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Absolute Positioning / Floats / Inline-Block

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Flexbox / Grids

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CSS in 2016 is Amazing.

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There is No CSS3! And other facts about how standards are made.

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There is No CSS3! And other facts about how standards are made.

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Despite the popularity of the “CSS3” buzzword, there is actually no spec defining such a thing. – Lea Verou

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“CSS is not a real language”

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Problems with CSS • Cross-browser compatibility issues • Vendor prefixes • No variables • No nested selectors • No scoping • No functions • No color manipulation • No basic arithmetic

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Things That Make Our Lives Easier

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Rise of the Preprocessors. How we filled in the gaps.

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.row { @include display-flex; background-color: $color-blue; } .row { display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; background-color: #173fb1; }

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Do Preprocessors Solve The Problem?

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Preprocessors Perpetuate A Problem. – Aaron Ladage

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More & More Layers of Abstraction

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Problems with Preprocessors • Not real front-end code • Proprietary syntax • Often written in non front-end languages • Not as easily extensible • Must be compiled • Compile times can be slow • The CSS Spec & Browsers are catching up!

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Preprocessors? Where we’re going, we don’t need preprocessors.

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Color Functions

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Custom Media Queries

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Custom Properties (Variables)

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:root { --color-blue: #0A81C4; --color-blue-dark: #005581; } .element { color: var(--color-blue); } .element:hover { color: var(--color-blue-dark); }

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Just because you may like Sass variable syntax more does not mean that you should just forsake the new spec. – Jake Albaugh

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Variables lose their value if you have to constantly track down what they represent. – Ryan Heap

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Bad --blue: #0A81C4; --blue2: #005581; --blue3: #acd5f8; --timing: .25s; --othertiming: 1s; Good: Logical Modifiers --color-blue: #0A81C4; --color-blue-light: #005581; --color-blue-dark: #acd5f8; --timing-fast: .25s; --timing-slow: 1s; Good: Point Scale --color-blue-10: #0A81C4; --color-blue-20: #005581; --color-blue-30: #acd5f8;

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:root { --color-blue: #0A81C4; --color-blue-dark: #005581; } .element { color: var(--color-blue); } .element:hover { color: var(--color-blue-dark); }

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@Apply (Mixins/Extends)

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:root { --clearfix: { display: table; clear: both; content: ‘’; }; } .element:after { @apply --clearfix; }

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Color Module Level 4 (Color Functions)

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.element { color: #1982C5; } .element--modifier { color: color(#1982C5 tint(40%)); }

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.element { color: #1982C5; } .element--modifier { color: color(#1982C5 shade(40%)); }

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CSS Color Functions • Tints & Shades • RGBA Adjustment • HSL/HWB Adjustment • Color Blending (blend & blenda) • Guarantee Contrast

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/* combine with variables to create palettes */ :root { --color-blue: #1982C5; --color-blue-light: color( var(--color-blue) tint(40%) ); --color-blue-dark: color( var(--color-blue) shade(40%) ); }

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/* map variables to variables */ :root { --color-text: var(--color-blue); --color-text-light: color( var(--color-text) tint(40%) ); --color-text-dark: color( var(--color-text) shade(40%) ); }

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/* map variables to variables */ :root { --color-text: var(--color-orange); --color-text-light: color( var(--color-text) tint(40%) ); --color-text-dark: color( var(--color-text) shade(40%) ); }

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.element { color: blue; {&.modifier { color: red; }} }

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.element { color: blue; {&.modifier { color: red; }} }

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.element { color: blue; &.modifier { color: red; } }

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.im { .a { .way { .over { .nested { .selector { color: red; } } } } } }

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.im { .a { .way { .over { .nested { .selector { color: red; } } } } } }

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Bad Nesting Order .selector { element {//…} property: value; .selector {//…} &:before {//…} } Good Nesting Order .selector { property: value; &:before {//…} element {//…} .selector {//…} }

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Custom Selectors

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@custom-selector --small (min-width: 30em); @media (--small) { .element { font-size: 1.5rem; } }

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@media only screen and (min-width: 30em) { .element { font-size: 1.5rem; } }

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@custom-selector --small (min-width: 30em); @media (--small) { .element { font-size: 1.5rem; } }

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@custom-selector --heading h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6; --heading { /* styles for all headings */ } --heading + p { /* more styles */ }

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Media Query Range Context

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@media (30em <= width <= 60em) { .element { font-size: 1.5rem; } }

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@media (min-width: 30em) and (max-width: 60em) { .element { font-size: 1.5rem; } }

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@media (width <= 30em) { …small… } @media (30em < width < 60em) { …medium… } @media (width >= 60em) { …large… }

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Problems with CSS • Cross-browser compatibility issues • Vendor prefixes • No variables • No nested selectors • No scoping • No functions/mixins • No color manipulation • No basic arithmetic

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Problems with CSS • Cross-browser compatibility issues • Vendor prefixes • No variables • No nested selectors • No scoping • No functions/mixins • No color manipulation • No basic arithmetic

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Problems with CSS • Cross-browser compatibility issues • Vendor prefixes • No variables • No nested selectors • No scoping • No functions/mixins • No color manipulation • No basic arithmetic

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.row { @include display-flex; background: $color-blue; } .row { display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; background-color: #173fb1; }

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.row { display: flex; background: var(--color-blue); } .row { display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; background-color: #173fb1; }

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PostCSS Advantages • Write CSS using CSS • Use CSS3 without worry • Even Use CSS4 • Modular (Use only what you need) • Tons of existing plugins • Can’t find a plugin? Write one in javascript.

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PostCSS Ecosystem • Autoprefixer • PostCSS-nested • PostCSS-color-function • PostCSS-calc • PostCSS-custom-properties • PostCSS-apply • PostCSS-custom-media • CSSNext • PostCSS-import • Can’t find a plugin? Write one in javascript.

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One Day…

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Let’s Get As Close As We Can To The Real Thing

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@briangraves Slides: Thank You!