Kafka Producers
• Producers are responsible to chose
what topic to publish data to
• The producer is responsible for
choosing a partition to write to
• Can be handled round robin or
partition functions
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Kafka Consumers
• Consumption can be done via:
• queuing
• pub-sub
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Kafka Consumers
• Kafka consumer group
• Strong ordering
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Kafka Consumers
• Strong ordering
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Iteration 2
Introduction of Kafka
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Iteration 3
Further ‘Improvements’ to the cluster layout
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The Numbers
• Logs kept in ES for 30 days then archived
• 12 billion documents active in ES
• ES space was about 25 - 30TB in EBS volumes
• Average Doc Size ~ 1.2KB
• V-Day 2015: ~750M docs collected without failure
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What about metrics and
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Monitoring - Nagios
• Alerts on
• ES Cluster
• zK and Kafka Nodes
• Logstash / Redis nodes