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Introducing Poxen 1PYFOͷհ Heroku Meetup #11 New Year Party!! Jan 16, 2014
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@niw 45,103 TWEETS 838 FOLLOWINGS 85,690 FOLLOWERS 6pm Jan 16, 2014 Yoshimasa Niwa
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I’ve got a new Mac! ৽͍͠.BDΛങͬͨΑ
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Ugh, no heroku command! ͋͋͋͋ɺ)FSPLVίϚϯυ͕ͳ͍
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Mendokusai… ΊΜͲ͏͍͘͞ʜ
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Now, you have Poxen! ͦΜͳͱ͖ɺ1PYFO͕͋Γ·͢
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What is Poxen? 1PYFOͱ
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Poxen automatically configures your Mac! 1PYFOΛ͏ͱ.BDͷઃఆΛ؆୯ʹࣗಈ ԽͰ͖·͢
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Poxen does 1PYFOʹͰ͖Δ͜ͱ ‣ Install Applications ΞϓϦͷΠϯετʔϧ ‣ Configure preferences γεςϜڥઃఆɺ͍ΘΏΔEFGBVMUT ‣ Remove vulnerable Java plugin ੬ऑͳ+BWBϓϥάΠϯͷআ
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Isn’t it Boxen? ΞϨʁͦΕͬͯ#PYFO͡Όͳ͍ͷ
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Poxen is compatible with Boxen! 1PYFO#PYFOͱޓੑ͕͋Γ·͢
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Is it better? #PYFOΑΓྑ͍ͷ
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Poxen is super easy for your personal Mac! 1PYFO#PYFOΑΓʔͬͱ؆୯Ͱɺݸ ਓͷ.BDΛઃఆ͢Δͷʹ͍ͯ·͢ɻ
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How to use it? Ͳ͏ͬͯ͏ͷ
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Getting Started! ࢝ΊΑ͏ ‣ xcode-build --install ‣ xcode-build --license ‣ git clone ‣ vim manifests/site.pp ‣ script/poxen
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Demo, install Heroku Toolbelt. σϞɺ)FSPLV5PPMCFMUΛೖΕͯΈΔɻ
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Thank you! ͝ײɺ࣭!OJX·Ͱ