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Introduction to reStructuredText Mosky

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Mosky • A Python engineer at Pinkoi • An author of some Python packages (MoSQL, Clime, ...) • A speaker at some conferences (PyCon APAC, PyCon TW, COSCUP, ...) • A Python trainer •

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reStructuredText • reST, RST • no REST (Representational State Transfer) • A part of Python's Docutils • A Lightweight Markup Language (like Markdown)

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Installation • Test if you already have: • --version • If you have pip: • pip install docutils • Other: • README.html#installation

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Markups • Implicit Markups • Explicit Markups

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Implicit Markups • Inline Markups • Section & Paragraph • Lists (5 types) • Blocks (4 types) • Table (2 styles) • Transition • (Formatting Markups)

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Explicit Markups • Footnotes (2 types) • Citation • Hyperlink Targets (4 t.) • Directive • Substitution • Comment • (Dot-Dot Markups)

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Implicit Markups

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Inline Markups *emphasis* **strong emphasis** `interpreted text` ``inline literal`` \*escape*, \**esacpe** A backslash literal: \\ emphasis strong emphasis interpreted text inline literal *escape*, **esacpe** A backslash literal: \

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Section & Paragraph ===== Title ===== Subtitle -------- The first paragraph. The second paragraph. =-`:'"~^_*+#<> Title Subtitle The first paragraph. The second paragraph. =-`:'"~^_*+#<>

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Lists • Enumerated List • Bullet List • Definition List • Option List

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Enumerated List A enumerated list: 3. The first item. 4. The second item. #. The third item. ``1.``, ``A.``, ``I.``, ``(1)``, ``1)`` are also work. A enumerated list: 3. The first item. 4. The second item. 5. The third item. 1., A., I., (1), 1) also work.

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Bullet List A bullet list: - This is item 1 - This is item 2 - "-", "*" or "+". Continuing text must be aligned. The two blank lines is required. A bullet list: • This is item 1 • This is item 2 • "-", "*" or "+". Continuing text must be aligned. The two blank lines is required.

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Definition List A definition list: Python Python is a programming language. reStructuredText reStructuredText is a markup syntax and parser system. A Definition List: Python Python is a programming language. reStructuredText reStructuredText is a markup syntax and parser system.

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Field List :Author: Mosky Liu Thanks the Quickref :Date: 2013/10/29 Author: Mosky Liu Thanks the Quickref Date: 2013/10/29

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Option List -a opt and long desc -b file opt with arg --long long opt -a -b --long opt and long dec opt with arg long opt

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Blocks • Literal Block • Line Block • Block Quote • Doctest Block

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Literal Block A literal block: :: Everything will be kept here. Out of the literal block. A literal block: Everything will be kept here. Out of the literal block.

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Literal Block A literal block: :: Everything will be kept here. Out of the literal block. A literal block: Everything will be kept here. Out of the literal block.

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Line Block A line block: | Line breaks and | initial indents | are preserved. A line block: Line breaks and initial indents are preserved.

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Block Quote Block quotes are just: Indented paragraphs. Block quotes are just: Indented paragraphs.

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Doctest Block A doctest block: >>> print "Hey!" Hey! A doctest block: >>> print "Hey!" Hey!

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Table • Grid Table • Simple Table • These are styles of table.

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Grid Table A grid table: +----------+----------+ | Header 1 | Header 2 | +==========+==========+ | Column 1 | Column 2 | +----------+----------+ | Spanned Column | +---------------------+ A grid table: Header 1 Header 2 Column 1 Column 2 Spanned Column Spanned Column

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Simple Table A simple table: ======== ======== Header 1 Header 2 ======== ======== Column 1 Column 2 -------- -------- Spanned Column ================== A simple table: Header 1 Header 2 Column 1 Column 2 Spanned Column Spanned Column

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Transition 4 or more punctuation chars. ---- No begin or end a sect or doc. 4 or more punctuation chars. No begin or end a sect or doc.

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Explicit Markups

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Footnotes • Numerical Footnote • Symbol Footnote

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Numerical Footnote PyHUG [1]_ and [2]_ are both the Python user groups in Taiwan. .. [1] .. [2] PyHUG [1] and [2] both are the Python user groups in Taiwan. [1] [2]

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Numerical Footnote PyHUG [#]_ and [#]_ are both the Python user groups in Taiwan. .. [#] .. [#] PyHUG [1] and [2] both are the Python user groups in Taiwan. [1] [2]

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Symbol Footnote PyHUG [*]_ and [*]_ are both the Python user groups in Taiwan. .. [*] .. [*] PyHUG [*] and [†] both are the Python user groups in Taiwan. [*] [†]

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Citation [PyHUG]_ and []_ are both the Python user groups in Taiwan. .. [PyHUG] .. [] [PyHUG] and [] both are the Python user groups in Taiwan. [PyHUG] []

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Hyperlink Targets • External • Internal • Indirect • Implicit

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External Hyperlink Target PyHUG_ and Taipei.py_ are both the `Python `_ user groups in Taiwan. .. _PyHUG: .. PyHUG and both are the Python user groups in Taiwan.

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Internal Hyperlink Target PyHUG_ and Taipei.py_ are both the Python user groups in Taiwan. .. _PyHUG: PyHUG is ... .. is ... PyHUG and both are the Python user groups in Taiwan.

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Indirect Hyperlink Target Python_ is `my favourite programming language`__. .. _Python: __ Python_ Python is my favourite programming language.

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Implicit Hyperlink Target Titles are targets, too ======================= Implict references, like `Titles are targets, too`_. Title are targets, too Implict references, like Titles are targets, too.

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Directive PyHUG's logo: .. image:: pyhug.jpg PyHUG's logo:

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Substitution PyHUG's logo: |pyhug| .. |pyhug| image:: pyhug.jpg PyHUG's logo:

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Comment PyHUG and are both the Python user groups in Taiwan. .. TODO: Put in this paragraph. PyHUG and are both the Python user groups in Taiwan.

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Links • Quick reStructuredText • reStructuredText Directives • Sphinx • Markdown

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