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Developer tooling for Kubernetes configuration Gareth Rushgrove

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- Infrastructure as code - Validation, linting and unit testing - Demos and examples

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Testing infrastructure as code A bit of useful history

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Infrastructure as code is the process of managing and provisioning computers through machine-readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools

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rspec-puppet - originally written in 2011

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Examples span communities ChefSpec, Puppet Lint, Puppet Syntax, Food Critic, Cookstyle

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Why test a declarative configuration?

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Increasingly configuration: - Contains logic - Takes arguments - Interfaces with other configuration - Spans multiple versions of software

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Those points from a Puppet talk from 4 years ago

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As the community adopts higher-level tools like Helm, ksonnet, Compose, Kedge, Kapitan, etc. this becomes more relevant to Kubernetes users

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Take bitnami/kube-manifests as an example. It contains 7000+ lines of JSON in 159 files generated from 2000 lines of Jsonnet.

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Sidenote Brian Grant from Google found 43 tools for managing K8S configurations

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We’re now tracking more than 60

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Relevant discussion in the App Def Working Group

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I posit that the lessons learnt applying testing practices to infrastructure as code apply to Kubernetes configs

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Widely adopted tools break down into - Validation - Linting - Unit testing - Acceptance testing

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What would tools to address these problems look like for Kubernetes?

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Validation Using the type schemas when writing configs

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apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: redis-master labels: app: redis role: master tier: backend spec: ports: - port: 6379 targetPort: "6379" selector: app: redis role: master1 tier: backend Is this a valid Kubernetes configuration file?

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Is this a valid Kubernetes configuration file? apiVersion: v1 kind: ReplicationController spec: replicas: none selector: app: nginx loadbalancer: lb-1 templates: name: nginx labels: backend app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx

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Is this Helm template valid for Kubernetes? apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: {{ template "fullname" . }} labels: app: {{ template "fullname" . }} chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}" release: "{{ .Release.Name }}" heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}" spec: ports: - name: memcache port: 11211 targetPort: memcache selector: app: {{ template "fullname" . }}

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Is this Puppet code valid for Kubernetes? kubernetes_pod { 'sample-pod': ensure => present, metadata => { namespace => 'default', }, spec => { containers => [{ name => 'container-name', image => 'nginx', }] }, }

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Kubernetes has a well-defined set of API primitives; Pods, Deployments, Services, ReplicationControllers, etc.

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Kubernetes uses OpenAPI to describe the API

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OpenAPI uses JSON Schema internally

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Kubernetes JSON Schema

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That’s a lot of JSON PS> Get-Content -Path swagger.json | Measure-Object -line).Lines 85340 PS> (Get-ChildItem -Path v*/*.json -Recurse | Measure-Object).Count 26181 PS> (Get-ChildItem -Path v*/*.json -Recurse | Get-Content | Measure-Object -line).Lines 7296392

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OpenShift JSON Schema

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Validate directly using the schemas $ jsonschema -F "{error.message}" -i hello-nginx.json 1.6.6-standalone/deployment.json u'template' is a required property

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Validation is useful for - Catching typos - Fast feedback - Missing properties - Checking against multiple K8 versions

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Introducing Kubeval

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A nice CLI for validating K8S configurations $ kubeval --help Validate a Kubernetes YAML file against the relevant schema Usage: kubeval [file...] [flags] Flags: -h, --help help for kubeval -v, --kubernetes-version string Version of Kubernetes to validate against --openshift Use OpenShift schemas instead of upstream Kubernetes --schema-location string Base URL used to download schemas. Can also be specified with the environment variable KUBEVAL_SCHEMA_LOCATION --version Display the kubeval version information and exit

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Validate YAML files on the command line $ kubeval my-invalid-rc.yaml The document my-invalid-rc.yaml contains an invalid ReplicationController --> spec.replicas: Invalid type. Expected: integer, given: string $ echo $? 1 $ cat my-invalid-rc.yaml | kubeval The document my-invalid-rc.yaml contains an invalid ReplicationController --> spec.replicas: Invalid type. Expected: integer, given: string $ echo $? 1

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Validate multiple resources in the same file $ kubeval multi.yaml The document fixtures/multi.yaml contains a valid Service The document fixtures/multi.yaml contains an invalid Deployment --> spec.template.spec.containers.0.env.0.value: Invalid type. Expected: string, given: integer The document fixtures/multi.yaml contains an invalid ReplicationController --> spec.replicas: Invalid type. Expected: integer, given: string The document fixtures/multi.json contains a valid Deployment The document fixtures/multi.yaml contains a valid ReplicationController

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Validate against multiple versions of Kubernetes $ kubeval --v 1.7.9 my-invalid-rc.yaml The document my-invalid-rc.yaml contains an invalid ReplicationController --> spec.replicas: Invalid type. Expected: integer, given: string $ kubeval --v 1.8.1 my-invalid-rc.yaml The document my-invalid-rc.yaml contains an invalid ReplicationController --> spec.replicas: Invalid type. Expected: integer, given: string

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Use as a library in other Go tools import ( "" ) results, err := kubeval.Validate(fileContents, fileName)

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Unit testing Custom business rules for configuration

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Validation says something is valid, not that it’s what you intended

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Lots of teams have a script to check certain properties of their K8S configurations against internal policies

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Our internal tooling includes a linter that renders helm charts and validates the resources produced pass certain internal rules.

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- Podspec needs resource requests - Ensure certain labels are set - Prevent usage of latest images - Prohibit privileged containers - Enforce naming conventions

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Introducing kubetest

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Run tests against your configurations $ kubetest rc.yaml --verbose INFO rc.yaml should not use latest images WARN rc.yaml ReplicationController should have at least 4 replicas

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Tests are written in Skylark

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Skylark is a dialect of Python. It is an untyped dynamic language with high-level data types, first-class functions with lexical scope, and garbage collection

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A Skylark interpreter is typically embedded within an application which may define additional domain-specific functions and data types beyond those provided by the core language

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Example tests for kubetest #// vim: set ft=python: def test_for_latest_image(): if spec["kind"] == "ReplicationController": for container in spec["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"]: tag = container["image"].split(":")[-1] assert_not_equal(tag, "latest", "should not use latest images") def test_minimum_replicas(): if spec["kind"] == "ReplicationController": test = spec["spec"]["replicas"] >= 4 assert_true(test, "ReplicationController should have at least 4 replicas") test_for_latest_image() test_minimum_replicas()

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Tests enforcing a team label #// vim: set ft=python: def test_for_team_label(): if spec["kind"] == "Deployment": labels = spec["spec"]["template"]["metadata"]["labels"] assert_contains(labels, "team", "should indicate which team owns the deployment") test_for_team_label()

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Linting Building common community assertions

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Organisation-specific assertions are useful, but require you to write the tests yourself

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Many assertions are common, they are the result of emerging community best-practice

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I’d like to build an out-of-the-box experience for kubetest

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Integration with K8 tools Demos and examples

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Using kubeval with Helm $ git clone $ cd helm/docs/examples $ ls alpine nginx $ helm template nginx | kubeval The document stdin contains a valid Secret The document stdin contains a valid ConfigMap The document stdin contains a valid Service The document stdin contains a valid Pod The document stdin contains a valid Deployment The document stdin contains a valid Job

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Tests for our Helm Chart #// vim: set ft=python: def test_for_latest_image(): if spec["kind"] in ["Job", "Deployment"]: for container in spec["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"]: tag = container["image"].split(":")[-1] assert_not_equal(tag, "latest", spec["kind"] + " should not use latest images") test_for_latest_image()

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Using kubetest with Helm $ helm template nginx | kubetest --verbose INFO stdin Deployment should not use latest images INFO stdin Job should not use latest images

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Using kubeval with ksonnet $ cat deployment.jsonnet local k = import "ksonnet.beta.2/k.libsonnet"; local deployment = k.apps.v1beta1.deployment; local container = deployment.mixin.spec.template.spec.containersType; local containerPort = container.portsType; // Create nginx container with container port 80 open. local nginxContainer ="nginx", "nginx:1.13.0") + container.ports(containerPort.newNamed("http", 80)); // Create default Deployment object from nginx container."nginx", 5, nginxContainer, {app: "nginx"})

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Using kubeval with ksonnet $ cat deployment.jsonnet local k = import "ksonnet.beta.2/k.libsonnet"; local deployment = k.apps.v1beta1.deployment; local container = deployment.mixin.spec.template.spec.containersType; local containerPort = container.portsType; // Create nginx container with container port 80 open. local nginxContainer ="nginx", "nginx:1.13.0") + container.ports(containerPort.newNamed("http", 80)); // Create default Deployment object from nginx container."nginx", 5, nginxContainer, {app: "nginx"}) $ jsonnet deployment.jsonnet | kubeval The document stdin contains a valid Deployment

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Using kubetest with ksonnet $ jsonnet deployment.jsonnet | kubetest --verbose INFO stdin should not use latest images WARN stdin ReplicationController should have at least 7 replicas

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Using kubeval with Puppet $ cat guestbook.pp kubernetes_service { 'frontend': ensure => 'present', metadata => { 'labels' => {'app' => 'guestbook', 'tier' => 'frontend'}, 'namespace' => 'default', }, spec => { 'type' => 'LoadBalancer', 'ports' => [ {'port' => 80, 'protocol' => 'TCP'} ], 'selector' => { 'app' => 'guestbook', 'tier' => 'frontend' }, },

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Using kubeval with Puppet $ puppet kubernetes convert --manifest guestbook.pp | kubeval The document stdin contains a valid ReplicationController The document stdin contains a valid Service The document stdin contains a valid ReplicationController The document stdin contains a valid Service The document stdin contains a valid ReplicationController The document stdin contains a valid Service

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Using kubetest with Puppet $ puppet kubernetes convert --manifest guestbook.pp | kubetest --verbose INFO stdin should not use latest images INFO stdin should not use latest images INFO stdin should not use latest images

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kubeval is a great tool to validate your Kubernetes configuration files as part of your CI pipeline

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Using kubeval and kubetest in CI

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Conclusions If all you remember is...

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The community is still exploring ways to describe Kubernetes configuration in code

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The Configuration Complexity Clock is real

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Some of the current tools lend themselves to native testing, others are just data and templates

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Having testing tools that work with different configuration approaches can make moving between tools easier

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Lots more interesting opportunities around testing Kubernetes configs

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And lots of inspiration we can take from other communities and tools

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Any questions? And thanks for listening