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ߴ໦ ढ़ี 🇯🇵 🗼 • Founder of DeCartography (web3 crowdsourcing app) • Contributor of Plurality Tokyo • Build a website: WTF is Plural QF • Planning to host “Funding the Commons” in Tokyo? • Taka (Shunsuke Takagi)

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All docs are public 🔓 You can see at

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Agenda 1. Introduction 2. What’s the Quadratic Funding (QF) 3. How to Attack and Defend QF • Introducing "Plural" QF 4. Example: Does the current voting system work well for all ages in a country with many older people 5. Simulation: Experience comparing QF & Plural QF in person 6. Discussion: Which is matter and why? 7. Recap: How we can improve our society. It’s time to talk about “Governmentality”

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if we can use a new method as a technology, we can see/use more options.

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if we can use a new method as a technology, we can see/use more options.

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Well :), let’s assume like this

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In the past: we could only use single/binary voting Current (computer era): we can use plural voting (require more computer resource than binary) Future?: plural voting powered by pluralistic identity?

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In the past: we could only use single/binary voting Current (computer era): we can use plural voting (require more computer resource than binary) Future?: plural voting powered by pluralistic identity?

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Why pluralism matter?

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What’s the Quadratic Funding (QF)

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How to Attack and Defend QF

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1.Sybil Attack: create multiple accounts to manipulate the QF mechanism 2. Collusion: coordination powered by bribery On QF, identity is the most important infrastructure. Attack vector for QF

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Since an increased number of contributions results in more matching funds, An attacking will 1. create a fake grant, 2. donate to himself, 3. collect matching funds more than the donated budget splitting the contribution into multiple accounts, and donating to themselves. 1. Sybil Attack

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Gitcoin requires to connect with other identity apps, it’s like a DID aggregator. then, calculate “Humanity Score” If humanity score is not high, your voting power will decrease than other donors. = hard to create multiple accounts by 1 person solution: require to connect with other identity apps

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Donate by real account (not Sybil attack), but cooperate in underground 1.Send money (budget) to each other 2.Donate to both projects each other 3.They’ll get more than the budget It’s hard to de fi ne what’s collusion or just community coordination 2. Collusion “Collusion” secret cooperation to get more grant

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Using the patriciate's social diversity to quantify “how they’re plural”. And the donator’s voting power is based on it. It can decrease collusion, And empowerment for the project supported by people from a wide range of communities solution: adjusting voting power based on participate’s social diversity

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Introducing "Plural" QF

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What’s Plural QF

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Example: Does the current voting system work well for all ages in a country with many older people ?

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Member of Parliament

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Median(தҐ਺) 59 old In the 2021 House of Representatives election in Japan

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Where going on?

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• The current election system has an incentive to target advanced-age • Is the result “general will” (ڞಉҙࢤ)?

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If we can change the current voting system Now: the number of votes ↓ Will?: how much pluralistic of vote

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Case study: QF vs Plural QF • QF system will distribute the budget for each project based on the total sum of the donation Q. When your local government uses the QF system to decide a budget for each public goods project, if some projects are targeted to old people they will get much more donations than others. And of course, they get much more budget from the matching pool. Is it collusion? Or, just coordination?

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Plural QF fix this • When we use the Plural QF system to decide a budget for each public goods project, it can fi x it. • Change the system: Amount of donation→how much pluralistic among donor 1. Donors will clustering by age 2. Projects supported by range receive more priority to receive funds from the matching pool

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Plural QF

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Plural QF

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Simulation: Experience comparing QF & Plural QF in person

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Your city’s local government started QF to provide a budget for public goods project • The local government made a $1,000 (30,000NTD) budget as a matching pool • You can donate your favorite project • Your donation will engage in project distribution project results for each projects Assume below situation:

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What are you going to do if the below situation • 23 old • IPOed Tech startup founder • Such a Welfare • Interested in global warming • 70 old • Founded Football Association • Based on pension (Ⴞอ࿝೥څ෇) • interested in sports • 40 old • Part-time job • Based on the partner's income • The family has 2 kids • 37 old • Freelance art director • Living with his family • Loving park and nature

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Let’s donation! Please donate action for your favorite project based on each paper’s situation 🗳 1. Scan QR code 2. Go to the page 3. Select project Fill the amount 4. Submit ✅

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Let’s see the result Let’s see the each project’s budget which calculated your donation https://pluralqfworkshop-

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Group Discussion: QF or Plural QF Which matters and why?

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It’s time to talk about “Governmentality”