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RailsConf May 19, 2022 More Engineers, More Problems: Solutions for Big Teams

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Chime | 2 Welcome!

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Chime | 3 REPLACE IMAGE HERE This is one of the most terrifying graphs I know

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Chime | 4 As you get big fast, the amount of communication in your organization gets bigger, faster…

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Chime | 5 Chime engineering more than tripled in 18 months…

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Chime | 6 Chime ➔ Chime is a financial technology company founded on the premise that basic banking services should be helpful, easy and free. ➔ Members get early access to their paycheck, accounts with no monthly fees, fee-free overdrafts up to $200, and a secured credit card that actually helps you build credit. ➔ Helping our members achieve financial peace of mind with the simplest, lowest-cost, most human financial products ➔ We profit with our members, not from them

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Chime | 7 Chime Engineering ➔ Almost 600 Engineers ◆ San Francisco, Chicago, Vancouver, and Remote ➔ Mostly Ruby Back-end ➔ Many services with APIs and custom messaging ➔

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Chime | 8 Three talks on solving “big team” challenges ➔ David Trejo: How Chime creates a proactive security & engineering culture ➔ Brian Lesperance: Secure & Observable Software with ActiveSupport ➔ Chris Dwan: How To Onboard Ruby Developers

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Chime | 9 David Trejo

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David Trejo • RailsConf May 19, 2022 How Chime creates a proactive security & engineering culture with Monocle

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You: Instead, we empower engineers and build trust like this… Security Feelings

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Tripled our engineering team ⬆ Created many new services 🚚 Noticed security gaps and filled them 🔐 Chime | 12 Lately at Chime we’ve…

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Chime | 13 Our members share sensitive financial data with us. A security breach would be bad news. ➔ Leaders can see security posture ➔ Engineers aren’t overwhelmed by 5+ tools ➔ Automation saves us 2,000 eng hours per year on audits 😰

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Solution: Monocle, our internal Rails application Chime | 14 Inspired by open source and to get attention from engineers, we’ve given a badge to each of our repos with a letter grade

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Key items that reduce our audit workload: Approved base images Branch protection w/ 1+ review approvals Vulnerability resolution Empower engineers to improve the grade their service’s security

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Safeguarded our members’ data Engineers easily improve their services’ security Leaders see our investments in security pay off Monocle’s Security and culture results:

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A great start / MVP: - A cronjob - that hits the Github GraphQL API - then sends Slack notifications to teams, and creates reports I wish I’d started sending Slack messages sooner. Or, if you’re mostly interested in the security benefits, try open source tools like ossf’s AllStar–or more generally, Chime | 17 “Where should I start?”

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Email us (security at chime) or message me on Twitter: @ddtrejo Also, we’re hiring–and this is my favorite job ever 😎 Chime | 18 Questions?

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Secure & Observable w/ ActiveSupport Brian Lesperance

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● The feature doesn’t work ● Requests are slow ● App is crashing Problem(s)

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● Measure ● Learn ● Build Approach

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Initial Solution

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ActiveSupport::Notifications “An instrumentation API for Ruby”

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ActiveSupport::Notifications ● Separates instrumentation from business logic ● Decouples logic (collection) from presentation (logging) ● Lays groundwork for further reuse

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Measure: Before

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Measure: After

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Initial Solution: Reporting Results

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Simple Subscription

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ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber “An object set to consume ActiveSupport::Notifications with the sole purpose of logging them”

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● Follows Rails convention ● Consolidates presentation ● Simplifies logging ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber

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● Logged personal & sensitive data is a liability ● Users ○ Identity theft, financial hardship ● Business ○ Civil & criminal lawsuits ● Need to never log this Sensitive Data

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ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter “Allows you to specify keys for sensitive data from hash-like object and replace corresponding value”

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● Sanitizes hash-like structures ● Shared configuration w/ Rails.application.config.filter_parameters ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter

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1. ActiveSupport::Notifications 2. ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber 3. ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter Mission Accomplished

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● Further extraction ● Additional destinations Next Steps

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Stay Curious

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Thank you! 💚 Chime | 47

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Chime | 48 Chris Dwan

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Chime | 49 Ruby 💚 Rails

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Chime | 50 Crazy Love 💚

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Chime | 52 Chime | 52 Yawnboarding?

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Chime | 53 Consistent

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Chime | 54 Ruby 💚 Rails

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Chime | 55 Bad 😡 Code 😭

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Chime | 56 Team Up 󰠘

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Chime | 57 Sustainable

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Chime | 58 Content

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Chime | 59 Balance? ⚖

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Chime | 60 CHEATED

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Chime | 61 ● Welcome and IRB ● Philosophy of Ruby ● Ruby at Chime ● Question Game ● Mob Programming Exercise

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Chime | 62 Why?

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Chime | 63 Curiosity

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Chime | 64 Limitations

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Chime | 65 Pull > Push

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Chime | 66 ● Dirty Hands ● Two-Way Communication ● Empty Space ● Keep it Moving ● Split Ruby + Rails sessions

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Chime | 67 Front Row Seat?

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Chime | 68 Gratitude

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Chime | 69 Ruby Learning Team 󰠘

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Chime | 70 You

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Chime | 71 Conclusion

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Chime | 72 💚 Introduction

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Chime | 73 Thank You Email: chris.dwan at @radixhound

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Chime | 74 Q&A