Evolving Web Applications
with Module Based
Design Components
Mike Kivikoski – @mkivikoski – cantina.co
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Hi! I’m Mike Kivikoski
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A Designer that develops
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A Developer that designs
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A Front End Designer
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I work here, at Cantina
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5 Developers
Case study project
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5 Developers
~65 Developers
Case study project
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How to keep everyone
in sync with styles?
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How to keep everyone
in sync with styles?
Let’s use a Module
Component System!
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What is a Module
Component System?
A design approach that subdivides a
system into smaller parts.”
Make the styleguide public to team
Give people freedom
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Play nice with others
The name ‘LEGO’ is an abbreviation
of the two Danish words “leg godt”,
meaning “play well”.