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360° Object Detection Robot Car @misoji_engineer AMD Pervasive AI Developer Contest September 19, 2024 Main Project: 360-object-detection-robot-car-bdb1bd

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About Me Name:@misoji_engineer Occupation: Hardware Engineer. I am a Hardware and Hobbyist FPGA Engineer !

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Working Demo

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Project Feature Developed a robot with 360-degree AI vision by KR260.

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Architecture By integrating with PYNQ, the robot achieves 360-degree AI vision.

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Demo Video

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Project Value Communication and Demonstration

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Subprojects Created 14 Subprojects to make it easier for beginners to recreate. Subprojects are organized into the following chapters. 1. PYNQ + GPIO(LED Blinking) 2. PYNQ + PWM(DC-Motor Control) 3. Object Detection(Yolo) with DPU-PYNQ 4. Implementation DPU, GPIO, and PWM 5. Remote Control 360° Camera 6. GStreamer + OpenCV with 360°Camera 7. 360 Live Streaming + Object Detect(DPU) 8. ROS2 3D Marker from 360 Live Streaming 9. Control 360° Object Detection Robot Car 10. Improve Object Detection Speed with YOLOX 11. Benchmark Architectures of the DPU 12. Power Consumption of 360° Object Detection Robot Car 13. Application to Vitis AI ONNX Runtime Engine (VOE) 14. Appendix: Object Detection Using YOLOX with a Webcam Long project is divided into 14 subprojects

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Videos Provided 35 demo videos to make the content clearer. We made detailed 35 Videos, and opened in and Youtube.

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Quality of Code and Structure

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Open Software source All Software environment (Jupyter notebook, python) are opened. The detailed Software source is saved, and linked in main project page; . ├── bom # BOM file (BOM list) ├── imgs # Image file (Electrical Diagrams) ├── jupyter_notebooks # Jupyter Notebooks (pre-Test Program) ├── pcb # PCB link files ├── src # Python files (Test Program) ├── LICENSE └──

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Prepared all pre-Test environments Anyone can perform pre-Test program(.ipynb) easily. Jupyter Notebooks (pre-Test Program) examples All the necessary files are provided.

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Prepared all Main environments Similarly, anyone can easily follow main program(.py). Python (Main Program) All the necessary files are provided.

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Linked for project Provided codes to run all demos introduced in projects. ・Controller test with Jupyter Notebooks Subproject_9. Control 360° Object Detection Robot Car ・YOLOX Object Detection with Python Subproject_10. Improve Object Detection Speed with YOLOX /jupyter_notebooks/pynq-original-dpu-model/controller-pwm-gpio-test.ipynb src/yolox-test/

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Code Overview(1) from pynq_dpu import DpuOverlay from pynq import Overlay from pynq.lib import AxiGPIO overlay = DpuOverlay(dpu_model) overlay.load_model(cnn_xmodel) # Define and create the GStreamer pipeline for 360-camera pipeline = "thetauvcsrc mode=2K ! h264parse ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=BGR ! appsink" # Initialize the VideoCapture object cap = cv2.VideoCapture(pipeline, cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER) # Initialize and start the Motor-controller-thread controller_thread = threading.Thread(target=continuous_controller) controller_thread.start() 360-degree AI vision

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Code Overview(2) try: while True: ret, frame = # Split the 360-image into 2 quadrants quadrants = { 'q1': frame[:, :width // 2], #front 'q2': frame[:, width // 2:], #back } # Apply YOLOX object detection and ROS2 Output to each quadrant for key, img in quadrants.items(): d_boxes, d_scores, d_classes = yolox_run(img, key) # Publish each quadrant as a separate ROS message img_publishers[key].publish(bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, encoding="bgr8")) publish_markers(box_publishers, node_box, d_boxes, d_classes, key) 360-degree AI vision

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Ease of Use

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Open Hardware source All Hardware data(Diagrams and PCBs) are opened. The detailed Hardware source is also saved; $130 Electrical Diagrams Debug PCB Datas Motor-driver PCB Datas

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Main Electrical Diagrams The Robot don’t need special Power, and assembly is simple.

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Robot Structure The Robot is controlled by General-purpose DC motors and gearbox.

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Simple and Low-cost BOM This low-cost robot costs about $550 with a 360° camera. The detailed BOM list is also saved; robot-car-bdb1bd#toc-2--bom-1 ・360° camera …$370 ・Robot Structure …$130 ・Original PCBs …$30 ・wire and spacers …$20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ・Total …$550 $370 $20 $130 $30

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Complexity of the Project

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360-degree AI vision Provided detailed explanations on key points(AI vision). ・Implement DPU, GPIO and PWM with PYNQ Subproject_4. Implementation DPU, GPIO, and PWM ・ROS2 Output from 360 Live Streaming Subproject_8. ROS2 3D Marker from 360 Live Streaming

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Update Object Detection Implemented YOLOX for object detection with DPU-PYNQ. ・Update and Speedup with YOLOX from YOLOv3(DPU-PYNQ sample program) Subproject_10. Improve Object Detection Speed with YOLOX

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Benchmark Conducted benchmarks for processing speed and power consumption. ・DPU inference benchmark Subproject_11. Benchmark Architectures of the DPU ・Power Consumption benchmark Subproject_12. Power Consumption of 360° Object Detection Robot Car

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Vitis AI 3.5 New Function Introduced the use of the Vitis AI ONNX Runtime Engine (VOE). ・The new function in ONNX Runtime have made benchmark significantly easier. Subproject_13. Application to Vitis AI ONNX Runtime Engine (VOE)

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Thank you This contest has been a great fun challenge! Thanks to AMD and Hackster for the opportunity and the hardware.