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Energy Cultures Why people don’t do what they ‘should’... Ben Anderson – Universities of Otago & Southampton Janet Stephenson – University of Otago

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Did we forget about the people? Andrewglaser at English Wikipedia No kidding :-)

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Energy use =ƒ(materials + attitudes + demographics + price + norms + practices) + ‘error’ Or it it just hard? Why people don’t do what they ‘should’ - Jim Skea, 2011 Regulation/ Market Education Information Exhortation ? Regulation/ Standards/ Market Levers ? Explains < 44% of variation (UK, gas dominates heat) ? Well-known inelasticity

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What do we need to do? Energy Cultures - doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2010.05.069

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As applied to: home heating doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2010.05.069 Wooliscroft, B. (2014) National Household Survey of Energy and Transportation. Centre for Sustainability, University of Otago

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As applied to: under-heating doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2010.05.069 Mirosa, M., Gnoth, D., Lawson, R., Stephenson, J. (June 2011) Rationalising energy- related behavior in the home: Insights from a value-laddering approach. European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study, France, pp.2109-2119 Single bar heater Single glazing Poor insulation Low income A ‘luxury’ to heat the kitchen Low expectations of warmth Maintaining traditions from upbringing Uses heater sparingly Puts on more clothes when cold Doesn’t heat bedroom Draws curtains & closes doors Internally consistent and habituated energy culture

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As applied to: Levers doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2010.05.069 But change comes from within too

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As applied to: Transport Source: Uber, 2018

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Energy Cultures: Summary We know this (don’t we?) We have the tools But do we have the data?

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Where next: Peak Demand New materials & business models Social evolution

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Where next: Sustainability Cultures Unsustainable Now Sustainable Tomorrow New business models Social evolution

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Thank you § @dataknut § § §