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An Innovation Mindset © Matthew C. Rogers-Draycott I 2016

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An Innovation Mindset: A framework which, when applied at any level provides safe spaces for people to pursue opportunities…

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7 Key Principles:

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1. Knowledge is King

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2. Feedback is Healthy

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3. Nothing is Finished

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4. Everything is on the Table

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5. Iteration is Crucial

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6. Failure is Always Possible

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7. Culture is the Core

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Implementation: Apply theses principles to every aspect of your business and see what happens!

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Product Values… Slinky - Well over a Billion pounds in revenue Tamagotchi - multi-millions in revenue Magic 8 Ball - multi-millions in revenue Furby - billions in revenue, still making money nearly two decades later! Pet Rock - Over £10 million in revenue ‘Yellow Smiley’ - Over £99 millions in revenue annually, one of the top 100 licencing companies in the world WD-40 - Net sales of £288 million in 2015 alone! Billy Bob Teeth Inc. - Estimated annual sales in excess of £1.5 million

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Image Credits, Thank you: Slide 1 - Flickr, Bobby Nicholson, bubz85 Slide 4 - uktamagotchifreinds, advert screen capture (Uncredited) Slide 5 - Flickr, bark Slide 6 Flickr, Amanda, blamethecrane Slide 7 - Fox TV (Uncredited) Slide 8 - Flickr, NEO, w3i_yu Slide 9 - (Uncredited) Slide 10 - Flickr, Lora Risley Images,