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nettofarah @nettofarah 2 / 39

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Real World Production Data in Development 3 / 39

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Because Managing Data is hard Especially across Diļ¬€erent environments 4 / 39

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Data in is... Ugly, Incomplete, Weird and Biased 5 / 39

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Some Consequences of Inconsistent Data 6 / 39

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!" !", # # misalignment, form validation, special characters $ $ 7 / 39

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The Worst Consequence 8 / 39

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But how do people solve these problems? 10 / 39

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We can test it in PRODUCTION 11 / 39

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Rails.env.staging ? 12 / 39

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Custom db/migrations for data 13 / 39

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rake db:seed 14 / 39

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CSVs and Spreadsheets 15 / 39

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16 / 39

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Sample Database Snapshots 17 / 39

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Your good ol' ActiveRecord::Associations to .sql 18 / 39

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POLO lets you turn this... 19 / 39

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class Chef < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :recipes has_many :ingredients, through: :recipes end class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :recipes_ingredients has_many :ingredients, through: :recipes_ingredients end class Ingredient < ActiveRecord::Base end class RecipesIngredient < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :recipe belongs_to :ingredient end 20 / 39

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Into this... 21 / 39

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inserts = Polo.explore(Chef, 1) # Chef -> ActiveRecord::Base object # 1 -> Database ID. (Chef with ID 1) INSERT INTO `chefs` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (1, 'Netto') 22 / 39

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It works with associations too 23 / 39

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inserts = Polo.explore(Chef, 1, :recipes) # :recipes -> # ActiveRecord::Associations::HasManyAssociation # # a Chef has many Recipes INSERT INTO `chefs` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (1, 'Netto') INSERT INTO `recipes` (`id`, `title`, `num_steps`, `chef_id`) VALUES (1, 'Turkey Sandwich', NULL, 1) INSERT INTO `recipes` (`id`, `title`, `num_steps`, `chef_id`) VALUES (2, 'Cheese Burger', NULL, 1) 24 / 39

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It also works with nested associations 25 / 39

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inserts = Polo.explore(Chef, 1, { :recipes => :ingredients }) # { :recipes => :ingredients } -> # load every recipe and ingredientes ... INSERT INTO `recipes` (`id`, `title`, `num_steps`, `chef_id`) VALUES (1, 'Turkey Sandwich', NULL, 1) INSERT INTO `recipes` (`id`, `title`, `num_steps`, `chef_id`) VALUES (2, 'Cheese Burger', NULL, 1) INSERT INTO `recipes_ingredients` (`id`, `recipe_id`, `ingredient_id`) VALUES (1, 1, 1) INSERT INTO `recipes_ingredients` (`id`, `recipe_id`, `ingredient_id`) VALUES (2, 1, 2) ... INSERT INTO `ingredients` (`id`, `name`, `quantity`) VALUES (1, 'Turkey', 'a lot') INSERT INTO `ingredients` (`id`, `name`, `quantity`) VALUES (2, 'Cheese', '1 slice') ... 26 / 39

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& & Show me the magic! 27 / 39

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Collect all the objects lib/polo/collector.rb#L16 28 / 39

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asn = ActiveSupport::Notifications # Extracted so this can fit in a slide asn.subscribed(collector, 'sql.active_record') do # Set up ActiveRecord::Preloader base_finder = @base_class. includes(@dependency_tree) .where(id: @id) # Store SELECTS in some global storage collect_sql(@base_class, base_finder.to_sql) end 29 / 39

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' ' Transform them to SQL lib/polo/sql_translator.rb#51 30 / 39

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attributes = record.attributes keys = do |key| "`#{key}`" end values = do |key, value| column = record.column_for_attribute(key) attribute = cast_attribute(record, column, value) connection.quote(attribute) end joined_keys = keys.join(', ') joined_values = values.join(', ') table_name = record.class.table_name "INSERT INTO `#{table_name}`" + " (#{joined_keys}) VALUES (#{joined_values})" 31 / 39

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PROFIT! ( ( 32 / 39

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I need your help! ) ) 33 / 39

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on Github 34 / 39

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Pull Requests * * 35 / 39

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PostgreSQL, SQLite and Oracle support (advanced features only, basic usage still works) 36 / 39

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ActiveRecord < 3.2 support 37 / 39

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Check out some other really cool Open Source projects 38 / 39

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Questions? 39 / 39