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Active Record Query Quiz Kaigi on Rails 2023 27th, Oct. 2023

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pp self ● Masataka Pocke Kuwabara ● Work for Money Forward, Inc. ○ Rails engineer for クラウド会計Plus ○ A maintainer of RBS ● Live in Okayama Read it with the conference app→ (

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About this talk

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Goal ● You can choose the appropriate method for querying w/ AR BTW, this talk focuses on the Rails beginner. It may be boring for Rails experts.

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Quiz Rule ● I'll show you two kinds of code ○ using Active Record ○ doing the same things ● You choose the faster code ● Rails 7.1 / mysql2 adapter and MySQL 8.0 / ruby 3.3.0-dev

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Q1. Finding articles of blog_id = 42

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Q1. Finding articles of blog_id = 42 # A Article .all .select { _1.blog_id == 42 } # B Article .all .where(blog_id: 42) .to_a

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Answer. Finding articles of blog_id = 42 # A Article .all .select { _1.blog_id == 42 } # Article Load (2.4ms) SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles` # B Article .all .where(blog_id: 42) .to_a # Article Load (1.1ms) SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles` WHERE `articles`.`blog_id` = 42 B is faster than A! 💯 󰢄

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Explanation: Finding articles of blog_id = 42 ● Lazy evaluation ○ `all` and `where` do not execute SQL, but `to_a` does. ○ It is delayed until when the records are necessary ● Basically, RDBMS should do it if RDBMS can.

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Counterexample: Finding articles of blog_id = 42 ● `select` can be faster if it's called several times ○ Because Active Record caches the result to `@records` # A articles = Article.all x = { _1.is_active } # Article Load (3.1ms) SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles` y = { not _1.is_active } # nothing # B x = Article .where(is_active: true) .to_a # Article Load (1.5ms) SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles` WHERE `articles`.`is_active` = TRUE y = Article .where(is_active: false) .to_a # Article Load (1.9ms) SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles` WHERE `articles`.`is_active` = FALSE Note: Enumerable#partition is more appropriate.

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Pro tips To investigate what SQL is executed ● Use the debug log ● Use `AR::Relation#to_sql` method ○ irb(main):001> Article.all.where(blog_id: 42).to_sql => "SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles` WHERE `articles`.`blog_id` = 42"

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Q2. Checking existence

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Q2: Checking existence # A Article.all .exists?(blog_id: 42) # B Article.all .any? { _1.blog_id == 42 }

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Answer: Checking existence # A Article.all .exists?(blog_id: 42) # Article Exists? (0.9ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `articles` WHERE `articles`.`blog_id` = 42 LIMIT 1 # B Article.all .any? { _1.blog_id == 42 } # Article Load (1.7ms) SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles` 💯 󰢄 A is faster than B!

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Explanation: Checking existence ● Lazy execution, same as Q1. ● Active Record has specific methods such as exists?. ○ Use them instead of Enumerable's method ● Enumerable methods are useful, but it is not optimized for AR. ○ You can easily distinguish by that the method takes a block yielding an AR object ○ But…

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You can make any? faster by a hack… ● `any? { … }` needs records to execute the block ● On the other hand, it does not need records if it does not execute the block ● We have `RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of` to solve this problem!

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Commercial for Money Forward

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Money Forward ● Nov. 9: RubyWorld Conference 2023. ○ I will talk about RBS. ○ At Matsue (registration closed😢) and Online ● Nov. 16: 各社の技術広報が明かす「RubyKaigiスポンサーの裏話」運営ノウハウ やコミュニティへの想い ○ Acha-san will talk about sponsoring RubyKaigi ○ Online event ● We have an X account @moneyforwardDev!

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Weekly event to watch RubyKaigi 2023 videos I organize an event to watch RubyKaigi 2023 videos. ● In a zoom meeting. ● At 12:10-12:40 on every Thursday ● Accounced in #rubykaigi channel of ruby-jp slack. ● We'll watch "RubyGems on the watch / Maciej Mensfeld" as the next session in 2nd Nov. ● Feel free to join us!

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Back to the quiz…

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Q3. Querying exists? in loop

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Q3. Querying exists? in loop # A current_user = User.find(42) can_update = current_user .permissions .exists?(action: :update) response = do { title: _1.title, can_update:, } end # B current_user = User.find(42) response = do can_update = current_user .permissions .exists?(action: :update) { title: _1.title, can_update:, } end

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Answer: Querying exists? in loop # A current_user = User.find(42) can_update = current_user .permissions .exists?(action: :update) # Permission Exists? (0.8ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `permissions` WHERE `permissions`.`user_id` = 42 AND `permissions`.`action` = 'update' response = do { title: _1.title, can_update:, } end # B current_user = User.find(42) response = do can_update = current_user .permissions .exists?(action: :update) # Permission Exists? (0.8ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `permissions` WHERE `permissions`.`user_id` = 42 AND `permissions`.`action` = 'update' { title: _1.title, can_update:, } end 💯 󰢄 A is faster than B!

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Counterexample: Reduce the difference Active Record query cache can reduce the difference. We can confirm it with `ActiveRecord.cache do -- end` It is enabled by default in controller actions, but disabled in other places, such as job, rails console.

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Counterexample: Reduce the difference

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Counterexample: Reduce the difference Calculating ------------------------------------- outside loop - no cache 192.676 (±15.1%) i/s - 4.712k in 25.056327s inside loop - no cache 4.416 (±22.6%) i/s - 109.000 in 25.288121s outside loop - cache 160.870 (±13.1%) i/s - 3.948k in 25.012053s inside loop - cache 39.832 (±10.0%) i/s - 984.000 in 25.079316s Comparison: outside loop - no cache: 192.7 i/s outside loop - cache: 160.9 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error inside loop - cache: 39.8 i/s - 4.84x slower inside loop - no cache: 4.4 i/s - 43.63x slower

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Q4. Querying SELECT in loop

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Q4. Querying SELECT in loop # A categories = Category.all.to_a response = do { title: _1.title, categories:, } end # B response = do categories = Category.all.to_a { title: _1.title, categories:, } end

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Answer. Querying SELECT in loop # A categories = Category.all.to_a response = do { title: _1.title, categories:, } end # B response = do categories = Category.all.to_a { title: _1.title, categories:, } end 💯 󰢄 A is faster than B!

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AR cache makes it faster…? Calculating ------------------------------------- outside loop - no cache 206.570 (±18.4%) i/s - 1.007k in 5.050579s inside loop - no cache 2.511 (± 0.0%) i/s - 13.000 in 5.220488s outside loop - cache 208.327 (±17.8%) i/s - 1.020k in 5.065721s inside loop - cache 19.188 (±10.4%) i/s - 96.000 in 5.040611s Comparison: outside loop - cache: 208.3 i/s outside loop - no cache: 206.6 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error inside loop - cache: 19.2 i/s - 10.86x slower inside loop - no cache: 2.5 i/s - 82.98x slower

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AR cache makes it faster, but not faster enough ● AR cache needs to cache boolean value for `exists?` ● But it needs to cache AR model objects for query fetching objects ○ Initialization AR model is heavy

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Conclusion ● Imagine and confirm your code executes what SQL ○ Use debug log and `#to_sql` ● You can find the benchmark code from pocke/kaigi-on-rails-2023 GitHub repository. Thanks for your listening!