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Web, Concurrency, FP the problems that we can’t ignore ... any more (c) Alexey Kachayev, 2013

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About me Alexey Kachayev •CTO at Attendify •Open source activist ( •Functional programming advocate •Erlang, Python, Scala, Clojure, Haskell, Go hacker

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Contacts •kachayev <$> twitter •kachayev <$> gmail •kachayev <$> github

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Disclaimer #1 It’s hard to tell “is this language functional?” We will talk about: Erlang, Scala, Clojure, Haskell

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Disclaimer #2 Web is only one way to communicate. We will talk “mostly” about web. I assume that you know what “Web” is. Note, that it changes really fast.

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Modern web challenges •real-time notifications •chats and other RT messaging systems •real-time activity stream •collaborative documents editing •task board for team •multi-player Bomberman (* or your favorite game)

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Concurrency... Concurrency is the composition of independently executing computations. Concurrency is a way to structure software, ... (c) Rob Pike “Concurrency is not parallelism”

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Concurrency is hard when independent computations depend on each other

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WTF??? how independent computations can depend on each other?

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Why should I care? I’m just coding Python/Ruby/PHP/ Node.js...

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Classical web dev •Many OS processes •Database to store data •.... •You are welcome in the world of concurrency!

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So what? •Race condition on your data •Real-time is hard (databases are not designed for this) •Leaking abstractions •Independency is expensive •No tests •No control

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Java & .NET web dev •Threads instead of processes (VM as OS???) •You can use memory for data collaboration •Necessity to control access to shared data leads you to locks/ mutex/semaphores

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So what? •Independency is still too expensive •Still hard to test •Still hard to control •Locks are not so good abstraction

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Event- driven web dev •Single-thread environment •Event-based context switching loop •Not so “independent” as we want •Errors are hard to manage •It’s hard to keep code simple to read

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Do you need more problems? •request-reply doesn’t work (almost at all) •concurrency is hard •fault-tolerance is hard •vertical scaling is hard (as well as horizontal) •everything should have been done yesterday

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How to deal with concurrency?

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Story about developers and tasks board •Locks: what is locks and why it’s not a good idea? •Message passing: how to communicate and what are the benefits? •STM: how to collaborate efficiently and not lose control?

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From theory to practice

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Concurrency •Erlang •Scala •others •Clojure •Haskell •others Communication Collaboration And why do FP “features” matter?

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Erlang •message-passing concurrency •multi-core support •distributed systems •“super” stable VM (VM as OS!) •“hard to break” something •interactive development

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Scala • JVM based, high performance • (mostly) functional paradigm • expressive type system (ADT & TI) • “less code with more results” • message-passing concurrency (prev. Akka) • ... XML is native Scala type

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Reactivity or “super- thin” client •Liftweb (Scala) •Nitrogen (Erlang) •N2O (Erlang)

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Clojure •FP, lisp-family •STM concurrency model •modern language •interactive development •macros •JavaScript compiler •huge web stack

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Haskell •FP, “ML-family” •green threads and STM •expressive type system •high level of code modularity and composability •compact declarative syntax •compile-time program verification

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How to start? •do not wait! •do not hesitate! •do not panic!!! •do something simple •do something interesting •find problem (pain?) and solve it

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Links • • • • • • • compojure • • synonym.html •

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Questions? * other talks: ** me: P.S. We are hiring