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Yoichi Tagaya ReactorKit Meetup Japan June 28, 2018 Architecture and ReactorKit

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About Yoichi Tagaya • Original author of Swinject • Dependency Injection framework for iOS/Swift • iOS Engineer / Engineering manager at Mercari !ZPJDIJUHZ

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2nd at Google

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Many Definitions of Software Architecture Definition by IEEE 1471 Architecture is the fundamental organization of a system embodied in its components, their relationships to each other, and to the environment, and the principles guiding its design and evolution.

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Peter Eeles, the Article Author, Says • Defines structure • Defines behavior • Focuses on significant elements • Influences team structure • Embodies decisions based on rationale • Balances stakeholder needs • Is influenced by its environment • May conform to an architectural style An architecture

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An Architecture Balances Stakeholder Needs Customers Share Holders Government Engineers PMs Designers Stakeholders of architects CS Security Team QA CTO VPoE Society Partners

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An Architecture is Influenced by its Environment More
 DAU Stock price Compliance More engineers More new features New design Environment of a company Swift/ Reactive x years old codebase 100k+ lines of code Test automation Industrial organization More

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Different Approach for Different Stakeholder/Environment Stakeholders Environment Environment Stakeholders Different approach Present Future

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An Architecture May Conform to an Architectural Style • MVC (Model/View/Controller) • MVVM (Model/View/ViewModel) • VIPER (View/Interactor/Presenter/Entity/Router) • iOS Clean Architecture • Flux (Unidirectional data flow for state handling) iOS Architectures

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Ruby on Rails • MVC framework for web applications • Simple pattern to follow • Rapid application development

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ReactorKit: Flux on rails with RxSwift Present Stakeholders Environment Future Stakeholders Environment = Great pattern to follow to create the future of your app rapidly!

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ReactorKit: iOS Development on Rails