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BeginneR Session - Data Analysis - #86 Tokyo.R 2020.06.27 @kilometer00

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Who!? 誰だ?

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Who!? 名前: 三村 @kilometer 職業: ポスドク (こうがくはくし) 専⾨: ⾏動神経科学(霊⻑類) 脳イメージング 医療システム⼯学 R歴: ~ 10年ぐらい 流⾏: 三体

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・RStudio ・ Readable coding

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・RStudio ・ Readable coding ・Tidy data ・Tidyverse

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Input Output

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Integrated Development Environment RStudio h6ps:// Recommended!!

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RStudio File > New File > R script (⌘ + ⇧ + N) Script Editor Console Files, Plots, Pkgs, ... Env., HIstoly, Git, ...

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RStudio File > New File > R script (⌘ + ⇧ + N) Script Editor Console Files, Plots, Pkgs, ... Env., HIstoly, Git, ... ≈ Run

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RStudio select, ⌘ + ↩ ≈ Run

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Integrated Development Environment RStudio

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Projects RStudio

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File > New Project > New Directory > New Project > Create New Project

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my_project my_project.Rproj .Rproj.user ~/Documents/R Auto saved working information (Unsaved edits, tab order, etc.) Project Root folder Workspace setting Project Folder Open RStudio

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my_project my_project.Rproj ~/Documents/R Project Folder data fig script.R

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my_project my_project.Rproj ~/Documents/R Project Folder data fig script.R data_raw data_all.csv dat1.csv dat2.csv dat3.csv

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my_project my_project.Rproj ~/Documents/R Project Folder data fig script.R data_raw data_all.csv dat <- read.csv("data/data_all.csv") Rela>ve path Project Root dat1.csv dat2.csv dat3.csv

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~/Documents/R project1 project2 project3 project4

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Project ≠ sandbox

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Sandbox h)p:// h)p://

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Sandbox A h+p:// h+p:// Sandbox B

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Sandbox A h+p:// h+p:// Sandbox B Isolated & Independent

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"Sandbox" in Python [python] version = "3.7" [packages] cycler==0.10.0 kiwisolver==1.1.0 matplotlib==3.1.1 numpy==1.16.4 opencv-python== pandas==0.25.0 pyparsing==2.4.0 PypeR==1.1.2 ... [python] version = "2.7" [packages] numpy==1.16.4 ... cf. hEps://

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Sandbox environments?

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R & RStudio Projects

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h"ps:// If you want,

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my_project my_project.Rproj ~/Documents/R "4dy" folder structure data fig script.R data_raw data_all.csv dat1.csv dat2.csv dat3.csv

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『アンチ整理術』森 博嗣, 2019, ⽇本実業出版社

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『アンチ整理術』森 博嗣, 2019, ⽇本実業出版社 整理・整頓する、という ⾏為には、デザインされた ⽅針が前提になっている。

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ظ٭ذ 䗯㕔 㲔㏇ 鈝峮ס僗扛מ׻׼׍ 㰆㏇׊יַ׾׵סאס׵ס 㲔㏇؅瑞⺘⴫׊ג辐霄 䗯㕔סֹה䙫䓙⚥鷼٬ 鉮ꃿ٬⭚杼מ鸵׊ג ⫋⮵榫⺎耆ם׵ס 瑞⺘⴫ 鈝㴔 鈝峮 湳釶

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-PTT͛ Symbol grounding problem %JWFSHFODF 3FBM *OGP %BUB "QQMF &ODPEJOH

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『アンチ整理術』森 博嗣, 2019, ⽇本実業出版社 整理・整頓する、という ⾏為には、デザインされた ⽅針が前提になっている。

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Exploratory Data Analysis

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No content

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Exploratory Data Analysis "The Future of Data Analysis" Tukey, J. W., 1962 Three of the main strategies of data analysis are: 1. graphical presenta;on. 2. provision of flexibility in viewpoint and in facili;es, 3. intensive search for parsimony and simplicity. Brillinger, D. R., 2011

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Exploratory Data Analysis "The Future of Data Analysis" Tukey, J. W., 1962 "Exploratory Data Analysis" Tukey, J. W., 1970 "Exploratory data analysis isolates pa3erns and features of the data and reveals these forcefully to the analyst" "Exploratory data analysis’ is an a:tude, a state of flexibility, a willingness to look for those things that we believe are not there, as well as those we believe to be there" Brillinger, D. R., 2011

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Confirmatory (Hypothesis tes2ng) Exploratory Data analysis

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Confirmatory (Hypothesis tes2ng) Exploratory Data analysis Tidy (needless to say) Un0dy Need to be thought of "2dy data" (because it isn't)

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Confirmatory (Hypothesis tes2ng) Exploratory Data analysis

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Confirmatory (Hypothesis tes2ng) Exploratory Data analysis Generalized procedures Improvisa2on

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Data Pipeline spaghe. code!! spaghe. code? readable coding

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Programing Write Run Read Think

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Run!!! h&ps://

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Programing Write Run Read Think

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Programing Write Run Read Think coding style

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The %dyverse style guide h"ps://style., "Good coding style is like correct punctua,on: you can manage without it, bu,tsuremakesthingseasiertoread." Google's R Style Guide h"ps://style., "The goal of the R Programming Style Guide is to make our R code easier to read, share, and verify." R coding style guides

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The %dyverse style guide h"ps://style., "Good coding style is like correct punctua,on: you can manage without it, bu,tsuremakesthingseasiertoread." Google's R Style Guide h"ps://style., "The goal of the R Programming Style Guide is to make our R code easier to read, share, and verify." R coding style guides

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Programing Write Run Read Think Write Run Read Think Share

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Text Figure Information Intention Data decode encode feedback Programing

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No content

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No content

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・RStudio ・Readable coding ・Tidy data ・Tidyverse

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