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Beachhead implements new opcode on CLR JIT .NET FRINGE JAPAN 2016 KOUJI MATSUI (@KEKYO2)

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2 Kouji Matsui - kekyo • NAGOYA city, AICHI pref., JP • Twitter – @kekyo2 / Facebook • ux-spiral corporation • Microsoft Most Valuable Professional VS and DevTech 2015- • Certified Scrum master / Scrum product owner • Center CLR organizer. • .NET/C#/F#/IL/metaprogramming or like… • Bike rider CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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3 You can beginning hack: “CoreCLR” CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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4 Agenda • Introduction / Background • How to build coreclr/corefx • Add custom IL opcode • Deep-dive CLR JIT • Verify custom IL opcode to work • Conclusion CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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5 Introduction / Background • .NET Core is open-sourced!! • Become clearing the .NET internal implementations. • .NET Framework noeq .NET Core, but very interesting internal implements anythings… CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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6 Introduction / Background • I am joining .NET Fringe Japan organizer teams. And thinking what about speaks first conference… • Roslyn and corefx already exploring and explaining any people (in Japan) … Hmm. • If can add custom IL opcode and build custom CLR ? Fun, interesting and understanding internal CoreCLR ! :) CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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7 How to build coreclr/corefx • Development and test bench requirements: • Windows 10 x64 • Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 (Using C++ compiler) • CMake 3.6.2 (Multiplatform building tool) • Python 3.5.2 • Official docs: “Building and running tests on Windows” ion/building/ CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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8 How to build coreclr/corefx • Test summary: 1. Get source codes from GitHub dotnet/coreclr, corefx. • git clone • git clone 2. Build coreclr and corefx. • Run build.cmd both coreclr and corefx. CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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9 How to build coreclr/corefx 3. Test running minimum sample code using coreclr/corefx. • Copy System.Runtime.dll and some assemblies from corefx into coreclr. • Compile the C# Hello world code using VS2015 C# compiler (csc.exe), with /nostdlib /r:System.Runtime.dll and another strict options. • Run the code, “CoreRun.exe Program.exe” Need more informations? see documents previous links. CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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10 How to build coreclr/corefx • TIPS!!! • Must use stable version commits for coreclr and corefx! • They are developing continuously and worldwide, 10 or more commits/day. • Hint: Look for CI status on GitHub coreclr/corefx page. CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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12 • This is just beginning :) • Suggest first step: Very simple spec opcode: • Opcode name: “customcode” • No operand, no IL stack consume/produce. • Use opcode: affect output demonstration string to Windows Debug log. (Use Win32 API “OutputDebugStringW”) Add custom IL opcode CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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13 • Debug log can capture use Sysinternals DebugView utility. us/sysinternals/debugview.aspx Add custom IL opcode CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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14 Add custom IL opcode • Thinking what currently declared opcode for completely nothing input/output and no side-effect in CLR ? CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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15 Add custom IL opcode • ex: Opcode “break” – Break execution the attached debugger current position. us/library/system.reflection.emit.opcodes.break(v=vs.110).aspx • “Debugger break” means raise interruption native CPU (x64), such as “DebugBreak” API or “__debugbreak” intrinsic. • So, maybe contains invoke these API in coreclr source codes. I can find related code easier, try using base for this opcode… CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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16 Add custom IL opcode • Grep special-like or unique naming opcode in coreclr: ex: “initobj”, “ldftn” etc… --> Opcodes declared in src/inc/opcode.def by OPDEF() macro. • Opcode break: “CEE_BREAK” OPDEF(CEE_BREAK, "break", Pop0, Push0, InlineNone, IPrimitive, 1, 0xFF, 0x01, BREAK) • Add “CEE_CUSTOMCODE” for last opcode “CEE_UNUSED70”’s next: OPDEF(CEE_CUSTOMCODE, “customcode", Pop0, Push0, InlineNone, IPrimitive, 2, 0xFE, 0x23, NEXT) New 2 words opcode: fe,23 Instruction move hint: “NEXT” is execute next opcode. (Standard behavior) No stack consume/produce CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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17 Deep-dive CLR JIT • Oh, I’m just declared new opcode “customcode” now!! :) • But this opcode used no coreclr runtime… Require giving new opcode behavior MANUALLY CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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18 Compiler-Importer JIT_CustomCode() JIT Deep-dive CLR JIT • How interpret opcodes in coreclr: Assembly file: MSIL section Parse Call OutputDebugStringW() Parse IL opcodes GTNODE Call Peek from JIT helper function pointer table. Internal IL stream tree structures CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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19 Deep-dive CLR JIT • Compiler-Importer (src/jit/importer.cpp) is IL opcode stream parser use declaring CEE_* macros. • CEE_BREAK case example: case CEE_BREAK: op1 = gtNewHelperCallNode(CORINFO_HELP_USER_BREAKPOINT, TYP_VOID); goto SPILL_APPEND; • “gtNewHelperCallNode” is construction GTNODE internal tree structure node for invoke JIT helper function. • “CORINFO_HELP_USER_BREAKPOINT” is JIT helper function index symbol. CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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20 Deep-dive CLR JIT • “CORINFO_HELP_USER_BREAKPOINT” declared in src/inc/corinfo.h: • Symbol declared in “enum CorInfoHelpFunc”. Because JIT helper functions management by function pointer table. This table size calculated from enum symbols count. • And src/inc/jithelper.h: JITHELPER(CORINFO_HELP_USER_BREAKPOINT, JIT_UserBreakpoint, CORINFO_HELP_SIG_REG_ONLY) REAL helper function name CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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21 Deep-dive CLR JIT • Add “CORINFO_HELP_CUSTOMCODE” into CorInfoHelpFunc and provide JIT helper function information by JITHELPER() macro. JITHELPER(CORINFO_HELP_CUSTOMCODE, JIT_CustomCode, CORINFO_HELP_SIG_REG_ONLY) • Back to Importer and add “CEE_CUSTOMCODE” handler: case CEE_CUSTOMCODE: op1 = gtNewHelperCallNode(CORINFO_HELP_CUSTOMCODE, TYP_VOID); goto SPILL_APPEND; • “TYP_VOID” is hold opcode value type (ex: operand type). “customcode” opcode hold no value, so this ID is TYP_VOID. • Importer done! New JIT helper function name CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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22 Deep-dive CLR JIT • Implement JIT helper function “JIT_CustomCode”: HCIMPL0(void, JIT_CustomCode) { FCALL_CONTRACT; HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_BEGIN_NOPOLL(); ::OutputDebugStringW(L"Triggered custom code!!!!!!! (for JIT)"); HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_END_POLL(); } HCIMPLEND • HCIMPL0(), FCALL_CONTRACT, HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_BEGIN_NOPOLL(), HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_END_POLL() macros are required for construct hard-coded low level prologue/epilogue codes JIT helper functions. • JIT helper function done!! THIS IS CORE CODE!! CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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23 Deep-dive CLR JIT • Anything done ? • More two non-important points: 1. Implement interpreter-based code. Interpreter is src/vm/interpreter.cpp. • But Windows-x64 environments nothing to use interpreter, all situation works only use JIT. 2. ILFormatter (src/utilcode/ilformatter.cpp). • Format printer-friendly string from IL opcode. But default implementation is printing uses CEE_* macro information, this session’s custom code is not required. CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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25 Verify custom IL opcode to work • OK, ready to run… How? • The “customcode” IL opcode can work with CLR now, but how to generate “customcode” contained assembly?? Manually paching with BINARY EDITOR…?? (; ゚Д゚) This is TOP SECRET: I fogot IMAGE_DOS_HEADER, IMAGE_FILE_HEADER, IMAGE_NT_HEADER, IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER, IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY, IMAGE… CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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26 Verify custom IL opcode to work • Thinking about more easy construction: 1. Compile standard C# sample code by .NET Core 1.0. 2. Use “ildasm” to disassembled. 3. Insert “customcode” opcode into disassembled IL source code. 4. Use custom-opcode enabled “idasm” to build new assembly. • The “ilasm” and “ildasm” are built with coreclr. New opcodes can handling from “opcode.def” automatically. CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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27 Verify custom IL opcode to work • Bootstrap test code in C#: Generate template code from “dotnet new” command and simplied: namespace ConsoleApplication { public static class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { } } } • Compile: • dotnet restore • dotnet build • Storing compiled assembly: bin\Debug\netcoreapp1.0\addil.dll CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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28 Verify custom IL opcode to work • Disassembling: • ..\ildasm.exe bin\Debug\netcoreapp1.0\addil.dll > • Fixed attributes for referenced System.Runtime: .assembly extern System.Runtime { .publickeytoken = (B0 3F 5F 7F 11 D5 0A 3A ) .ver 4:2:0:0 } Fix pubkey token and version similer to your local built corefx binaries if different. CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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29 Verify custom IL opcode to work • Insert “customcode” opcode into Main method body: .method public hidebysig static void Main(string[] args) cil managed { .entrypoint .maxstack 8 IL_0000: nop customcode IL_0001: ret } Insert “customcode” opcode!! CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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30 Verify custom IL opcode to work • Assemble by customcode-enabled “ilasm”: • ..\ilasm.exe Success with nothing error. If use official ilasm.exe, will cause error: “syntax error at token ‘ret’” CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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31 Verify custom IL opcode to work • Run the assembly and verify with DebugView: • Before execute DbgView.exe • ..\CoreRun.exe Program.exe CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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33 Conclusion • Custom IL opcode declare and implement: • Declare opcode into opcode.def with OPDEF() macro. • Declare JIT helper function into corinfo.h and jithelper.h with JITHELPER() macro. • Implement JIT helper function with HCIMPL() macros. • Implement custom opcode handler into Compile-Importer. CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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34 Conclusion • Verification: • Generate IL codes from disassembled C# codes with “ildasm.” (Or, write from scratch IL codes…) • Using custom-opcode enabled “ilasm” to generate final binary. CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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35 Conclusion • coreclr is truly OSS: Custom IL opcode can implements with average difficulity. • This session explain with constraints “No operand, No stack consume/produce opcode.” Maybe more hard work for intermediate usage opcode design… • But YOU CAN DO THAT!! • This session’s demonstration code: • git branch:addil CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI

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36 Thank you joining my session!! • Become slides on slideshare and my blog entry. blog only Japanese language) • My twitter account @kekyo2, follow <3 • GitHub contains: • FusionTasks, RelaxVersioner, fscx and more… • Open conference with “Center CLR” in Aichi pref., Japan! Join us!! CC-BY-SA 4.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 KOUJI MATSUI