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@jodosha Lessons Learned While Building Hanami

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Luca Guidi @jodosha MAXBORN

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MAXBORN @dnsimple DNSimple

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We’ll Learn About ☐How old is the universe? ☐Psychological theories ☐Economic theories ☐The teachings of a British admiral from the 18th Century ☐Silly and useless facts

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How we imagine Open Source

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10 How we imagine Open Source

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How we feel Open Source

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How Open Source is..

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13 How many of you are involved?

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15 It’s like art

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Mona Lisa 1503 AD

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How old is the universe?

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The more you know ☑How old is the universe? ☐Psychological theories ☐Economic theories ☐The teachings of a British admiral from the 18th Century ☐Silly and useless facts

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Be humble MAXBORN Lesson 1

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22 Tech is a fast paced world

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Omnipotence of thought

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The more you know ☑How old is the universe? ☑Psychological theories ☐Economic theories ☐The teachings of a British admiral from the 18th Century ☐Silly and useless facts

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Aim to build a habit changing software

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Hanami wants to change developers’ habits

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Don’t be attached to the code

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If it isn’t personal, nobody can hurt you MAXBORN Lesson 2

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There is no inspiration MAXBORN Lesson 3

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Don’t start a project to be a starter, but to be a maintainer

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Make progress everyday MAXBORN Lesson 4

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Make progress not exactly everyday MAXBORN Lesson 5

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Life is too short to help strangers over the Internet

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It’s hard to justify OSS time MAXBORN Lesson 6

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Your Ruby shop runs entirely on FOSS

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The Tragedy of the Commons

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The more you know ☑How old is the universe? ☑Psychological theories ☑Economic theories ☐The teachings of a British admiral from the 18th Century ☐Silly and useless facts

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Without a sustainable model OSS is a privilege

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Naming is hard, with trademarks is harder MAXBORN Lesson 7

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Hanami was know as Lotus

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Without people a tech is dead MAXBORN Lesson 8

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Build a welcoming Community MAXBORN Lesson 9

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Soft skills over software

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Communication is hard MAXBORN Lesson 10

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First impressions matter MAXBORN Lesson 11

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You’re fighting for developers’ attention

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Optimize for first time contribution MAXBORN Lesson 12

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Plant trees

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The more you know ☑How old is the universe? ☑Psychological theories ☑Economic theories ☑The teachings of a British admiral from the 18th Century ☐Silly and useless facts

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Leadership comes from respect, not from entitlement MAXBORN Lesson 13

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With Ruby it’s easy to write (wrong) code MAXBORN Lesson 14

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Markdown is your primary language MAXBORN Lesson 15

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Type safety & Data integrity MAXBORN Lesson 16

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Project Input Database

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Project Database ! ! ! ! !

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Project Database

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The more you know ☑How old is the universe? ☑Psychological theories ☑Economic theories ☑The teachings of a British admiral from the 18th Century ☑Silly and useless facts

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Thank you