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Loggers: regain control over your application Bartek Zdanowski 1

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Loggers: regain control Hello. Bartek Zdanowski @bartekzdanowski 2

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Loggers: regain control Hello. 3 developer @ 25yrs in front of a Computer 14yrs of professional experience three kids, two dogs, one wife

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Loggers: regain control Let’s go! 4

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3..2..1..boom 5 source:

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Loggers: regain control logging 6

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Loggers: regain control logging ■ Logs are streams of events ■ Logging is the act of keeping a log ■ Tells what is the state of a system ■ Helps recreate erroneous situation ■ Tracks user / system activities 10

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Loggers: regain control Simplest log 12

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Loggers: regain control Simplest log 13 System.out.print("Processing some data " + data); print 'processing data ' . $data; print 'processing data ' + data

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Loggers: regain control Simplest log 14 System.err.print("Something bad happened", exception); fwrite(fopen('php://stderr', 'w'), 'Exception! ' . $ex); sys.stderr.write('Exception ' + ex )

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Loggers: regain control Explosion of Logging Frameworks 15

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Loggers: regain control Loggers ■ Log4j, JUL, JCL, Logback, Log4j2 ■ PSR-3 interface, Monolog, Analog, Log4php 16 ■ ELMAH, NLog, Microsoft Enterprise Library, NSpring, log4Net ■ Py std logging mod, logbook Loooots of logging frameworks

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Loggers: regain control Loggers 17 log.error("Error logging in", authException);"Returning user with billing for phoneNo " . phoneNo); log.trace("Received Http headers: " . responseEntity.getHeaders());

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Loggers: regain control Logger construction 18

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Loggers: regain control Logger construction 19 Typical loger structure ■ Logger - captures / accepts event or message ■ Formatter - formats output ■ Handler / Appender - pushes formatted log message / structure to destination sink

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Loggers: regain control Logger construction 20 Logger ■ Has name or category ■ Event or message and opt. Exception ■ Severity level

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Loggers: regain control Logger construction 21 Formatter ■ [%datetime%] %channel%.%level_name%: %message% %context% %extra% ■ yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS, [%thread], %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n ■ ${CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN:-%clr(%d{${LOG_DATEFORMAT_PATTERN:-yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}}){faint} %clr(${LOG_LEVEL_PATTERN:-%5p}) %clr(${PID:- }){magenta} %clr(---){faint} %clr([%15.15t]){faint} %clr(%-40.40logger{39}){cyan} %clr(:){faint} %m%n${LOG_EXCEPTION_CONVERSION_WORD:-%wEx}}

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Loggers: regain control Logger construction Handler / Appender ■ Syslog ■ Console ■ File ■ Database ■ Mail ■ Logging System ■ others... 22

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Loggers: regain control Logging levels 23

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Loggers: regain control Logging levels ■ Logging levels map event importance and detail depth ■ Typical severity levels ● FATAL ● ERROR ● WARN ● INFO ● DEBUG ● TRACE 24

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Loggers: regain control Logging levels Apache HTTP server / rfc5424 - syslog / monolog ■ Emerg - Emergencies — system is unusable ■ Alert - Immediate action required ■ Crit - Critical conditions ■ Error - Error conditions ■ Warn - Warning conditions ■ Notice - Normal but significant condition ■ Info - Informational ■ Debug - Debug-level messages ■ Trace1-8 - Trace messages 25

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Loggers: regain control Logging levels Log4j / Logback / others / common sense ■ FATAL* ■ ERROR ■ WARN ■ INFO ■ DEBUG ■ TRACE *note: FATAL is mapped to ERROR in Logback 26

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Loggers: regain control Logging levels FATAL Level ■ Unhandled exceptions 27

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Loggers: regain control Logging levels ERROR Level ■ Handled exceptions ■ Invalid login attempts ■ Bad data, intercepted for reporting 28

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Loggers: regain control Logging levels INFO Level ■ The start and end of major calls ■ Calls of an external systems ■ Important moments in application cycle 29

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Loggers: regain control Logging levels DEBUG Level ■ Steps important for flow recreation ■ Major data ■ Developer tips on program execution 30

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Loggers: regain control Logging levels TRACE Level ■ Detailed params and data ■ Detailed steps 31

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Loggers: regain control Logging levels Staying alive ■ Use common sense ■ Don’t overuse logging ■ Don’t flood with logging events 32

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Loggers: regain control Logging levels When rolling to production ■ Start with DEBUG or TRACE for your code ■ After some time upgrade to WARN ■ Split output to several files (app logic, SQL, exchange with other systems, security) 33

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Loggers: regain control Mapped Diagnostic Context 34

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Loggers: regain control MDC 35 ■ Contains call context that helps diagnose ■ Global to current call ■ Filled programmatically ● MDC.put(‘key’, ‘value’) ■ Available at all levels of program flow ● MDC.get(‘key’)

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Loggers: regain control Multi-node environment 36

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Loggers: regain control Multi-node environment 37 ■ Load balanced copies of system ■ Microservice nodes ■ Multi-system environments

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Loggers: regain control Multi-node environment 38 Characteristics ■ Request spans across many nodes ■ Generate big amounts of logs ■ Introduces problem of tracking single request ● Add an unique call id and pass it to all nodes during req ● Add the unique call id to all logs (through MDC for ex)

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Loggers: regain control Multi-node environment 39 ■ Use ELK to gather logs ■ Use tracing solution ● ● Zipkin

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Loggers: regain control Logging tips 40

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Loggers: regain control Logging tips 41 Important rules ■ Set same log rules across all systems / services ● What data to which levels, not to confuse INFO with DEBUG ● Same logging formats / layouts

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Loggers: regain control Logging tips 42 Important rules ■ Enable / implement dynamic level change ● Through observed logger config or JMX ● Crucial on production when problem occurs ■ Discuss rules with all Teams and sign it with blood

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Loggers: regain control Logging tips 43 ■ Debugging is cool but not on production - you need logs ■ If you’d have to perform post-mortem debugging/analysis on remote system, you need good logs ■ If you’d support legacy system you will appreciate good logging

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Loggers: regain control Logging tips 44 ■ Sometimes logs are an evidence that other Vendor’s system failed - not yours ■ From Bank or Telecom you will only get (obfuscated) logs ■ Tell Application Support guys that you don’t have logs in your app

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Loggers: regain control Logging tips 45 ■ During crash generate some kind of ID (UUID) and store it in logs with stacktrace ■ Present User with error ID. They will help you discover error faster } catch (HttpClientErrorException e) { String errorID = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); log.error("Error fetching billing for phoneNo [{}]. Error ID [{}]", phoneNo, errorID, e); throw new ApplicationException(String.format("Error occurred while fetching billing. Error ID [%s]. Our engineers are fixing this!", errorID), e); }

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Loggers: regain control Logging tips 46 ■ Use asynchronous Appenders source:

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Loggers: regain control Logging Backend (ELK) 47

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Elasticsearch+Logstash+Kibana 48

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ELK 49

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Loggers: regain control Demo 50

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Loggers: regain control 51 APP Java Spring boot Logback mysql Billing PHP7 Monolog Straszny Operator

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Loggers: regain control 52 APP Java Spring boot Logback mysql Billing PHP7 Monolog Straszny Operator ELK

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Loggers: regain control Containers 53

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Loggers: regain control Containers Kubernetes logging concept: (...)The easiest and most embraced logging method for containerized applications is to write to the standard output and standard error streams.(...) 54

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Loggers: regain control Containers Kubernetes logging concept: 55

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Loggers: regain control Containers Kubernetes logging concept: 56

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Loggers: regain control Containers 57 System.out.print("Processing some data " + data); print 'processing data ' . $data; print 'processing data ' + data

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Loggers: regain control Q&A 58

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Thank you! Loggers: regain control over you application Bartek Zdanowski 60