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Applying OSINT while sourcing for talent @SourcingDenis

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@SourcingDenis Ahoj

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OSINT – Open Source Intelligence also known as the deep web. Also known as the non-indexed part of the web; Open Source Intelligence is the art of collecting information which is scattered on publicly available sources. In contrast to traditional intelligence methods, OSINT utilises overt channels for gathering information; The added benefit is that there is no direct interaction with the target which substantially reduces the chances of raising any red flags.

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OSINT Process

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Data + OSINT Process

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Information + Data + OSINT Process

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Analysis Information + Data + OSINT Process

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Intelligence = Analysis Information + Data + OSINT Process

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Research Process Define

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Hypothesise Define Research Process

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Capture Hypothesise Define Research Process

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Organise Capture Hypothesise Define Research Process

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Summarise Organise Capture Hypothesise Define Research Process

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Synthesise Summarise Organise Capture Hypothesise Define Research Process

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No content

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7 OSINT examples in action

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(“privileged information” OR “do not distribute” OR commercial in confidence” OR private OR embargoed OR prohibited OR restricted OR “confidential” OR “internal use only” OR “not for distribution” OR “not for public distribution” OR “classified”) + COMPANY KEYWORDS Searching for confidential information 1

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2 Reverse Image Search

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he | she “Brno, Czech Republic” (inurl:people OR inurl:staff OR inurl:employees OR inurl:associates intitle:index.of (people OR staff OR directory OR OR OR members OR attendees OR subscribers OR chapter OR meeting.minutes OR alumni OR officers OR contacts OR ambassadors OR employees OR associates) “Brno, Czech Republic” 4 Finding people directories:

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Proper ways of Googling a person: 6

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Recruitment related intelligence to reveal: • What location do competitors have or plan to open? • How large are those locations? • How many openings in a department/team over a specific milestone? Is the same job always open? • Increase in job postings to specific areas of growth? • Removal of job postings predicts “bad news” before it happens? • Apply for the job posting as an ideal candidate and what happens? • What does response or lack of response tell you?

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• Creditors • Patents • Licences • Vendors • Suppliers • Donors • Publications • Extension Ranges • Authors • Office Codes • Email Domains • Stock Symbols • Abbreviations • Location & Branch Names Acronyms and more.. Stay creative

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#OSINT Tools

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#OSINT People to keep an eye on:

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To learn more

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Thank You! Q&A ❤